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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Lilienthal: I agree. I've been trying to release for...a few weeks now, I just haven't been able to scrape up the time Plus contributors keep sending in PRs with new awesome stuff...
  2. jancando: As of quite a few versions of RO ago, all engines are made surface-attachable... >.> Uace24: There still seems to be incompatibility between RO and KW Community Fixes. Nuke KW Community Fixes, for now.
  3. The RF configs are done per mod, and mostly in RO_SuggestedMods/(modname)/RO_(modname)_Engines.cfg for any given mod (or Squad).
  4. Awesome, thanks! Best if you make a release from your own github fork, then ckan can use that for metadata, but if you want to just link a zip CKAN can target that too.
  5. I can't, too busy. But anyone else is free to.
  6. I think you could trick ModuleAblator into doing this too.
  7. I believe that was mentioned in the dev notes some weeks ago when I was talking about the thermo overhaul in 1.0.5.
  8. The engine on the Redstone was very much a derived V-2 engine (100kN more thrust, 10s more Isp in vacuum, cylindrical not spherical combustion chamber) and it certainly put things in space (running Hydyne on Juno I, as well as in original form on Redstone-Sparta). All that was really needed was the guidance for a 3-axis stabilized body unit to aim spin-stabilized apogee kick motors (whether solid or liquid)--and, of course, uprating the thrust enough to carry upper stages. Even ignoring V-2-derived hardware, however, I highly recommend reading up on two things, first the US Navy's High Altitude Test Vehicle program starting in 1946, and second the answering study from the USAF the RAND Corporation's World Circling Space Ship study of May 1946. Sadly, the HATV program was blocked by the Air Force, who saw no interest in orbit at the time (though they commissioned the RAND study to keep an oar in the water).
  9. Enorats: US suborbital flights had about a 1:5 ratio of apogee height to downrange distance, and even that led to 11Gs on reentry. As to engines: as Starwaster says, working as designed. You're expected to use proc tanks and proc fairings for LV construction, too, since excepting replica rocket tanks, you're almost always going to want to precisely control your diameter, height, and shape.
  10. Speaking of CKAN, Alewx, one final request: Can you make a zip rather than a rar? CKAN can't read rar, alas.
  11. , is AND in HAS, yes. Note, however, spaces are death. Don't use spaces. Going back a bit, re: engines. If someone bothered to copy over the default config into the ModuleEngines node (as RO patches used to do, but no longer bother with) that will work. Otherwise as Story says it's going to break things.
  12. Hmm, thought I was only swapping things to ModuleEnignesRF if they had a ModuleEngineConfigs. Apparently not?
  13. AVC thinks this is incompatible because, well, the last release was so long ago that it was for 1.0.2.
  14. Yep! That's how they all got made in the first place...that's the point of KSC Switcher, it just reads in cfg data.
  15. iBeej: Max Q is far from first-stage burnout. If you want to fly direct ascents in KSP, you have to unlearn the KSP feitshization of ~moar boosters~. You'll need a first stage that will leave you at about 1km/sec and an apoapsis of maybe 55km, and then a low-TWR second stage if ~km/sec that takes about a minute longer to burn out than your time-to-apoapsis at ignition (maybe only 30s longer, it's been a while). If you burn that stage purely horizontally, you should hit orbital velocity just as you hit your new perigee of 70km. You can then perform a small (~10m/s) circularization burn half a world away at your desired apogee. Note that the Shuttle's insertion burn was only a few dozen m/s, tops--it basically achieved orbit on the SSMEs, and tuned that orbit with OMS, you can't really call OMS a third stage in any traditional sense, any more than you can call Soyuz's Service Module a third stage.
  16. Things with ModuleLiftingSurface (Or ModuleControlSurface which derives from it) perform like airfoils. You get rather more lift from them than the flatplate lift you get from non-airfoils. That doesn't really have anything to do with delta v, however.
  17. It's even a stock feature that's in the list of changeable keybinds, guys.
  18. That'd be wonderful; I keep meaning to work on the configs myself but, well, time.
  19. Be warned: You will break physics. Especially thermo.
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