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Everything posted by FITorion

  1. trial and error. some ideas from watching others. I would not have thought of asparagus staging myself.
  2. My guess is it'll be part of .24 and that the working with NASA thing may be the awesome thing Maxmaps mentioned in the squadcast last Friday. Also this: http://kerbaldevteam.tumblr.com/ These are just suppositions on my part.
  3. In real life... there's a string of no hitch launches and then something goes wrong and they delay delay delay trying to fix it so they can launch. In KSP that happens too but we launch anyway and go boom... so really is KSP that weird?
  4. Its a sandbox. Even career is a sandbox. Finishing the tech tree is not the end... completing the tech tree is more like an extended tutorial introducing you to the sandbox. I don't think there should be a story exactly ... and I think the devs have said that there will not be ... but I think there should be lore. By that I mean there should be mysteries and clues and history and story to uncover as you explore the Kerbal system and systems beyond. If there is to be an "end" it would be when you uncover the final bit of lore which reveals the epic origin of the Kerbal race or other suitably momentous information. There is already some of that. The easter eggs and most notably the Duna signal... there should be more of that... a lot more... clues which lead out of the system to other systems ... a whole galaxy worth of other systems...
  5. 1. Finally 2. Cool. Sounds like at the very least there will be a scenario where an asteroid is on a collision course and you have to go up there and knock it off course. We can do that right now with Mods... Namely Hyperedit. Just put a hunk of space debris up there on a collision course then launch to intercept it. What I hope for is moveable asteroids in a belt added to the base game along with the scenario. If I were doing it... I'd have a set number (set in config file) of asteroids which spawned in random trajectories within certain limits. I'd have something like 10 different shapes and maybe 5 sizes those shapes could be scaled to. Then each time one was destroyed by whatever means a new one would spawn to maintain the number of active asteroids in the belt. Just like vessels I'd have them on rails and collisions not modeled until a player vessel came within the loading range.
  6. Any word used needs to be immediately recognized the world over (when translated of course) to be a currency. So things like coin, cash, currency, money... but you could come up with a unique name if you used such a descriptor in the UI: Money earned: 835478 RDT Profit: 324778 Jools This would identify the new word as a monetary unit. My suggestion would be Jools. Adding K to everything seems somehow less creative and we already have enough with k.
  7. the temperature data in KSP is a place holder and is pretty much meaningless.
  8. Possible? yes. Don't try to go in the water. It's a bad idea. Use the black wheels. It will be very long and boring and you'll want to stop and save often as rovers are prone to flip over.
  9. 1 Nuke = long burns. this can cause several problems. 1. player boredom. 2. a burn longer than the encounter needed for capture. 3. a burn so long that it can't be done in its entirety at peri and must be broken up into multiple burns so as not to waste fuel. For small craft the thrust of one nuke is usually quite enough. For large 500+ part motherships... not so much.
  10. I just make flying RCS powered "rovers" Landing the rover and RCS fuel tank base for it to refuel at. "roving" around
  11. an i5 or equivalent AMD with the highest clock speed you can get. 8gigs of RAM so you can use all of the 3.something or other that the game can access and have the OS running in the rest. And any run of the mill graphics card will do.
  12. I've never used KAS... I don't know if this idea would work with KAS but... I'd have a ship with a bunch of little probes I could split off from it and attach to the debris and use to deorbit it. Like a probe core, battery, fuel, ant engine, and of course the KAS attachment thing to attach to the debris.
  13. Jool orbit. But yeah the Easter eggs on the surface don't yet have any special science results for getting close to them. They should... and I'll be disappointed if they never get added... but right now they don't.
  14. I couldn't see a darn thing... so I adjusted some brightness and contrast settings...
  15. either I'd modify current parts... the docking ports or I'd add a new docking port with this function... Rotating docking ports. After docking I should be able to rotate the ports to get things lined up just right. Very important for large constructs to be lined up just right.
  16. the numbers up top also correspond to their respective tracking IDs.
  17. The term DLC carries with it evil connotations beyond simply Downloadable Content... I hate DLC. I'm annoyed by things I have to download separately but are free... just have the thing automatically update with them. If it is free then it should just be an update... if it isn't free and it's small then it's DLC. I like Expansions... and even though you download them and pay for them... they are not DLC or an update. They are things which are large... and significantly alter the game. Now I ordered before the magical date that Squad decided to set for the cut off for getting all future KSP stuff for free... but if I hadn't... I would download free DLC... I would buy any and all expansions. I would not buy any DLC out of protest for this cancer on games.
  18. About 9-10 UTC Jan 9 and should continue through Jan 10. So If I'm guessing right from your profile location... tonight and tomorrow night would be the prime aurora times.
  19. http://kerbaldevteam.tumblr.com/ There is no info. The relevant portion of the above link... Translation: We just got back from vacation Yesterday and will be having meetings to figure out what we'll be doing for .24 They don't know themselves yet what they'll be doing. This isn't a large gaming studio with a detailed master plan for every update up to release. I doubt they even have the updates listed with a theme... I'd hazard to guess they have "All updates will be about career mode until career mode Scope Complete" and that's it. The meetings this week will be what determines what features they will begin work on. Again this is all just my conjecture based on my understanding of business and my own experience making programs.
  20. http://spaceweather.com/ http://www.solarham.net/ Video links while I try to figure out how to embed: http://youtu.be/NtU_eXsehsk http://youtu.be/q2GFdWL4YDA
  21. I haven't changed any timezone settings... I did just travel from Pacific time to Eastern time... and the post was made from my phone... but that travel was a day before the post... and the post was made during a time when both Eastern and Pacific would be the same day. in any case I still haven't changed anything and now it's displaying correctly. weird.
  22. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64719-Unusual-death For example in the above thread My post was posted today... and after the person I quoted... Yet it is showing me at least that I posted Yesterday and before the person I was replying to... Is it showing the same thing to anyone else?
  23. If it were to exist I would want to have it take the form of some sort of fee for the conversion. Something called out and specific. Listing a % is not good enough. I also wouldn't want direct conversions... You could do things like Purchase Research Projects and have them cost more than the science you get from them... Or Sell a Patent you spent Science to get... but you should get way more money for that than the science you put in. I don't think reputation should be able to be spent but higher rep should increase your funding... I suppose maybe it could be "spent" to get a better one time deal on a research project or price on a part or sale price on your patent. You'd have to weigh your cost/benefit from a reduced regular budget for the one time immediate benefit. You could spend money on PR campaigns to raise your Rep... Science gains should just passively raise your Rep already... What I really would not want is a direct convert money to science or science to money or whatever combination menu and a % loss or gain... What I mean is I don't want a menu like: Drop down select: Money, Science, Rep. type in amount. Convert to drop down: Money, Science, Rep. % loss or gain. Resultant value. Even if the examples I gave accomplish the same thing they have story fluff and are more structured.
  24. there are 2 types of time warp. The regular one you use in orbit in which case the physics does shut off... and then there is physics warp which is used in atmosphere, on the ground, or activated with alt while throttled up. It only goes up to 4x and weird things can happen.
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