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Everything posted by zengei

  1. There's an actively maintained version here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/112589
  2. Turns out it's actually already possible, just not used frequently (or currently at all I don't think). An incomplete .netkan file (the precursor to a .ckan file, used by the indexer bot) to do this looks like: { "spec_version": 1, "identifier": "HyperEdit", "name": "HyperEdit", "$kref": "#/ckan/http/http://www.kerbaltek.com/_downloads/hyperedit/HyperEdit-1.4.1_for-KSP-1.0.zip", "$vref": "#/ckan/ksp-avc" } The only rub is that you would need something like a HyperEdit-latest.zip file, that always points to the most recent release. I've also submitted a proposal that would do away with that requirement and give mod authors more proactive control of metadata.
  3. Turns out a pull request already exists from a day ago. NetKAN (CKAN's indexer) can automatically update mods released via Kerbal Stuff or GitHub. I've been thinking of proposing a way for self-hosted mods to automatically indexed.
  4. Requests like this should go to the CKAN thread, it's rare that the mod author is responsible for the CKAN metadata, but I'll make a pull request to this fix.
  5. BTW CaptRobau, you can also move the TextureReplacer/TextureReplacerOPM.cfg file into the OPM directory as TextureReplacer will also read it from anywhere in GameData (tested it myself).
  6. Thanks, I'll have to look into it some more, there seem be some more multipliers (HeatProduction, InternalHeatProductionFactor, etc.) that really confuse what the units of TemperatureModifier are meant to be (and thus what it would physically represent). But if the end result are kilowatts, then from my reading of the calcs, TemperatureModifier and the rest should multiply out to units of Kelvin. Answering, my own question here: from testing it out it appears that setting a FlowMode = NO_FLOW on the OUTPUT_RESOURCE produces the intended effect.
  7. Does anyone have any pointers in using the GeneratesHeat flag on ModuleResourceConverter? Specifically around controlling the amount of heat generated. The best that I can tell, the only other input into the system is a TemperatureModifier field, which appears to just be a dimensionless scalar multiplier. Is there anyway I can specify "This conversion produces x Joules of heat energy"? Specifically, I want to make some MM patches to convert the stock Fuel Cells to use CRP resources (Hydrogen, Oxygen, Water). That itself is straightforward, but I also want to generate heat as a byproduct, the question is how to accurately model that. On a related note, I also want to add Hydrogen and Oxygen "evaporator" converters to the fuel cells, which consume LqdHydrogen and LqdOxygen and produce Hydrogen and Oxygen respectively; again, that is straight forward, but I would also like to absorb heat from the part to do so, so I set GeneratesHeat to true and TemperatureModifier to a negative value, which seems to have the correct effect of lowering the part's temperature when the evaporator is active. That seems kind of hacky though, any potential pitfalls with doing that? Also, is there a way to control the flow of output resources so that any Hydrogen or Oxygen generated by the built-in evaporators can only be used by the Fuel Cell?
  8. It's already indexed by CKAN, but it would have to be updated on Kerbal Stuff.
  9. There's nothing to include, ModuleAnimateEmissive only contains source files, no assemblies or configurations. That itself might be a packaging issue, but it's not specific to CKAN. EDIT: Actually now I see there's another folder below GameData, I'll see about making a pull request.
  10. ferram, FYI the mod website listed on Kerbal Stuff is wrong, it's: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/20451 when it should be http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/20451
  11. These mods require manual intervention to update, try to wait a reasonable amount of time (at least a day) for someone to get to it. In any case, these mods were already updated in CKAN prior to your post.
  12. Since KAS is only distributed via Curse it needs manual intervention with every update. I've submitted a pull request to do that. Also, most mod authors don't maintain their CKAN metadata, you're better off raising the issue in the CKAN thread or as an issue in the CKAN repositories, after a reasonable amount of time has passed (at least a day) since someone will likely get to it before then.
  13. The GitHub releases since 1.7.3 have just been the bare assembly file. CKAN requires distribution in a ZIP archive. I've raised an issue in the KSPAPIExtensions repository. Why can't you do that yourself?
  14. KIS is only distributed through Curse, unlike mods distributed through Kerbal Stuff or GitHub, it requires manual intervention with every update. I've made a pull request to update to version 1.1.4.
  15. Original pull request updated the existing file. I've submitted another pull request that creates a new one and cleans up some of the metadata.
  16. Nice, thanks. One more issue: the Adjustable Landing Gear parts don't generate dust, otherwise it looks good.
  17. Sweet, but looks like there's a regression with regards to Adjustable Landing Gear wheels, they're triggering sparks on the runway again. Don't see the check for BDAdjustableLandingGearthat was in the previous version. EDIT: It would also be cool if landing gear could trigger the dust effects on terrain, but not the sparks effects on surfaces.
  18. It's just a computer graphics thing. As far as I know OpenGL and DirectX also use 0-1 ranged floats to represent colors. I wouldn't be surprised if the graphics hardware also dealt with color as floating point values until its time to output them to the display.
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