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Everything posted by FITorion

  1. What's good about KSP? Building your own rockets. What would make KSP better? The ability to build buildings, colonies, infrastructure to let you build rockets from other locations than KSC. What is one realistic way to allow that? Resource mining and automation of such. But we aren't doing that in real life yet. Any such thing would be sci/fi tech. We have every technology we need to do such things right now. It is not sci/fi. The only reason we don't do it yet is that it hasn't been cost effective. That's changing. There are several companies right now assembling the hardware from off the shelf technology to go and do asteroid mining. SpaceX is vastly reducing the cost to get to space. With that cost reduction it is becoming economically feasible to go grab a rock floating in space as an alternative to blasting it out of the ground. It is CURRENT tech and near future activity. If you want realism in KSP then resource mining belongs. If you don't want realism in KSP then simplified resource mining still belongs for game play reasons.
  2. No. It does the update without any input needed from me. It doesn't break saves. I just continue gaming without a care in the world.
  3. You are mistaken. They have not dropped Career. Mulitplayer is not their Main focus. Multiplayer in the next thing they'll be doing after they finish off Careers base systems. Career is only in the initial phases of work. They still have quite a bit to do on it. Once that's got the skeleton of systems all done they'll do multiplayer for sandbox and career. Once those are done they'll be "scope complete". Meaning the games basic framework will be done. Then they can fill up that framework with all the features they've been putting off... like planets... asteroids... more parts... resources... all the stuff filling their "neat feature" list.
  4. I for one don't care to have or use multiplayer in KSP. That is my simple and initial stance on the subject. I could see the KSP IP becoming great fodder for a second game that would be a space MMO like game. That could be good. Adding multiplayer to the current game really won't add anything to my game play. I don't care to have it. While it's the focus of attention then the game play experiance I do care about (sandbox and career) will be neglected.
  5. This about resources... not multiplayer. We should have a discussion about multiplayer but it should be it's own thread. Resources as they were designed are not happening. We knew that already. That's all that was said. Nothing I heard indicated that they weren't going to look at resources again. It just got moved from necessary game system to neat feature to be added when all the necessary game systems are done. I 100% believe the reasons they gave for why they went the way they did. I do not at all believe the "evil business" conspiracy theories people are coming up with. This is not EA. This is not a large gaming studio. This is a small team of people who we have way more access to than fans of games normally do. I 100% believe what they are telling us is their motivation is in fact their motivation.
  6. I disagree. The internal tank structures should be defined and you can make MOD parts of tanks with different fuel tanks in them. Tweakables just allow you to tweak the levels within. Nothing more is needed.
  7. This. It's tweakables... not procedural fuel tanks... I have no problem at all with the way I have seen it thus far.
  8. Resources provide the reason to drive around. A simple 1 resource system used for refueling such as Kethane doesn't really add much but it does some. The large robust and complex system with 10 plus resources to find and mine and use to make things other than fuel that Squad was working on would have add a heck of a lot of reason to spend time on the various planets and moons. Squads stated goal before adding more planets and or other solar systems is to give us more to do on the planets we have. You said yourself that there is nothing to do. Having something to do is necessary to the continued playability of the game. Once exploring every nook and cranny of a planet is fun and serves a purpose in the base stock game... then I'd call the base stock game done and look to expansions. Resources (and the buildings and things you can make with them) would be the final thing needed to finish off the game.
  9. they most certainly do have that luxury. It just requires changing settings. or copying your game into a different directory so steam won't update it if you're really paranoid about it.
  10. as I understand it that chart was the plan. Then they switched focus from end game sandbox to career and axed half the resource system. The half about buildings and colonies and infrastructure and building an operating space civilization. Since then the only word we've gotten is that the plans have changed and they are not prepared to discuss it further and we shouldn't expect further discussion until career mode is mostly done. The discussion of whether resources or some part of resources will be in the base game or DLC or an expansion and our feelings on DLC and expansions in general is very related.
  11. I hate DLC. What's above hate? What ever that is with the passion of 1000 burning suns for DLC they charge you for. I payed for the game... updates should be free. DLC is just updates renamed. I like Expansions. Expansions are different from DLC in that they are almost entirely separate games in terms of volume of content added. I don't mind paying for an expansion. Expansions are fine. I hate being nickled and dimed which is what microtransactions(payed DLC) are. Last I heard Resources had been delayed... Some of the more complex things that resources might have allowed... Building buildings on other planets and being able to build and launch rockets from there might have been pushed to an expansion. As well as other solar systems... They need to draw the line somewhere for what KSP 1.0 will be. Then they can look to what an expansion might be.
  12. Ok now I'm saying it's "past due" But this still isn't any indication of anything in particular. Besides it's about what they did last week... not what they are doing right this moment.
  13. yeah by "late" I didn't mean "past due". I meant late at night. They've been coming out at about this time since the daily Kerbal started and the weekly before that was always a late night thing as well.
  14. Well... I kinda did think .23 would to be out before K-KON... or at least thought it was highly probable... and I don't believe the weekly dev notes being late is any indication of anything or out of the ordinary... But what I do think would be delaying things is that all the devs who were flying in for K-KON arrived yesterday and they've been tweeting out pics of them out looking around the town. I don't begrudge them it at all. I expected K-KON to be a huge distraction. I also expect it would be horribly unfair for the regular devs to be out having fun while the testers are back at the office getting things ready for release. So really I don't expect that any work is getting done this week.
  15. Scroll up... all the way up... Read. It doesn't matter what thread you are in the dates are right there.
  16. looked like the hatch to me... Stuck outside the capsule they get a delivery. One imagines it's a super jet pack to rescue them... But it's a cake... which they can't eat... because they're stuck outside and removing their helmets will kill them.
  17. I just wonder what time PST it starts on the 12th. Will it be a 24x2 thing or start at a reasonable(for me) hour in the morning of the 12th?
  18. Squad... I want a jet pack like that now. I hope you're happy.
  19. The short answer is: Yes. In our own system Europa could be just like Laythe if it were only a touch warmer. There are other sources of heat than the Sun.
  20. I wonder if you'll get done before .23. I also wonder if it'll matter... meaning I wonder if they'll have fixed any... No mention of it has been made that I know of.
  21. and besides each capsule will now include a small amount of monoprop. It will definitely be enough for one eva... But I wonder if it'll be enough for more or if it'll only be enough to fill the kerbals jetpack once.
  22. If you act fast... before .23 comes out then yes you can save it. Why, you ask? Well you'll burn away from the Mun... then you'll run out of fuel... Then you can tap into the limitless jet pack fuel your Kerbal has by getting out an pushing. You'll need to go back into the capsule to refill the jet pack from the limitless supply stored within. Come .23 and that supply won't be limitless anymore.
  23. Before .22 it was like 1 week to 2 weeks. .22 came out in about half a week. I would not be surprised if .23 was out Monday or Tuesday. I will not complain if it isn't however. I understand things can run longer than expected. With KerbalKON just days away I imagine they are somewhat distracted. I hope .23 comes out before but can understand if the festivities get a little in the way of that.
  24. I agree. In the mean time though http://www.twitch.tv/ksptv For some reason they are really slow lately at putting the Squadcast in the videos tab next to chat... but the Squadcasts can still be found by clicking on the KSPTV name on that page and going to "Past broadcasts" Here is the direct link to the most recent one. http://www.twitch.tv/ksptv/b/485462092 Edit to add: In my opinion the forum should be the one stop shop for all info regarding KSP. Anything posted anywhere else should be either already posted here... cross posted here... or a link provided here... Make use of the announcements forum to actually make announcements and link to announcements.
  25. I remember seeing an engine at one point... Someone had made a model of internal/external combustion engine... there was a video of it... Rings of structural parts around the rotating parts and then decouplers to get it started... I'm searching for the video but I suck at finding stuff like that.
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