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Everything posted by blackice504
[1.2.2] B9 Aerospace | Release 6.2.1 (Old Thread)
blackice504 replied to bac9's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Hi Bac9 please don't panda to the children that demand an update every time ksp updates, personally their update policy is crazy to say the lease well not as crazy as adobe "adobe might run out of version numbers one day LOL", but anyway i think what you did with your last update with the HX parts and all the modular goodness was the best concept to save ram and keep functionality and flexibility, i really don't think half of the kidz understand how much work went into that, but anyway Don't give up on it and when you get the time to do an update i am sure it will be well worth the wait. So in short Thanks for the 1400 Hours of fun over the years. "well according to steam" and when you release i am sure i will enjoy that too. - - - Updated - - - What rock you been living under? No this does not work with 1.0.4.xxx You can download the dev build as many people have mentioned before if you been following the thread. https://bitbucket.org/blowfishpro/b9-aerospace but its a dev/maintenance version so don't expect it to be perfect, but from what most people are saying it mostly works. Kids....... what the hell do they learn in schools now days.- 4,460 replies
Hello, you asked if you missed plug-in you did. NavUtilities 0.5.1_RC1 works on the latest version of KSP with RPM v0.21.1, i have run many tests with no problems but i will keep testing anyway. Nav Utilities make it easier to align your vessel to the runway or pad. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/85353-1-0-2-NavUtilities-ft-HSI-Instrument-Landing-System-v0-5-1-RC-1-*June-2015*
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- iva
- rasterpropmonitor
(and 1 more)
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All Landing Gear Steerable
blackice504 replied to ArcticX9's topic in KSP1 Suggestions & Development Discussion
Hi, all i was looking into this problem as well as you can see by the model it does have lights "lamps" and it has a break indicator, but the config file has no mention of lamp, i did some more snooping by opening the model up in blender and looked at the original landing gear and seen how the light works there but one thing i noticed is its a different setup and some stuff missing. something else comes to mind the LY-10 Small Landing Gear gear status light does not work anymore it just stays green and config file has no mention of a status light....... PART { name = GearLarge module = Part author = Porkjet mesh = model.mu scale = 1.0 rescaleFactor = 1.0 node_attach = 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1 TechRequired = heavyLanding entryCost = 6400 cost = 1200 category = Utility subcategory = 0 title = LY-99 Large Landing Gear manufacturer = LightYear Tire Company // it can't all be [C7 Aerospace Division] description = Heavy-duty retractable landing gear. With it's four large tires and sturdy assembly it's the gear of choice for heavy cargo planes and airliners. attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1 mass = 0.6 thermalMassModifier = 4.0 // heatConductivity = 0.06 emissiveConstant = 0.95 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.3 minimum_drag = 0.2 angularDrag = 1 maxTemp = 2700 crashTolerance = 70 breakingForce = 50 breakingTorque = 50 // PhysicsSignificance = 1 // I think this should have mass bulkheadProfiles = srf DRAG_CUBE { cube = RETRACTED, 2.668421,0.7828922,0.7107495, 2.668421,0.78283,0.7107495, 2.770018,0.8184504,0.7037734, 2.770018,0.7823612,0.7437038, 0.9675053,0.5827737,1.15612, 0.9675053,0.2873546,2.339442, 3.039837E-06,0.08524656,0.1619515, 1.227095,1.072782,3.268359 cube = DEPLOYED, 4.769676,0.8709047,1.2333, 4.770842,0.870423,1.2333, 3.373985,0.7576349,3.416735, 3.373985,0.7137473,3.610135, 2.119894,0.6172727,3.291952, 2.119894,0.5126448,3.05974, 2.980232E-06,-1.40114,0.1545382, 1.815971,3.909752,3.283185 } MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Wheel/LandingGear/GearLarge scale = 1.25, 1.25, 1.25 } MODULE { name = ModuleLandingGear animationName = LandingGearLargeDeploy BrakeTorque = 12 BrakeSpeed = 3 startingState = DEPLOYED wheelName = wheel suspensionParentName = WheelRetract statusLightName = BrakeIndicator <<< changed from spotlight. reverseAnimation = true StartDeployed = true } MODULE { name = FXModuleLookAtConstraint CONSTRAINLOOKFX { targetName = anchor2 rotatorsName = link1 } CONSTRAINLOOKFX { targetName = anchor1 rotatorsName = link2 } } MODULE <<<< added { name = ModuleLight lightName = Spotlight <<< tried spotlight and lamp useAutoDim = true } } example. large.mu bounds.002 large.001 +prong +wheelretract +Emissive +brakeindicator << missing setup +lamp001 +spotlight <<< missing beam setup. conclusion its just an oversight and they will fix in next update or they maybe slowly improving on how lights work as there is oversight or bug ect with KSP lights since the addition of been able to change the light colours, when you change the light colours the light source stays white while the refraction of the light is correct but this is mainly with the Illuminator Mk1 and Mk2 some mods have this problem as well but not many. Let's just hope they know about the issue and fix it when they get the chance, but this issue is mainly aesthetics. as for steering i agree that all of the wheels should steer with the "LY-01 fixed" as its not designed to steer. -
Tweakscale is a mode that gives you a UI to adjust the size of things this is something that should be in the game as it saves on parts thus saving ram for a game that has such limited resources "Unity" it should be done already, Thanks to Modders. gimped Nvidia PhysX support, not only is it running in software mode CPU, it only runs on a single thread Because Unity is Single Thread. <<<< crazy for a game that has heavy physX use. Unity the best way to limit your game. Lets hope they drop the PS4 [bleep] and just get Unity 5 at leased that has native 64bit...... Seriously why the hell would you want to play a game like this on PS4 or Xbox or any other console......, you can't mod the game so your stuck with boring stock parts and very limited plane parts some parts don't even match each other ect, besides pc prices been so low now days its .... easy to make a pc for a similar price then your not limited by corp BS. besides it would be easier to port a game that's more complete then porting something that is only half complete so i have no idea what the dev's are thinking or maybe funds are getting low and if that is the case they should maybe let people know. I personally be happy to give some more money towards dev if that is the case, or they could do a merchandise run as well. "who would not want a little Kerbal figurine, or a model rocket, or even just a shirt or something if money is the issue. One last note i really do think that KSP should look at some of the popular mods and implement ones that save there ass, Tweakscale been one, raster prop monitor, b9. think of this scenario the new 1.04 has scan sats ect that would work perfectly with raster prop monitor especially docking cam's plus the other addon's to raster prop monitor, KAS and KIS add more game play mechanics. "building on other planets and more EVA stuff". But that been said the leased they can do is fix the flaws of the game which is mostly unity related but they wanted unity so they got unity..... For the most part i do enjoy the game and i only give criticism because i want the game to be better so please kidz remember that.
If any company gives them self more time and not rush things out the door it would be no issue to begin with that makes a program / game useless. Just like Minecraft and Freelancer and many other games that have mods many of these mods offer far more content and game play mechanics then the games there based on hence many people use mods. So please stop defending them there not the only company out there doing this sort of thing its a big problem though the I.T industry, Adobe been the biggest offender but then again they make money every time they trick people into installing bloat ware, give praise where its due and criticism when needed or we will all be in a world of .... storms. kids just need to learn to wait instead of jumping on the latest stuff.
Hey steve i tend to agree with what your saying, i personally would never use such an Engine to build a game on because its so out dated and rather spend the time making things from scratch if i have to rather then put up with a ....ty engine and the luxury of some prefab content, but we clearly are a different breed, but its too late for many of these games to change engines now i mainly bring it up because you would be surprised at how many programmers don't know anything about hardware ect or don't know that some hardware has been out for soo many years that the chances of a person using z hardware with a program are nill, i mainly bring it up to let people know if they are planing on releasing a game similar to ksp or just making a game at the same time been a little frustrated as for me I.T is not just a hobby its my whole life. Another way of putting it is i have no idea why people back windows 8.1 or 10 when its a fail, not because of start bar or online cloud .... that you can never fully turn off, but the fact that it takes longer to use "not talking about performance" especially if your a person who gives support or a person that goes into control panel all the time, Even windows 7 takes longer to do things "more mouse clicks" I honestly think if Linux had the game support Windows does no person in the right mind would use Windows anymore, but that is another story, anyway i must fix my mod pack AGAIN......... I also wish many games like KSP stop releasing so many minor updates i rather wait for something that does allot then a little then another little patch to fix the first patch that was only a little and that patch is not fully working so they patch that patch to make the first patch works that's inside a KFC and the KFC is inside a McDonald and the Fireman need ladders to go up levels inside someones dream that is shared via some wires with the aid of a drug...de de de dada da bong....."south parks intersheeption" Or needing a mind that can understand the day after tomorrow but before yesterday during a full planetary alignment.... Please people don't get me wrong i really do like the new features but i can wait. Anyway back to fixing my mod pack 1.03 oops i mean 1.04.723.13423.234324.3657.56456.434324.4656547645.45345345.X "Everyone hate adobe they where the first company to release micro-update annoyance technology that requires a reboot but only on a Sunday but the Sunday before last Sunday during a full moon......." In short many software guys are on crack.
I was going to write something long but many people will not like what i have to say anyway and i rather play then be on a forum but the simple answer is UNITY, they are very slow to adopted new tech and to understand why you will have to look at a long boring history of where unity comes from and why ect here is the short version. Most of you should know this. The first 64bit consumer "for use at home" CPU's where released in 1993 even for Apple Acolytes they could get 64bit proc's in 1998 by 2004 64bit CPU's would be everywhere. So now that i mention that you can see why not having programs compatible with 64bit is kinda funny in 2010+ especially when its a program that can benefit from a large memory usage, don't get me started on Multi-threading so many people with low single core performance could benefit from this even people with high single core performance can benefit as it gives more head room to allow very complex programs but anyway Unity wants to live in the Archaic times so be it so yes fingers can be pointed, but not at the modders or KSP DEV team as they are the ones that have to put up with this crap and try to get the best out of this ....ty engine, but that been said they did shave some time off dev time as Unity is very simple to use. A good thing is that Unity Engine makes it easier for small DEV teams like KSP and Subnautica ect can release there idea and concepts with small overhead as the bigger companies with massive teams and massive funds are just ....ting out old Idea's like people don't notice. I just hope the DEV Team at Unity start to realize just how old some features are and just add them to there Engine as i am 100% sure everyone has 64bit support and everyone has Multi-threading. "even my modem has a Multi-core arm proc in it ffs". :rant end
Hello, everyone i have done testing with 0.25 and yes i do have other mods installed before anyone asks, but i think i might have found a bug RPM aka JSI. The bug basically destroys your craft after reloading from a saved game. Example the craft is the stock Aris4A mine is 4B because i added a fuel line from the liquid fuel tank to jet engine, my reason for this is because i would often run out fuel for the jets but still have fuel in the rocket tanks. "i think you get the idea" so i get into a nice stable orbit, i went to my hanger stuffed around with other plane, saved other plane then exit game. "save" start game, open tracking center fly Aris4B, booooooooooom. as stated this craft has nothing else. extra info. went into iva notice screens blank. this is happened on other craft as well did not find the cause, until i tried this. work around. if i launch game and load save and go into VAB ect, then go to the Aris4B it works fine. Other possible symptoms. RCS on B9 Aerospace cockpits are on in VAB. "have notice this happen when i load a b9 cockpit that in orbit RCS constantly on screens a blank". I will try to remove the NAV Utilites as its an old version 0.4.2 to see if this fixes the issue, if it does i will write here so other people may find the info useful the only other old 24.2 mod i have is firespitter.dll but i think everyone else has this version as well. Thank you in advance.
101+ Impossible/stupid requests
blackice504 replied to Richy teh space man's topic in KSP1 Discussion
I can't believe how many little trolls said this is only a mod problem "most likely they don't use mods" But even if you do or don't this is a valid point we have kids and adults that suffer from RSI and making all those clicks is really bad, Especially when you have to redoo all your tree. "even with stock parts there is allot there" the tree can come undone for many reasons, but the biggest thing right now is KSP is not a final product is constantly been updated and changed and parts can be added or deleted ect, thus the tech tree can change, or the tech tree it self gets updated or changed and in that case you would have to re click everything on that tree. I think with all that in mind Squad should maybe think about that feature. "after all it would not be much code to do it", The plus side it can help stop RSI.
I love this.....keep going on the same track you on. If you want a lander pod with .... glass displays and beautifully designed camera, internals, the external pod it self, then just download this with JSI. LOVE IT. If you do not like this mod then there is something wrong with ya.
Privet. Thank you for taking the time to make this mod i fallen in love with it after 2 seconds of using it, and drooling all over my keyboard, I have an idea that you might like or you might have thought of but i will say it anyway, there is a mod maker who i think joined KSP Team aka Romfarer he made the Lazor System thing and robotic arms and a few others anyway i think the robotic arms camera plus its control added to your mod would be EPIC. Think about it siting in the cockpit switching through the menu and controlling the Canad Robotic Arm or even the light weight buran Arm......... Also i notice the Alcor Pod allows you to pivot there Camera's i would love that to be a standard in all the cockpits for those type of camera's. Hint's for other people wanting to try this mod. b9 S2 mount camera just under the nose cone it works great for landing. Cargo bay Camera is very handy. I also place a camera near the docking port comes in handy as Romfarer Docking Camera's don't show up. "could be another cool plugin" Camera on the back of your space plane is handy as well, if you ever taxi your space plane. There is no other cockpit mod better then this so just download and try it. Thanks Mihara for hours of fun. "i wish i found this sooner".
WOW i tried your warp drive when it first come out and i was impressed with it and then put it a side to get used to the game and just recently tried your mod again and i have to say WOW great work so much content and lots of sexy parts, but was a bit of a learning curve to get the parts to work. Keep it up, the direction your taking your mod seems to be a good one.
well you asked if your been a negative Nancy and yes you are, if you expect any game in dev to be all about adding new shiny things that you can see maybe you should not play any games under dev as this update was to tackle performance issues bug fixes and smooth over some of the stuff 0.22, but again I should not have to tell you that as you can clearly read your self, after all you taken the time to whine and complain that there is no shiny things for you to play with. Also in my opinion you just given away your right to complain about lag or other performance issues as you clearly do not care much about those issues.
Hello all, I from what I seen as I skimmed through this thread it seemed to point at the new content and everyone seems to be having a woody over and I got to say I do like the new content but I could have waited for that, as the main thing I am waiting on is Optimisation before I go into detail of my point of view this is what System Specs I have on my main. I have the Real I7 "LGA2011" 4820K @ 3.70Ghz << not the fastest on the block but hammers most machines I seen. 16Gb 1600Mhz 9-9-9-24 G.Skill Asus 560TI TOP 1Gb << not the newest of cards but for many games would not make a **** of difference. 240Gb SSD Kingston <<< KSP is installed Windows 7 64bit Ultimate. Windows Engorgement scores in order 7.7 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.9 Suffice to say it's Engorged MS need to make a larger scale of Wank. LOL Running KSP .21 and 0.22 I notice the shiny new stuff ok cool but as an Adult I would have like to see a lot of improvement to the performance of the engine, ok this is really hard as the engine is Unity but that will not change as I been told, but I found it really upsetting to see a game I really enjoy and would love to play not doing any major improvements. First notice the loading time "I go to have a coffee before making some crazy designs" I used to do things like that when I fist starting gaming with computers.....................no improvement on 0.22 played with my massive Single stage space plane ok this plane makes the Antonov 225 look like a mini van... Coasting down the run way LAG hmmmmm no improvement here in fact I am sure its less due to the extra buildings.... finally off the run way, SAS enabled hmm this seems different, for the most part I found the new SAS better Great work guys. "turning could be a bit better as I have to turn it off to get my roll right or make a course correction" if not a sort of bob back and forth till it gets where I like it. "simple solution over steer" Checked the screen shot bug.....F12 cheeeze LAAAAG of Death..... sounds repeating..................................Done. ok no improvement there. Lets crash this super massive death machine I mean single stage space plane with no nukes what so ever.....BS. Rentry test hmm not bad changed not so much lag but lots of shaky bits. << need more struts. Hit the ground hard..... BOOOOM LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAG of major Death sound skipping looping crash to desktop, check error log aaah the old nemesis 45% RAM used which means 3.6Gb ish has been used by KSP and it ran out of memory..... 42% memory in use. 0 MB physical memory [0 MB free]. 0 MB paging file [0 MB free]. 0 MB user address space [140 MB free]. Key Points. Loading time please make this go faster I do have work as well as playing this game and drinking too much coffee while waiting for the game to load = more bathroom breaks. Super Massive Single Stage Space Plane "FYI its a Cargo Plane for suppling and building my massive space station that does not have any weapons on it.........BS" no support part count is 300ish parts. " I like detail as well as function" SAS nice work guys I know lot of you don't like it but I find it is an improvement but things can be better. F12 is it just me or does everyone take screen shots to show off there over complex designs ? <<< this also could be Steam not 100% sure. Physics um I have no idea what to do due to the Unity Engine or with out Multi-threading at leased I guess GPU off loading would be the easy route. Due to the Nature of Physics Serial Processors Multi-Core or Single core "CPU are Serial" do not perform well for Scientific or Gaming Physics as there is many calculations that need to be run at the same time CPU's are made for Brute force best run on simple Paralleled Processors such as GPU's. 3GB memory limit is really bad idea on this type of game. A: improve memory management B: compile for 64bit. I really can't wait for these things to happens even if the next update is to fix these things I honestly don't mind and I think other people would be happy deep down if they looked at the big picture. But the content looked really good especially the sexy Dish and compact Antenna but I could have waited for that. Let's Optimise!!!!!!. Please. See you in space.
I had a look around i do not believe anyone has mentioned this, i think this would be a nice feature to KSP and might help with the part count on KSP and KSP modded, my idea is to have all tanks Empty so when you are ready to launch you go into another tab like action groups and select what fuel you would like for each tank. For Example, Xenon is not the only fuel for ion-engines yes this was the most common but some use argon gas i created a mod and made tanks based on that this is all fine and well but i think the abilty to select what goes into tanks would be much less resource hungry and might even improve performance based on the fact , you would not need so many different fuel tanks. sure many tank parts have two chambers and should stay that way but leave it up to the player to fill them. also this could leave room for more resources in the future like water / Kargon / Kethane / Kelium3 / Koil / Ketrol / Kydrogen.... I hope you look into this idea and please i would love some feedback on this idea. Who knows this could even add another aspect to the game keep and maybe some nice explosions...... Maybe change Xenon to Kenon as well. lol
Able to choose how much RAM KSP uses
blackice504 replied to halosos's topic in KSP1 Suggestions & Development Discussion
<<< SO WHATS THAT you going back on your words what because?http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/64-bit_computing 32-bit vs 64-bit[edit source] A change from a 32-bit to a 64-bit architecture is a fundamental alteration, as most operating systems must be extensively modified to take advantage of the new architecture, because that software has to manage the actual memory addressing hardware.[20] Other software must also be ported to use the new capabilities; older 32-bit software may be supported through either a hardware compatibility mode in which the new processors support the older 32-bit version of the instruction set as well as the 64-bit version, through software emulation, or by the actual implementation of a 32-bit processor core within the 64-bit processor, as with the Itanium processors from Intel, which include an IA-32 processor core to run 32-bit x86 applications. The operating systems for those 64-bit architectures generally support both 32-bit and 64-bit applications.[21] One significant exception to this is the AS/400, whose software runs on a virtual Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) called TIMI (Technology Independent Machine Interface), which is translated to native machine code by low-level software before being executed. The translation software is all that has to be rewritten to move the entire OS and all software to a new platform, such as when IBM transitioned their line from the older 32/48-bit "IMPI" instruction set to the 64-bit PowerPC-AS instruction set, codenamed "Amazon" (the IMPI instruction set was quite different from the 32-bit PowerPC instruction set, so this was an even bigger transition than from a 32-bit version of an instruction set to a 64-bit version of the same instruction set). On 64-bit hardware with x86-64 architecture (AMD64), most 32-bit operating systems and applications can run without compatibility issues. While the larger address space of 64-bit architectures makes working with large data sets in applications such as digital video, scientific computing, and large databases easier, there has been considerable debate on whether they or their 32-bit compatibility modes will be faster than comparably priced 32-bit systems for other tasks. A compiled Java program can run on a 32- or 64-bit Java virtual machine without modification. The lengths and precision of all the built-in types are specified by the standard and are not dependent on the underlying architecture. Java programs that run on a 64-bit Java virtual machine have access to a larger address space.[22] Speed is not the only factor to consider in a comparison of 32-bit and 64-bit processors. Applications such as multi-tasking, stress testing, and clusteringâ€â€for high-performance computing (HPC)â€â€may be more suited to a 64-bit architecture when deployed appropriately. 64-bit clusters have been widely deployed in large organizations, such as IBM, HP, and Microsoft, for this reason. Summary: A 64-bit processor performs best with 64-bit software. A 64-bit processor has backward compatibility and will handle most 32-bit software. A 32-bit processor is not compatible with 64-bit software. i do not think i will post anymore as everyone does not care what is real or what is not all they care about is sucking up, i care about how the KSP runs and prospers i have so much i would like to do with KSP but am already limited because of the engine that is very very scary to be limited by an engine by a game that is still been developed i really think there going to spend alot of time on trying to get it to work on the unity engine when they could be spending the effort to port it to a better engine like UDK and supports all the things that are needed to run a game that needs CPU/GPU/CUDA and 64bit 3.7GB+ ram in order to work well + multi-player support and high res graphics. UDK is cross platform as well if thats really a major thing. I have no idea why software devs put them self in this position when they could use all the latest hardware then they would not have to spend so much time on trying to programme something really complex on something so limited. plus i would be more then happy to even donate money for this proccess as i believe that the KSP is a good solid game that could be played over and over again. "that is rare for me". i dont believe its too late to change the game is still in early DEV. back to try to get KSP support my mod pack and my masssssssive Ships.... -
Able to choose how much RAM KSP uses
blackice504 replied to halosos's topic in KSP1 Suggestions & Development Discussion
mate you think i don't know what i talking about i was the one who said for people to use the physX indicator so they can see KSP does not support it......... READ If you going to reply to me. i could not give a dam about arm cpus there only recently come back on, the fact is 64bit and multi-threading and other hardware features is something that programmers always forget then its too late to add it because of there ego's. you have a gooooood hard read mate Unity started out on MAC. PhysX is nvidia made by Ageia then taken over by Nvidia since then 2008 Nvidia owns it, when you run PhysX in SOFTWARE MODE that is technically on the CPU but it is not full PhysX as CPU do not have the architicture to run PhysX as it uses different instruction sets so the cpu does not have HARDWARE support for that. KSP does not have PhysX support. Unity might support it in some form or another but if it runs on the CPU then its not PhysX it just uses the Nvidia PhysX API which is like using your CPU as a GPU.......... and i am talking about a CPU with no Intergrated GPU. HARDWARE and software are two different things and there is a big gap between the two. stop been fan boys and face the reality of the situation, i want KSP to run well and support all the latest hardware so i can play this is why i writen and made people aware of what the difference is. first line from WIKI about Unity Engine "Unity (also called Unity3D) is a cross-platform game engine with a built-in IDE developed by Unity Technologies. It is used to develop video games for web plugins, desktop platforms, consoles and mobile devices, and is utilized by over one million developers. It grew from an OS X supported game development tool in 2005 to a multi-platform game engine." stop been fan boys of this unity engine it does not deserve worship, i do not think the version that was used in KSP supports PhysX at all and if it the latest version of PhysX the Nvidia Indicator will show it if it using hardware or software API as i have the latest drivers. " i have never seen a single programe that the indicator does not work on when its using the Nvidia PhysX API. I have a feeling that Unity might be using Ageia version if so then Nvidia does not support that at all as support was pulled. -
Able to choose how much RAM KSP uses
blackice504 replied to halosos's topic in KSP1 Suggestions & Development Discussion
i think all programs should be 64bit its 2013 i been personally using 64bit computers for many many years now, and all of my Clients have 64bit machines both in the workplace and at home so i was very shocked to see my recent game crash on me because of a silly thing like ram, so i did some reading here and there on what unity was boy i wish i read that before buying the game but i really enjoy the Concept of KSP and the humor in the game, makes me think what it would cost me to get it in UDK or something better. If i find anything out i will contact you all since you guys seem to want more out of your game like me rather then just listen to what fan boys say about there crap tastic Mac Gaming engine..... LOL -
Able to choose how much RAM KSP uses
blackice504 replied to halosos's topic in KSP1 Suggestions & Development Discussion
i think all of you have no idea about Nvidia PhysX as it only runs on the GPU or Agiea PPU, CPU mode in NVIDIA PhysX is running Nvidia PhysX through the cpu in software mode do you understand what the difference is? i guess you dont or you would not spew rubbish from some crap that you where told, secondly did you even bother to try what i said by testing this out???? IN KSP no you did not, I HAVE PhysX does not come up as there is no Cooked Files or PhysX DLL and if there is no hooks for those guess what? you not using Nvidia PhysX you are using a built in Physics engine that is completely different from Nvidia/ Ageia PPU GPU physX, its the type of Physics you would get from the HL "Half Life engine" aka havok FX << works on ATI and Nvida. Clearly you have no idea how it works, well at leased less then me, Unity may just barely Support PhysX but it was not included with KSP.......... your all drawing your conclusions from the fact that it has it on the Unity Site, plus not thinking there are many versions of a product and the Unity Engine that is in KSP does not have Nvidia PhysX support or even the older Ageia read that too mate. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physics_processing_unit after you read how PhysX works and Havok you will know that in oder for that to work you would need 2 things, Multi-threading "CPU PhysX with some PhysX been off loaded to GPU so you would need that as well, or Nvidia PhysX where all Physics commands are off loaded to a Nvidia GPU if that is not present it will do CPU mode and turn down the Physics. "In February 2008 after Nvidia bought Ageia Technologies and eventually cut off the ability to process PhysX on the AGEIA PPU and NVIDIA GPUs in systems with active ATi/AMD GPUs, it seemed that PhysX went 100% to Nvidia. But in March 2008, Nvidia announced that it will make PhysX an open standard for everyone,[8] so the main graphic-processor manufacturers will have PhysX support in the next generation graphics cards. Nvidia announced that PhysX will also be available for some of their released graphics cards just by downloading some new drivers." see how wrong you are. well if they are going to stick with the Unity engine they have a very very long road ahead. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unity_%28game_engine%29 wow i just read it was a mac engine, no wonder it supports nothing new.......... strange it have problems with noobintosh..