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Everything posted by Toyotawolf

  1. I'll double check once I am home And to Mario.masters, no I don't have RSS installed, my solar system is all stock. I'll also list what mods I have once I get home, but most of my mods are parts mods, no real game changers.
  2. So just a question, and please I don't need all the "you shouldn't use mechjeb to do that" or "stop being lazy". All I want is whether it works and if the numbers I'm seeing are correct. First off I am trying to get to Duna or Eve using mechjeb, is this possible? Secondly when I get into Kerbin orbit at 100pe x 100ap and I select "transfer to another planet" and select Duna, I get a maneuver node anywhere from 33yrs off to 88yrs off.... Is that normal or am I missing something mundane?
  3. Anyone who knows me will tell you that compatibility with FAR is not high on my list of priorities. As for working with tweakables, everything is being looked at when it comes to WPA, unfortunately, real life has got in the way for most of us right now and I make no apologies or excuses for that, it is just a fact of life. So the ETA is as soon as we can, and list of changes is TBA.
  4. Not sure who you are talking to, but your comment comes off like a keyboard commando, just thought you should know.
  5. They may not have a stable one, but this is an alpha game they could at least try experimenting with it, other games out there are using unity 64bit
  6. Our R&D team is looking into it, but they currently had their man power reduced by 50%, as soon as I know more I'll let you know. Having said that preliminary assessments do not look good for procedural cargo bays. Stay tuned.
  7. We are going to be integrating the tech tree in an up coming release of WPA and we will be making a few tweaks to some parts and rebranding at least one part, the reaction wheels.
  8. We are looking at adding it to the tech tree, we have just had a sudden change of personnel and we are still figuring things out.
  9. Oh boy now you gone and done it, here come the keyboard commandos, *grabs some popcorn*
  10. Sorry I'm usually really on top of responding to you buys, my apologies, as for extending the cargo bay, hmmm we'll as Sierra has said, it is quite do-able. I'll talk to the r&d boys and see if they can fit it in their schedule, we currently have some real life commitments cropping up but rest assured we have heard the request and we shall see what we can do.
  11. The cargo bay in our pack has been re baked so it is a little different in its mechanics, I would download our pack and try that cargo bay, we can better assist that way
  12. As in some shots taking during the day when it is light out? I am at work currently so I can't take a look in game
  13. Can you get me some day time shots? It's really hard to see what I'm seeing in those shots
  14. AHHH!!!!!!! ITS A GHOST!!!!!......hmmm just in time for Halloween, well played
  15. What our team has been piecing together it sounds like an install issue, ie putting the game data folder inside the game data folder. Anyways glad it's fixed for you helix
  16. Interesting, I didn't know helix had logged a bug report, my bad, as for that issue, hmm, have you tried re downloading it from the spaceport? When did you do load it from the spaceport? It is possible I may need to reload it there.
  17. Hmm well, this was interesting the shuttles are very squirelly, hard to control. but love seeing the docking port
  18. I haven't had a chance to play with it yet, but hopefully before the end of the night
  19. We are working on a few surprises for you guys, might have a release for you this weekend
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