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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. lextacy: The OP states the RF does not come with any engine configs. It directs you to the second post, which has links.
  2. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/125397-Historical-Rockets-Probes-and-Stations
  3. The number of bugfixes involved--and given how far afield they roam--means that many plugins probably will need a recompile (perhaps with some minor changes). I would not expect all plugins to work day zero.
  4. I hate to be all l2p, but...9167m/s is plenty to achieve the historical orbit. You just have to nail your ascent. 150x250km with the time to orbit and TWRs of Titan is about 9100m/s last time I tried. chrisl: Launching without a parking orbit is slightly cheaper than orbit and later TLI, because in the second case your perigee needs to be above (the bulk of) the atmosphere, whereas in the first case you don't have to raise your perigee at all. However, in order to fly direct ascent like this, you need to launch during a launch window--if you do TLI from a parking orbit you get a window per day, but if you fly direct ascent there's only one a month or so (i.e. just like everybody at higher latitudes than the Cape).
  5. 1. Yes. 2. Should be, yes, nothing changed there. 3. Plugins will probably require some work. Whole lotta bugfixes, that implies some code changes required on the mod side.
  6. Yes, that it says "damage" not "heated" is a known bug.
  7. As I mentioned when you started, it's great that it exists, keep up the good work
  8. Thanks! Sorted now. v10.5 Updates TantaresLV configs to 1.04 compatibility (thanks Niemand303) Removed duplicate misnamed EGC folder (thanks NathanKell) Plumes for all StarShine Merlin engine configs (thanks A1Ch1) Makes the Conic Cockpit look better (thanks Randazzo) Fixed ignition count for RL-10, removed tweakscale (thanks SirKeplan) Removes ablation from stock fairings (thanks NathanKell) Change RL10 default to RL10A-3 config (thanks NathanKell) R7 engines added for RO and RP-0 (thanks stratochief, SirKeplan, and regex) More RT compatibility Fixes (thanks Peppie23, NathanKell) Set mass of Guidance Rings (thanks NathanKell) BobCat N1 fixes (thanks SirKeplan) Added SAS skill levels to avionic parts (thanks NathanKell) Removed need to ullage from AJ10-190 to match real (thanks NathanKell) A-4 fixes (thanks NathanKell) Added GEM63 & GEM63XL configs & plumes for KW (thanks A1Ch1) CECE fixes for all mods that contain it (thanks A1Ch1) EC Flow mode is now Stage Priority in RO & RP-0 Add thrustCurve for AJ-60A (thanks A1Ch1) Adjust thrust cuve of KW EAP (thanks A1Ch1) Add additional proc wing types with varying maxtemps (thanks NathanKell) Adds Bell 8096 & 8096-39 configs (thanks PhineasFreak) Adds compatibility for stock radatiors (thanks PhineasFreak) Tantares, Vostok, Soyuz improvements all around (thanks Niemand303) Proton, BE-4 addition and fixes (thanks Niemand303) KAS/KIS - No Longer Used (thanks RedAV8R) Add Liquidhype configs & plumes (thanks A1Ch1) Set a sane X-1 cockpit skin temp (thanks NathanKell) Fixed FASA M1 restart count (thanks Raidernick) Rework of FASA White Gemini (thanks NathanKell) Updates to Procedural handling, Mechjeb handling (thanks RedAV8R) Improved naming standardization (thanks RedAV8R) Updated to new KK transforms (thanks Raidernick) Added RL10A-5 config (thanks SirKeplin) Removed legacy Lovad configs (thanks RedAV8R) Fixes to RT dependencies (thanks A1Ch1) Many, many more CMES parts now RO compatible (thanks PhineasFreak) RL10 config tweaks (thanks A1Ch1) The FASA Mercury LES has the decouple back again (thanks NathanKell) SSTU configuration added for the Ares V and Orion capsule (thanks stratochief, JoseEduardo) SSTU configuration added for the ICPS and EUS upper stages (thanks stratochief, A1Ch1) SSTU core tanks reconfigured to handy sizes for RO, up to 10 metres (thanks JoseEduardo) SSTU RealPlume configs (thanks stratochief, A1Ch1) Delta III additions from KK (thanks raidernick) An update to the FASA Atlas Agena .craft (thanks stratochief) SSTU SRB configs complete (thanks JoseEduardo and A1Ch1) SXT lunar module configured (thanks Niemand303) Many Tantares *.craft files added for ease of use (thanks Niemand303) KK *.craft and sub-assemblies added for ease of use (thanks raidernick) Many SXT aircraft parts configured (thanks winged7) B9 aircraft parts configured (thanks winged7) SXT N1 configured (thanks Niemand303) RN LOK & LK complex updates and fixes (thanks raidernick) additions and corrections to FASA Atlas tanks (thanks ctiberious) FASA UA1207 attachment fixed (thanks ctiberious) FASA Apollo CM RCS ISP fixed (thanks ctiberious) Bobcat Ares I & V configured for RO (thanks raidernick) SSTU lander WIP configs added (thanks JoseEduardo)
  9. 20km on Kerbin is 82,000ft on Earth, so...yeah.
  10. v10.3 the "Thanks Everybody!" update RSS itself now contains groundstation definitions for RemoteTech, with the full networks appearing when RealismOverhaul is installed (via NEEDS--the files are here). Thanks Peppie, regex! Patch AntennaRange antenna ranges, if that's installed. Thanks Kerbas-ad-astra! Update CustomAsteroids config. Thanks Ascraeus1! Various compatability patches thanks to Sigma88. Fix some typos in body descriptions, biomes. Thanks Trollception et al! Fix Mars scaled space fades. Thanks Raidernick! Fix science altitude thresholds. Thanks Laie! Update to Kopernicus 0.4
  11. Ah, with both open at once, both using the same save file? Because that's about equivalent to what you're asking.
  12. Is it possible to run both KSP 1.0.4 and KSP 0.90 at the same time on the same save?
  13. 1.0.5. (And Ven applying the same change to the ModuleJettison configs that we do for heatshields)
  14. Happily, the issue that forces KSPDependency usage to keep versions constant has been fixed in 1.0.5, so Sarbian can start using new version numbers.
  15. Correct. If wing pieces are in the same exact orientation (i.e. both are 'flat' to each other) and have the same lift rating, they will behave identically in terms of lift and drag, no matter their visual geometry or location on the craft.
  16. It does have skin friction drag, by dint of drag being nonzero and proportional to wing area at 0 AoA.
  17. More wing area, lower sweep, higher aspect ratio. That'll make high-speed performance worse, of course.
  18. 1 sounds more like a question for the RF Stockalike thread. RF doesn't actually include engine configs, just everything else. In real life, however, engines pretty much can only run on one mixture (though the mixture ratio can vary). In some few cases you can get away with substituting one fuel for another, or one oxidizer for another. 2. The V-2 used 75% Ethanol / 25% water as the fuel. That is the propellant Ethanol75, which RealFuels has had since...well, about since it started.
  19. Fengist, just as a general note, if you want to publish PM correspondence, do please ask (it's against the forum rules to do so without permission). I will retroactively grant permission in this case, but...
  20. You're right, Squad should totally go into the OS and change how 'working directory' and 'run from' work.
  21. 10km is only .1763 sea level pressure, so very nearly vacuum thrust already. 636 out of 650 kN.
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