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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. v3: * Update for KSP 1.0.5. * Show Cd*S and Cl*S and ballistic coefficient for current attitude.
  2. Unless there's an AVC version file included, CKAN KSP-compatible-version is set manually, so someone needs to update this mod's metadata on CKAN to show that the current release is for 1.0.5 and not 1.0.4, and vice versa for the older releases.
  3. Then you did not properly install the current version of RSS. Unless by "bases" you mean ability to switch KSC location, which is a feature of KSC Switcher, and has absolutely nothing to do with RemoteTech (nor, indeed, RSS, except to the extent that RSS provides a list of sites for it when KSC Switcher is installed).
  4. The stock parts support the axis restriction, they just don't have the buttons enabled in the editor to do it ingame. A simple plugin module could sit beside the RCS module and toggle those. ialdabaoth: I gave up on doing EFFECTS because there would need to be a way to handle it per thruster transform rather than for all transforms at once, and I didn't have time to write something like that. Per Starwaster, with pretty much all the current functionality of this mod in stock, this will not be maintained. Please let the CKAN people know if you are able to install this on 1.0.5, because you should not and they should fix that.
  5. Whether or not you are using CKAN, there no longer is a separate file.
  6. Avco H-31 Rapier (Feb 1938): As with the Dauntless, the Rapier’s origins cannot be separated from the “hyper engine†program of the USAF. In the late 1920s, USAF engineers embarked on an ambitious program to make an engine capable of developing at least 1 horsepower per cubic inch of displacement and per pound of weight. While eventually all the Great Powers’ engines would reach that level, it was a fantastic goal even for 1930, and it was in part driven by a paper claiming such an engine was “impossible†with existing valve technology. While the I-1730 engine would take until 1937 to mature, when it did it provided excellent performance, especially when used with the USAF’s “crown jewel†technology, the turbosupercharger. On the expectation of the I-1730’s eventual performance, in 1934 the USAF let out a Request for Proposal to replace the Thunderbird, just then about to enter service, and other general-purpose hunters like the Demon. Of the responses, those from Avco and Douglas were selected for future development; while the Dauntless would have its own share of developmental issues, the XH-31 prototype was ready well before production I-1730s were available, and it was not until the B model that the kinks of the engine were worked out. The new hunter was designed around a laminar flow wing like its German contemporary, the Falke, and featured a similar planform, but instead of a two-stage supercharger it used a turbocharger for better altitude performance and fuel economy. Lighter than the Falke and faster, though less rugged and with a weaker armament (3x 20mm cannon, one firing through the propeller hub), the Rapier lived up to its name. With excellent performance from sea level to 25,000ft, higher in later models, and more nimble and faster than the Starship, the Rapier was the primary US escort and air superiority hunter of the Intervention and the early Second World War. H-31B: 6790lb dry, 8796lb loaded, 1920HP, 465mph, 3x 20mm cannon. H-31D (1939): 6635lb dry, 9083lb loaded, 2550HP, 521mph, 3x 20mm cannon. H-31B "Dixie Doll", outside Sisteron, late May 1938. H-31D "Lucky Strike", after return from a patrol over Milan, April 1939.
  7. 5 liters is right for LF, OX, and probably Monoprop too. Xenon is totally different.
  8. Heh. Well, I finally had some time, not being in 1.0.5 crunch mode anymore. So I was able to finally get some (non-work) work done.
  9. Yes. Add a Realchute conic chute and adjust its size using the same way (action group mode, click on chute, choose resize) you adjust anything else.
  10. stagingToggleEnabledEditor = True also set stagingEnableText = Fairings: Set Staged stagingDisableText = Fairings: Set Unstaged (or whatever text you want)
  11. 1. It's not an asteroid day bug. It's a bug in KSP's contract system. 2. It was fixed a month ago, and that fix is in 1.0.5 too.
  12. If you have a box of known dimensions, and you have the projected area of the item on each of the box's faces, you can fairly easily guesstimate the item's actual total volume.
  13. Note you can just add a field to the MODULE for any module that activates on staging, to turn on the toggle.
  14. The amount shown does not actually tell you whether your engines are having their requirement met. Instead, right-click on your engine to see the percentage of its fuel and oxidizer/air requirement met. (The intake bar could be full and your engines could be flamed out from combustion failing, or conversely the intake bar could be empty but your engines could still be getting 100% of what they need)
  15. RealFuels should, by the spec of the IPartMassModifier interface, return the mass delta between the prefab mass and the current part mass (absent resource mass of course). Please tell me if it is not doing so.
  16. The hotfix changed how water drag was applied. That broke FAR's old method of disabling stock water drag. When ferram released the FAR update, however, there was a slight hiccup in release. So there were two issues here.
  17. I definitely tested during QA to make sure a heatshielded Mk1-2 capsule could survive a 6km/sec (surface speed at 90km) single pass aerocapture->reentry.
  18. In KSP we don't have any high-thrust solids, and Mainsals aren't surface attachable (and have big tankbutts) so you can't easily cluster them on a 3.75m stack. Both factors combine to mean that while the KS-25 *looks* like an RS-25, it performs like an RD-191 (and the Mammoth an RD-171), not like an SSME. Or rather, since everything's storable, an RD-275.
  19. If I had found them, don't you think I would have fixed them? And temperature on right click is done by alt-f12->Physics->Thermal->Show thermal data. Stock KSP.
  20. They are initialized on a dummy object so that GetOrder() can be called to find out their sort order. That dummy object is then destroyed.
  21. Try going deeper. There's definitely a decline based on above water vs below water...
  22. Also, buoyancy has a 1.2x scalar, so effectively Kerbin's ocean has a density of 1.2t / m^3. That means for a 2.3m^3 tank (i.e. of FL-T400 size) you need 2.76+ tonnes.
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