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Everything posted by bartekkru99

  1. I was using his mod before they decided to use Curse for mods...
  2. Does it work with 0.90? - - - Updated - - - Ok I'm downloading I really want it for my antimatter collecting station...
  3. I really liked it, now i need to write on s*hitty flat USB keyboard...
  4. I recently spilled some coca cola on my keyboard, so i immediately turned it up side down and waited for it to dry out, so i plugged it back to my computer, it was working but some of the keys were sticky, so i decided to clean it, after waiting few hours for it dry, but then only numlock diode was lighted up and i couldn't write anything, so I replugged it and even th light wasn't on... - - - Updated - - -
  5. When I add boolean difference modifier to my mesh most of the faces disappear from unknown reason, can someone tell me why does it do that?
  6. I've just read on Forbes site, that Lockheed Martin, pomised to build a working fusion reactor by 2017, whet do you think about it? Is it really going to be that fast? Even if not we will propably see them during our lifespans...
  7. Might be something with tweakscale... - - - Updated - - - Cnfirmed after uninstalling TweakScale previosly corrupted ships went back to normal Carrying some Hellfire and Hydra70 missiles Food suplies for starvingkerbal children.
  8. If I remember correctly, you need your collectors to be connected to containers, but I'm not 100% sure...
  9. Ok I'm modelling a railgun, should it be more futuristic or realistic looking? Realistic Railgun Futuristic Railgun
  10. I'm talking about tree hierarchy system, not only about wobbly structures. Does part welding remove tree hierarchy from the game then? I also don't want to make my crafts too stable.
  11. How do you think, Would it be possible to build small nuclear powered RCS engine?
  12. I'm going to make some more fancy shapes than cylinders and spheres, also when I unwarp my model, some of the faces are stretched. My mod is going to be BDArmory expansion pack.
  13. I;ve downloaded blender and unity. Can someone tell me few things? 1. How to make seamless/borderless textures on round objects? 2. How do I create .Mu files and edit them in blender? 3. Unity doesn't seem to load .mu files... Why? EDIT: I use GIMP for textures.
  14. You can bind cluster bombs to action group (not weapon manager) and they will drop all at once.
  15. thy are in gme data, those were folders to store mods, so i dont need to redownload everything whn reinstalling...
  16. Sometimes, when I load my ships, half of it's parts are missing it says "VesselName" in the name bar. Alsol parts list and all categories are gone... It happens rarely, so to tell what mods is causing it I would need to play few days without each mod to find out and I haev pretty big arsenal of mods, here they are...
  17. I don't like an idea of welding parts, when you smash one of your engines, whole ship will disappear, which is very unrealistic. What if on every craft there would be a center point and parts would be attached directly to it? Neighbouring parts would be joined with with invisible struts. When you "cut" your vessel in half, there would pop out a new central point.
  18. Some of KSPX parts were added into the game, I think, that squad had it's reasons to not add them all, but I'll add it to the list.
  19. DMP style multiplayer wouldn't be bad, but I would like to see multiple space centers especially for competitive mode, I can imagine, what people would do on BDArmory Ever since 0.25 I was waiting for destructible buildings outside the KSC.
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