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Everything posted by annallia

  1. Did you try getting one closer? I am unsure how close you can actually get but I've had ships go within a few thousand km of the suns surface, get more science there as well.
  2. Out of curiosity did you try the sun? First thing I do when I get solar panels is build the biggest rocket I can (doesn't have to be big, I just like doing it this way). I then go straight up and keep burning until I escape kerbins SOI, this why the rocket didn't have to be big you could do it with far less fuel by following a more normal approach. Once out of Kerbins SOI (I usually try to get a mun or minmus flyby but you got that already) I start spamming science from high orbit over the sun. If I have the fuel left over I will try to get a smaller orbit to get the science for orbiting near the sun but even if I cant its no biggy. Point is even at the relatively early stages this is worth a ton of science just from the goo container and science jr.
  3. I am not sure what they are either. The only references I can find to them in real world is plugging SRB's on recovery and apparently part of what failed on challenger....
  4. As it is right now you have an ulimited amount of jetpack fuel assuming you can hop into the command module to refill. I am fairly certain they are changing this to where your jetpack will be filled off your ships monopropellant stores rather than just magically refilling.
  5. I have my doubts that they will be as efficient as Jet engines even in atmo, but yes it "should" be easier. Yes.
  6. Long term science mission to Eve. Every mission Aden Kerman has been a part of goes horribly wrong at one stage or another. Because of this I am going for a simple one way ticket to Eve for him.
  7. " notable for its absence of drug laws." That explains so much....
  8. Oregon Trail? But seriously... I can buy that. With some future form of fission I could see energy being ridiculously cheap while goods like food which have a finite capacity to be made are not. Then again they had bricks as a cash crop business in Firefly...
  9. Tylo is one of the few moons I have never landed on... successfully that is. I did have a few landers that got down there and even managed to take off again but they always had something go horribly wrong.
  10. Possible, but I can't sell it to myself.
  11. Well the rocket may have failed to get to space... But the final stage sure did make a good boat!
  12. I started out by noticing I had a minmus probe in orbit of kerbin. I had launched it last night before I went to sleep and decided to leave it in orbit over night before sending it (which made my other trip to minmus a complete waste of time since I didn't have to rebuild the probe). Well me overengineering the first probe to an extreme ended up being beneficial. I instead sent it to Jool. On its way into Jool's SOI it had a flyby of both Bop and Tylo which allowed me to get some major science (considering it had limited science equipment onboard) and then running low on fuel I crashed it into Jool spamming science all the way down. Then I designed a Eve probe which for obvious reasons in the pictures below I dubbed "The Urchin" Generated about 2300 science for me so far (it is currently on Eve) with a bit more to be milked by Eve if I need it.
  13. This is the way I always felt about it. At least in terms of things like Star Trek/Star Wars. Their systems are so far advanced it becomes believable that they can throw basic orbital mechanics out the window. Although the battle over Coruscant always bugged the crap out of me.
  14. All the really cool stuff seems to happen when I am not prepared to take a screenshot. First for the uneventful... Sent a science probe into orbit of the sun. I then sent a probe to the mun for the same purpose. Then I went on to send one to minmus... First I had issues gettin an intercept but that isn't the good part. I eventually landed on Minmus but I was unable to kill all of my horizontal speed so came down moving 2.3m/s to the side. This naturally tipped over my lander. I thought oh well no big deal, I had solar panels all over the place (the 1x6 covered ones) and all the science bits stayed on. I raised the landing legs to get the nose out of the dirt so the antenna could go up hit the action key to extend all the panels and suddenly found myself being flipped almost upright by the force of the panels on the bottom opening, put the legs back down and stuck the landing.
  15. Changed which mods I am using and then pruned them of parts I don't use. Started a new career mode and learned that if I revert flight after a crash I no longer get the full science from a crew report (I am assuming the revert doesn't undo the transmission as I still had gained science). Second flight I got treated to some heroics from Jeb. Our pod made it to space though didn't have enough fuel to reach orbit. So at its hight of 85km I sent Jeb out to get an EVA report. Unfortunately I forgot to kill the rotation of the pod first which sent Jeb flying away from the pod. Jeb being Jeb started his dance with the pod while they both fell to kerbin trying to hit the hatch (and getting knocked away a few times). He finally climbed inside... at 62km
  16. This also applies to skydiving kerbals as I recently learned...
  17. I generally do the same. Actually for Jool system I do both Laythe and Jool. The big one will be in orbit of Jool, the laythe station is more or less an orbital refinery for Kethane and I use nuclear tugs to deliver fuel to the Jool station.
  18. Looks like spherical and toridal tank mod: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/30673-0-22-Spherical-and-Toridal-Tank-Pack-(Updated-10-20-13)
  19. Just a guess but I would say it is H.O.M.E 3m Edit- Could be Ioncross as well.
  20. Furthering my attempts to build better planes. Speed/ceiling test on my newest one. Can fly from KSC to across the bay in under 9 minutes. Seems the ceiling is around 16k, that is also about the fastest speed it got up to.
  21. Tested the X-304 sto plane. Got treated to a nice moon rise on my evening launch. And no, Bill is not in the control tower, his lander came down up there so I decided to leave him up there. Unfortunately I burned too long on re-entry and came up waaaay too short to reach the KSC so headed a bit south to try and find a flat spot to land on, however ran out of fuel anyway so figured why not test the ejection system?
  22. Hmmm if it was just one part running out of charge wouldn't I almost always see the message? And yet I don't. My theory was that it calculates how much charge will be needed total to transmit, if you don't have enough it will give the message even if by the time the report reaches the point where it would have run out it keeps spamming the message even though you had been constantly generating a charge by your engines or panels or whatever means you are using.
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