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Everything posted by Zander

  1. Thank you for your reply, Yes I know this, this is why in my post I asked someone who knows how to please make me a modified version of KOS that allows what I want. I think it should be very simple to do.
  2. Nathan thank you that did it. Spartan190 thank you for your help too. Nathan can you tell me how to disable all heat and damage effects from the booster? I am using your deadly reentry so that might have an effect but I set exhaustDamage = False and heatProduction = 0 But it is still starting to overheat. How can I stop the heat produced by the engine? Thank you EDIT: I figured it out. You go in the deadly reentry cfg and find the part and you can stop its heat production there.
  3. Can someone please help me. I want to run multiple KOS terminals at the same time which means I want to modify KOS computer parts so that they don't recognize eachother and act independently of eachother. I want to have 4 of them and its ok if they are listed as different names in the VAB (IE: KOS computer 1, KOS computer 2) the important thing is they all execute commands/scripts and run as if the other ones don't exist. I think this should be fairly easy to do by modifying a few lines in the .dll or something. They can all share the same archive. If someone can do this I would be really grateful and I think a lot of people would be too. BONUS: if it is additionally possible to make the Individual KOS computers be able to instruct eachother to copy and run programs that would be a huge help but this is just optional. It is not critical to what I need to do. Ideally I would like to open one computer and run a program on it that instructs the other computers to copy and run different programs.
  4. Oh thank you for your reply, can I then have a blank object created that is just a flame and nothing else? Which includes a center and a flame. Basically I want to create a flame that is 10 meters away from the center of the object that I can then position in the VAB. It doesnt need to be on this part. there doesnt need to be any model at all. Just a flame that is going in a certain direction and is 10 meters away from the center of the object.. the direction the flame shoots isnt important because i can rotate it in the VAB. Can this be done?
  5. Hello, Does anyone know how to modify the launch clamps so that they don't provide unlimited fuel? Each launch clamp supplies 100 of every resource per second it seems and theres no way to stop it. I need a very exact fuel amount for my mission so I can not have the launch clamps adding fuel back in. How can i stop this? thanks
  6. Hello, I need help with moving the flame on a rocket engine. I tried editing the flame FX values but they have no effect on its position at all. what I want to do it.. I want the flame to be in the same direction as normal, But 10 meters in the direction shown in the picture. I tried adding the 50.0 in many different places but it never had any effect. Can someone tell me how to do it? // --- FX definitions --- fx_exhaustFlame_blue = 50.0, -3.4, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running fx_smokeTrail_light = 50.0, -3.4, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running fx_exhaustFlame_yellow = 50.0, -1.0, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running fx_exhaustSparks_flameout = 50.0, -3.4, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
  7. There is no pitch function? how are you getting it to return the pitch??? that command isnt in the command reference and isnt working for me.
  8. can you or someone else explain how to do the 3rd option? I do have multiple KOS units on my ship. What do I do to do that? AND ONE MORE QUESTION.. How can I find the pitch of the rocket regardless of whether it is flying east north south ect. i just want to find the angle the rocket body makes with the horizon. example: pointing straight up is 90 pointing directly to the north or south horizons is 0. pointing straight at the ground is -90 how can i find that?
  9. Wow I'm seeing some significant improvements with the latest version ferram. I turned on the volume thing and it seems to be working better.
  10. Hello, When will this be updated?? And can someone please explain to me how to run multiple programs at once? It seems to have weird effects. I want to have my guidance program running at the same time as my staging program but its behaving weird. I have a script called launch. and that script does some stuff, and then at the end that script runs 2 more scripts. Guidance and staging. But it seems like only the first one runs. The second one doesnt run. so then i tried running only guidance and making guidance run staging but then it seems like guidance stops when i run staging. how do you make 2 scripts run at the same time?
  11. Making the rockets work realistically is impossible without a new physics engine. Ferram is just trying to simulate realistic behavior. and in real life rockets don't bend like spaghetti so whatever he can do behind the scenes to produce a realistic looking effect onscreen (no matter how unrealitic) is fine by me. I don't care if he simulates a magic bean stalk that goes up through the whole rocket. as long as it looks and moves realistically in game.
  12. Am i the only one whos inconvenienced by the multiple decimal places in fuels? Theres too many. it gets down to like hundreds of thousanths of a liter which is like less than what leaks out through various cracks before launch anyways. I think 2 decimal places is plenty. The rest get in the way and make changing fuel amounts confusing.
  13. Excellent what are the chances of a unified system integrated into your realistic engine mod? is that something you think could work?
  14. The fact that ksp cannot control gimbals individually and also the fact that the gimbals can not move in increments across their range causes big problems in developing a realistic realistic guidance computer program for larger rockets. the lack of individual gimbal control means that rockets have 0 roll authority and will start rolling as they fly unless you disable the outside gimbals. The lack of gimbal increments means that computers which like to make many adjustments a second will swing the gimbal from one extreme to the other overshooting over and over and introducing a wobble in the rocket that gets worse and worse. If there were a gimbal range and independent control it would be much much easier to create guidance programs that can get large rockets into orbit efficiently. Any ideas how this could be done?
  15. Ferram.. I think whatever is causing the problem is solely with decoupling. I have stretchy tanks and a huge rocket and it works very well when I launch with no launch clamps. The act of decoupling anything including the launch clamps seems to turn off KJR and make the rocket go back to stock wobblyness. EDIT: Cancel that, I am sorry. I just did some more testing and found it is not caused by decoupling, i am getting the problem even with no launch clamps with the latest version of KJR. Furthermore, with my current rocket. There does not seem to be much difference between having and not having KJR installed. and one of the main sources of bending seems to be procedural fairing bases. its like KJR has no effect on them. This is with KJR and like 16 struts. At this part Ferram im seriously starting to wonder if it wouldnt be better to just disable bending joints and just make them break only. In real life a rocket joint will either not bend more than a few milimeters or break and have a catastrophic explosion. There is no real life situation where you can have a joint separating on one side by like 10 cm and then somehow magically coming back together with no lasting effect on the rocket. in a situation like that the rocket is toast anyways So I think just disable joint bending and let joints either break or be locked rock solid. reducing bending doesnt seem to work.
  16. I have been having the same issue as razorcane. Decoupling anything, even a launch clamp weakens everything to spaghetti. Without decoupling it is very nice though.
  17. No offense but looking at that huge unwieldy thing, if it DIDN'T break when you applied any force to it then ferram is doing something in his mod that he shouldn't be. I wanna see how you got that thing into space anyways. nose cones and interstage sections that don't properly cover whats below them.. so then hypersonic air is entering the interior of your rocket. yeah that thing should have ripped apart seconds after launch.
  18. Well we have an unrealistic situation when there's any wobble at all in joints. In real life if the joint separates at any point even by an inch the entire rocket will rip apart. Minor flexing of course does occur but not at the joints. Anyways the problems with my rocket only occurs after something is decoupled. Its really weird. The thing is perfect until i set off a decoupler of some kind then the whole things goes like spaghetti. So if i don't use the launch clamps, and just launch like that its fine. But if i use launch clamps separating them will ruin the rocket. Can this be fixed?
  19. Can you also implement failures for example if the parachute attempts to deploy against the wind or if the parachute canister has been damaged?
  20. so you cant just make parachutes a physical object in the game that cant pass through other objects? actually I don't even know how ksp handles parachutes :S
  21. Will the volumetric clouds work with RSS? and will they be random and cover the whole planet? if so that would be so awesome. Also the ocean thing would be awesome.
  22. hey great work on the mod but can you please try to do something about the parachutes going inside eachother? if you put 2 parachutes it just looks like one parachute because they go inside eachother. In real life parachute clusters the air flow causes the parachutes to separate so the parachute canopies arent even touching each other. Can you try to make it do this?
  23. Why doesnt it work on mine?? when i turn on rcs and let kos control it it just fires all of them at the same time and the ship jiggles but doesnt turn the way it should.
  24. Please make sure it can maneuver the ship using the gimbals and not the torque. Kos can only manipulate the torque so those of us using realism mods with no torque in parts need the OS to be able to access the engine gimbals and move them to the same degree the keyboard can.
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