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Everything posted by Thiagobs

  1. That's one of the Death Valley's sailling stones cousins, it just tripped and rolled downhill!
  2. I haven't seen anyone saying anything yet, so I'll just chime in.... On the "Mun crash landing" menu, I see some spots of light moving about, like there is a floodlight far away pointing at the mun... a conspicuous shadow appears sometimes, like something moving in front of said spotlights... ....and then you get the "three Kerbals orbiting Kerbin" menu, and something seems to move about quickly behind them.... Looks like an active "Illuminator Mk1" (the round spotlight) floating behind them, and you just realize "oh, so THAT'S whats making the light spots on the mun main menu and the conspicuous shadows are the Kerbals!" Very clever!
  3. I don't particularly care about the 50% throttle, with or without, I don't mind.. However, I believe it's a basic gaming premise that when you fire up a new game, first thing you do is figuring out the controls... In any case, KSP have a steep learning curve, setting up 50% throttle just in case someone with a short patience would put a rocket on the launchpad, stage, wonder why his/her rocket doesn't fly and give up mumbling "stupid game" is pointless, after all, such gamer would, even after figuring throttle, try to build one or two rockets, not being able to do much (since it's a hard game for newcomers) and give up anyway... It's like handholding a toddler when giving his/her very first steps and then hurling the toddler on a pool to see if he/she can swim...
  4. Perhaps a small filtered list that only shows "controllable" parts, like probecores, pods and kerbals... for everything else, we would use the brackets
  5. I suppose the rationale behind this is that when you're looking for a part, you scan the list from top to bottom. If you reach the end of the page and don't find the part you're looking for, the prev/next buttons are there, within your visual range. Long time players may already know which page a part is ini, but as a design element, it makes sense... I guess....
  6. Sure thing! feel free to use them in any way you like it! Niiiiiiiiiiiice!! Did it went further than TopGear's own Reliant Robin?
  7. Yeah!! Good idea!! I personally liked the name "TopThrust"! I even slapped something together Edit: *Ahem*, quick edit before someone notices that I misspelled "thrust"
  8. Great idea!!!!!!!! It would specially make the reputation system more organic. As it is, the rep is only a number that increases or decreases. It's intended to mimic the general public reaction to your successes and failures, but may feel disconnected. If you fail a mission or kill a Kerbal and get a newspaper headline along with the rep hit, it would feel more of a reaction than only a math calculation.
  9. Hahahah, you're right!!!!!! Ahm... let's try to think of something here... hmm.. maybe you could think that you don't actually develop the part, but the effort is spent on adapting and integrating the part? Something like... Imagine that you create a revolutionary piece of technology on your backyard, you then send it to NASA or any other space agency. They immediately love it and intend to use it, but they'll need to run their own tests and adapt the part to work/integrate in their systems. hmmm, maybe this works?
  10. I too love this idea of premade satellites, especially if there's 'rescue the satellite' missions! If one don't like private satellites cluttering up Kerbin's orbit, you can ignore the contract OR.... put the satellite up there, gather the monies/rep/science and de-orbit the darn thing! After all, they told you to launch a satellite, they did NOT tell you to keep it there!
  11. Sir, you are a savior! I got to the point where I've installed one too many mods... even after cleaning up unused parts and using reduced texture packs, I could only play KSP for 15 - 30mins before crashing... I've then given up on KSP, would only come back if Unity supported 64bits on windows or someone could come up with some voodoo magic... You, sir, are one voodoo magician! Edit: in case you're a gal, read "ma'am" instead of "sir"
  12. Hi all! First of all, I apologize if this was posted already, I've been away from the forums for awhile, but I ran a search for this and did not find any mention.. Second, I'm not sure if this is the appropriate place to post.. It's related to X Rebirth, but its focused on Jebediah It seems that Jeb took a wrong turn somewhere and ended up on X Rebirth.. you can skip to 0:50 to see it.
  13. Wow, nice!!!!!!!!!!! What's up with you russians? Both you and zzz deliver some nice, good looking stuff!!
  14. Looking at the Biomes map, the Badlands are the black colored area. From what I gathered, these are the Biomes on the map (someone please correct me if I am wrong) (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entries/971-Doing-Science-Celestial-Body-Biomes) Kerbin Biomes: * Grasslands - Green * Highlands - Dark Green * Mountains - Reddish Brown/Maroon * Deserts - Yellow * Badlands - Black * Tundra - Don't know exactly, maybe the lighter green area near the poles? * Ice Caps - White * Shores - Pink * Water - Blue (duh! )
  15. Well, I am sure all of you know about this, but since no one mentioned yet... HarvesteR posted the biome map for Kerbin on his Dev Blag some time ago: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entries/971-Doing-Science-Celestial-Body-Biomes
  16. Wow, that's seriously cool! Hmmm, maybe fire extinguishers for RCS? hahaha
  17. i7 950 3,07 GHz 6GB RAM GeForce GTX 580 Little bit on the old side, but so far it runs any games without problems (at 1920x1080) Have to keep the parts down on KSP though..
  18. Heh... I can even imagine some people creating a "Kerbal Postal Services" company, specialized on delivering your science package from anywhere to Kerbin.. Bonus points if your package arrives at KSC like this:
  19. Hey! That's nice! I already use the Sensor Module, but I did not know about the Fuell Cell Module! Thanks for the bump
  20. What I usually do is whenever I want to install a new parts pack mod, I do it on a separate clean KSP install I have just for testing... I fire up the game and search for whatever parts I want to keep.. Then I alt + tab the game and copy the part files to another directory.. I keep doing this until I am happy, then I install only my "custom" directory on my main game... It's far from what you want, but at least you don't need to reload the game all the time (I used to do your way before, it's a pain if you have lots of mods)
  21. Being fairly new to KSP, I'm still making quite a lot of mistakes... here are some of my past ones: the all too common mistake of "go up until space then go sideways until orbit"... building things without symmetry then wondering why it keeps turning by itself.. and my latest one was realizing during landing that the legs didn't clear the engine... I was quite surprised when I managed to land -- without breaking anything -- on top of my engine... one of my biggest mistakes, that made me completely rethink how I build rockets, was my over-engineering... I kept thinking "if it doesn't lift, add more tanks and engines". It wasn't until I started using Kerbal Engineer that I realized that I could take away most of my tanks and engines and still have my delta v go up! a few simple rockets went from 50 parts to about 6 or 7
  22. Holy mother of God! That's sweeeeeeeeeet!! When I first started playing KSP, I wondered about a logitech app, I even contemplated requesting one here, but ended up thinking "nah, no one uses these keyboards anymore" I am so glad I was wrong! Now, if you add a navball to it, I can play KSP in "extra hard mode"... that is, with my monitor turned off! (that's not a request, I am just joking! )
  23. The devs want to make a game that's stable and predictable, so I don't suppose that would be implemented, however I would like to see a mod that does that I can even imagine the Kerbals waving their arms and running around until they get the duct tape over their mouths... hahaha Nice one!
  24. "Assemble it in orbit? Who assembles space stations in orbit anyway? We don't have time for that, just strap more SRBs and send the darn thing up!" It wobbled so much that I had to rename it "Saturday Night Fever Station"....
  25. Nome: Thiago Idade: 31 anos País: Brasil Cidade: Campinas/SP Tempo de Jogo: Desde Junho/2013, versão 0.20.2 Mods: Chatterer, KSPX, TekInd Science, Universe Replacer, Fustek Station Parts, KAS, Aviation Lights, B9, THSS, CrewManifest, IonCross, KW, Quantum Struts, MechJeb, Subassembly, PWings
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