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Everything posted by Rainbow-Dashie

  1. I have a crippled supply (2 halves of it...) ship in a low Munar Orbit, loaded with 10 Kerbals, and a huge assortment of probes, satellites, comms equipment, rovers, 2 "Humvee" type vehicles, a VTOL lander, and 2 normal landers, and a rocket launcher truck (pretty much one of those things they use to launch missiles, but with someone inside it! dont ask me why i brought it!) It's all floating around in a huge debris field, and some of it is damaged or completely destroyed, but i think i could salvage enough of it to start a Munar colony. that was why i sent the ship to the Mun in the first place
  2. I just love figuring out I can do so much with so little. I mean in Sandbox, every single ship I sent up had at least one of the huge Orange Fuel Tanks, most had 3 to 5 of em, and that was for everything from putting something in LKO, to a Mun landing, to Interplanetary travel. But in career mode, I was amazed at how I could get into orbit with nothing but the starter solid boosters, and the 200 power engine. I'm amazed I was able to get to the Mun's orbit with nothing but the boosters and the same engine. In Sandbox that would have taken me some massive 6 stage ship loaded with fuel. Maybe I'm just a noob who over did my rockets, but I find this fun seeing what I can do with these limited parts.
  3. Reached Duna's SOI, but never got an orbit... Mun's the best for me. Though im sure I could get to minimus, i just never bothered with it.
  4. You have to keep it safely aboard your ship, because if you jettison it into deep space, it will eventually land on a planet, and begin to evolve into a race of super inteligent Kerbal-Eating slime monsters, who will develop space travel and will one day encounter the kerbal interstellar Empire, and will consume all that is Kerbal!
  5. For me its more of taking the limited parts I have and seeing what I can do with it... So i have a booster, a strut and a fuel tank... Lets mash something together and hope it flys!
  6. I've landed on the Mun, got back to Kerbins orbit, and began a decent into the atmosphere, and deployed the chutes... though it failed to slow down and crashed into the sea... So in theory i can do it
  7. I used to be a bit unsure of using mods, but I was kind of stuck in the game, been to the Mun and all that but still to new to make it to another planet. So i installed Kethane which would give me a bit more to do just in Kerbin's SoI.
  8. I played the demo, but failed to get anything past 60,000 km. But i was hooked and bought the game anyways First up was actually getting someone into space... Then when I finally got into orbit, i put up a crappy little satellite that ran out of power before i could deploy the solar panels! so it was a space cube! The next 3 weeks were spent launching rockets at the mun with no idea of how to get there, what i was doing, or what these little thingys on my screen meant
  9. I try to avoid killing my kerbals, and rescue them when I can. I havn't killed any yet but i have 10 stranded around the solar system ( 3 on Mun, 5 in Kerbin Orbit, 2 in Solar Orbit). But i feel for some reason.. that certain Kerbals are more qualified then others If I want Buzz Kerman on my major missions, i have to rescue him from the Mun first!
  10. Most of mine are named something Pony-ish.... The Cloudsdale Space Station... Scootaloo Mini-Jet, The Rainbow Super Sonic Jet, The "Equestrian Sun", Applejack work horse ATV. Then there are the boring stuff, "Kethane Probe One", "Munar Rover Alpha", "Station bravo" I have an interplanetary ship (didnt make it past the Mun) called "The Verenda" which im told is Latin for awesome.
  11. I know that when the game updates to a newer version, the save files can sometimes get wiped, and Im fine with all that. But I'm curious to know, if I saved a craft file from 0.21, and set it aside somewhere... When 0.22 came out, would I be able to put that craft file into the 0.22 VAB File? So could I move a ship I built in the VAB from my 0.21 file, and then bring it up in the VAB in the 0.22 file? Or would that ship i built in the previous version not be compatible with newer versions?
  12. *Take a Kerbal to the Mun, strand him there. *Launch 2-Kerbal Rescue Mission to the Mun, strand them there. *Launch 6-man interplanetary vessel, strand them in orbit around the Mun. *Launch second, unmanned rescue mission to the Mun, crash it. *Launch 2-Kerbal Mission to Duna, strand them in Solar Orbit. *Find a way to rescue 11 Kerbals from across the solar system... It could be going better....
  13. To be honest... I didn't know Dres existed Of course I landed on anything farther then the Mun... (I have gotten an encounter with Duna twice, but was unable to make orbit)
  14. I usually get inspired, or see something and try to build that. 2 days ago I was in a library, and saw a "Scientific America" magazine with a cover page showing "The Next Space Shuttle" and the first thing that came to mind was, "im building that in KSP when I get home." Then there is the philosophy of, "How can I do this mission in the coolest, most awesome way?" I could build a simple rover to rescue those guys... or I could build a Panzer Tank....
  15. I am trying to build an all purpose vehicle thingy, (Think, Space Jeep ) So I guess it would make sense to test it out on this challenge! Now I just need to keep the thing from exploding...
  16. I'm still a bit noobish at this game, so my advice may not be the best... but might as well try. You probally dont need the other 4 engines on that lander, The poodle should be more then enough for a lander that size, I've been using something similar to yours, even a bit bigger, and a single poodle is more then enough to slow it down, from 25,000 meters up( and thats to soon ). ( though I get into a 50,000m orbit first ) My lander had an extra fuel tank (360 unit silver one i think) and landed with about 340 fuel. (not sure if that can get back to Kerbin, lost the lander before I could try.)
  17. I put a fair bit of effort into safety, But I don't use as advanced systems as everyone else, the limit of my "abort systems" are decouple the main capsule, and parachute. I make an effort to rescue stranded Kerbals though.
  18. I just recently learned docking. For starts, it was difficult because I didn't exactly know what I was doing. But then I read a few guides, (which I kept tabbing out to while I was trying to dock) and I finally got a reusable shuttle to one of my ships! (Note: that reusable shuttle, is not reusable and is stuck on the Mun.)
  19. I FINALLY DOCKED! :D I got a reusable lander up to my shiny new, 6 crew interplanetary vessel. I spent a good 45 minutes trying to get that thing to rendezvous, and then dock... made harder by the fact my RCS was set up a bit wonky, so i wasn't able to move left or right, forcing me to delicately use the main engine for that... The lander ended up docking at the wrong angle, (wanted it parallel with the main ship) but... I am not risking anything right now! I haven't been this happy since I landed on the Mun for the first time!
  20. Because the answer to everything is "Moar!" This thing could fly straight and up, but the minute you tried to turn at all, it disintegrated.
  21. *First, Build a Giant Space ship with tons of crew! *2nd, put big spaceship into orbit of another planet, Duna, Moho, take your pick *Build another massive spaceship. *Proceed to ram 2nd massive ship into the first massive ship! *Create Huge debris field *Send out rescue mission to rescue surviving kerbals! (if any... also make sure you have lots of lights on, and go slowly through the dark debris field... like in the movies) *Profit! But I usually do stuff like this when i get bored with games ( not in KSP, not bored yet ) create a scenario, and act it out!
  22. Starship Troopers (Also makes me want to play Starcarft II, and go Terran vs Zerg...) Star Trek That one Dead Space movie.... (because I know my ships are going to become floating hulks one day!)
  23. I sent up what is planned to be my first interplanetary vessel. It's a simple craft, and isn't built for landings, due to limitations caused by my skill level and failure to get anything large into orbit. It has a 6 kerbal crew, and room for one reusable lander ( not attached yet). The ship has a Kethane tank, and refinery on board, so in theory it will be able to refuel its self and keep the 2 nuclear engines running for quite awhile. The ship is currently parked in Kerbin orbit, but before I can set off I need to get the reusable lander up to it, and dock with the ship, which is going to be loads of fun... considering I never docked anything before. Once (If) I get the lander attached, I'll set off to the Mun, take on Kethane from a base that isn't built yet, take my first trip to Minimus, and then off to Duna and it's moons! It retrospect... i should have probally planned this better and gotten the kethane mines set up before hand...
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