Hey, I know what you're talking about... basically, this, right? Here we can see Kerbin near the center of the screen, round and beautiful... But here... Here, Kerbin is near the edge of screen, and looks distorted, "stretched"... This is common, I've noticed this on every 3d games, some more pronounced than others, but usually it doesn't bother me... If I recall correctly, this has to do with Field of View (FOV)... I don't remember if this happens when the FOV doesn't "fill" your screen entirely or when the FOV is larger than your screen... It tends to be more noticeable the higher (and wider) your resolution is... (for the record, I am using 1920x1080)... It's hard to fix this because if the devs (any devs for any game really, not talking just about KSP/Squad) tweak the FOV for a particular resolution, it tends to get worse on other resolutions... Some games allow you to change the FOV, but they are rare...