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Everything posted by Toyotawolf

  1. lol, yeah dont think we can call that last one a land, however it was very Kerbal of them
  2. I dont use life support either, the nice thing though is all the Dmagic science tools, have wedges for US, works so well, the little door opens, out come magnetomer boom and then suck it back in and its shielded.
  3. You should let the CKAN guys know about your mod so we can add it to the archive, it looks awesome.
  4. Wouldn't it just be easier to use your awesome mod, in conjunction with universal storage?
  5. Lol, if its that i need more fuel to land that is pretty lame because i would need close to double if not 3 times the fuel to land as i did before, i like you have landers that don't rely on parachutes, they are there only in case something goes horribly wrong
  6. Benjee when you say you tested this is 1.0 did you mean 1.0.2 cause there is definite changes to Aero between 1.0 and 1.0.2(thanky ou squad...not)?
  7. In my opinion this sort of mod should be stock, i mean NASA had a way to recover a lot of its stages, its sad that this was such a huge miss in the actual release.
  8. LOL nice, quoting yourself Dmagic lol keep up the good work man, we know you'll get it fixed, hel 1.0.2 has only been out for a day or two at most besides 1.0.3 will be out in a few days lol i kid
  9. There are parts that aren't working, for example landing guidance, so to say it works just fine is in error, HOWEVER having said that Sarbian is working on a fix.
  10. Looking forward to it Snjo, like Dazpoet said, a lot of us using CKAN can't wait for the update keep up the good work.
  11. Ok this si something weird Tiberion, sometimes the orbital birtha doesn't ignite when staged......and i'm not using the igniter mod, i can then right click it and hit activate and away it goes.....oddd
  12. A quick question, is this mod going to be added to CKAN or rather is it already?
  13. I'll be buying Sarbian a 6 pack via PayPal once I can land my crafts again , no rush though Sarbian, I'll throw in a pizza if its within the next few days lol, again just kidding no rush.
  14. Are you having any issues bringing it back down using the landing guidance? I'm trying to figure out if it is the NP2 engines or MJ2
  15. We are rooting for you dude, we love this mod take your time and don't feel pressured
  16. Yeah what Rasta said, let's keep in mind that out of the major packs KW and NP2, Tiberion has pushed his work to try to get it to us soon, so yes test the experimental build and post any issues you have to this thread and Tiberion will collate and adjust in between the well deserved beers we hope he is enjoying, or pie, whichever his pleasure may be.
  17. Update on my previous post, I was able to get into a stable orbit but when selecting the KSC and then trying to land at it, the autopilot, couldn't get it figured out, it kept flipping end over end and thrusting in each direction, the closest it ended up coming was 3km from target in which I shut off the autopilot, and landed using parachutes. Hopefully this is something that gets caught in the next patch because I really want to be able to bring my kerbal said home, not have one way missions where re try is a 50/50 chance lol. Keep up the good work Sarbian, have some beers and kick back this weekend, the world won't end if mechael isn't fixed
  18. I am having some funky stuff happening with the landing module, it cant seem to get itself sorted out, am i the only one? the closest i can get is 300km from the target, conversely if i just hit land somewhere it seems to bury me in the ground odd
  19. another odd thing that is happening is when i go to attach some nose cones(am-27 or am-25) to any boosters the symmetry doesn't work, even though i have it set to 4 it only wants to put one on.
  20. Oh so its nto just me exploding with the parachutes then yay!
  21. well yeah james but....then....but....yeah i got no real good response, other than how the hell does my universal storage device over heat when its closed and inside the ship, stupid crap lol
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