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Everything posted by bartekkru99

  1. I've taken a contract to transfer crew between two vehicles in orbit of Minmus, but then when I did the rendezvous and one of my kerbals got out of the capsule its reaction wheels started applying torque on their own and since there's no crew inside I can't stop it by turning SAS or pressing ALT+x.
  2. Wait, then why does it say that it has 0.2 charged particles ratio?
  3. I've got an OMEGA fusion reactor with radiators and two generators hooked up to it: thermal and other for charged particles. Thermal one works just fine and produces megajoules, but the other one doesn't for some reason. Can anybody tell me what the problem is?
  4. Is there any chance, that we're going to see custom turrets in the future? EDIT: I mean turrets for missile mounting, not guns.
  5. Wow, your truss pieces, look so sexy, that I'm going to rip them off and use them on all of my stations from now...
  6. I've got a small issue. I'm trying to make a hovercraft and use rocket engines binded to WASD keys for manouvering instead of normal RCS thrusters. When I want to make a 180 degree turn and hold down D for a second It works just fine and then let go off that D key it shuts down just as it should, but when I want to give it a gentle push in the other way and quickly tap A It just keeps going without turning off. I know, that it isn't a bug and it's just how this mod works, but is there and way around this problem?
  7. I see that this thread is going back to life for an unknown reason...
  8. Hod did you launch it man?It's glorious
  9. I already suggested it both there and on IR thread. Nobody really cared about it much.
  10. 1. I think, that he plans on adding support for RPM, but for now he has more important things to like the AI improvements. 3. Same as above, and I think, that radar already works in space, there's no reason for it to not work. 5. I think he was talking about it some time ago, but I'm sure. 6. They are GPS guided
  11. OMG this is so cool! I'm going to steal base on your design, when making my plane.
  12. Vulcans you talk about are already in the mod they are called "Vulcan (hidden)"
  13. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reconnaissance_satellite Images taken by spy satellites are very detailed. Here's photo of the Pentagon made by Corona satelite made in 1967. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/27/Corona_pentagon.jpg It's not bad especially considering the fact, that those were made over 40 years ago I'm also pretty sure, that Google Maps images are made using satelites. Basically weapon manager would search for vessels in LKO with special camera part. - - - Updated - - - You know what? I have just realised, that it would be impractical since satelites would be useful only for a short period of time when they are directly above the target. But I came up with another idea - add reconnaisance mode for an AI. Planes in that mode would slowly circle around on altitudes high enough to not be shot down by AA fire. and provide data from their targeting pod to other vessels with some kind of data reciver.
  14. I've got a genius idea! What about adding a targeting pod (only GPS, no lasers), that could be used on satelites and remotely accesed by ground units? It would be incerdibly useful when trying to take down targets hidden behind mountains.
  15. Sorry i was writting this on my phone and accidentaly posted it too quickly. I hope there are going to be more bombs than just Fat Man.
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