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Everything posted by bartekkru99

  1. What's the max range for that be(a)con? Does it use radio waves or lights or maybe smell?
  2. Check What not to suggest thread before posting. It was suggested a lot of times and propably won't be added, KSP Interstellar mod does great
  3. I think that KSP has the best community ever. No one is ofending anyone. There's no religious hate, which we can see under every YT video with above 1.000.000 views. People help eachother, No one steals ideas from other people, like in case of Little Big Planet, where after showing off my fighter jet or mech walker I had to kick someone after few seconds, because he was trying to use save tool on it. And finally no KSP Youtuber is treated like a god and guarded by an army of angry fanboys, that insult you after say something about him.
  4. Once I flew to Gilly with big ass nuclear powered ship with 9-12 Kerbals, I don't remember how many of them there were. Jeb, Bill and Bob were sent to the surface while the rest was orbiting Eve. Guys on Gilly were having fun, but then I reload quicksave and they froze on the surface, so the others returned without the with some minor complications, they ran out of fuel and I had to use RCS to correct orbit around the sun, but then I ran out of monopropellant and when they got near Kerbin I had to send unmanned mission for them. But still Jeb and his friends were stuck on Gilly frozen, so I sent one man rescue lander ot grab the with KAS connectors, but strange thing were happening when I was time warping, so there was no hope for them, they crashed into Gilly. Also I forgot to take science from their lander, that exploded from unknow reson after numerous reloadings of quicksave, so I only got crew raportd from rescue guy... I was really happy when he came back and Jeb, Bill and Bob were already there
  5. I play KSP since December 2012 (0.18). It seemed magical and complicated, when I first played it... I still remember my first Mun trip. I was so excited when rovers came out and then science...
  6. I was talking about Mk44 one, they aren't that different, but if MK44 would be better because it uses 30mm rounds, which are already in the game...
  7. Maybe clock isn't running that fast, look how many posts yhere are on this thread already...
  8. Lately, I've noticed, that KSP community is getting smaller and smaller. There isn't nearly half as much blog post as a year ago, there were times when you could see over 10 blog enties a day now, there's one for two days... Even on mot popular mod threads, people are posting in few hour spaces... And the question is: is Kerbal Space Program dying, is it burning out slowly? I love this game and I don't want it to die...
  9. I don't think, that sidewinders and AMRAAMs are so unique. Or howitzers and Abrams' cannons. Or vulcan and M230. Bushmaster turret is completely different from GAU-8, both guns are for different purposes. GAU-8 is made do use from air, it's fast firing, so you can shoot it on the move and don't bother about missing, bushmaster is not designed to attack armored targets, but to defend against infantry.
  10. Propably in real life it would also not matter... But i don't know is it intended...
  11. My figter doesn't seem to roll at higher AoAs! HALPH MY!!!11111111111111 Edit: Looks like my vertical stabilisers stall when doing it...
  12. can you mount your rotary one on the ground vehicle? Bushmaster has much higher nozzle velocity.
  13. It would be nice to see some high power autocannon like Mk44 Bushmaster II, would, great for some armored vehicles, also it uses 30mm ammo, which is already in the mod... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mk44_Bushmaster_II
  14. I mounted some control surfaces on the front edge of the main wing and made it deflect on higher AoAs and helped a lot!!!
  15. Also I've got some problems with my my attack plane. Every time I make a plane with A-10 like low sweep angle it's very hard to pitch up, because after I reach some AoA it jumps down to the original position. - - - Updated - - - the problem disapperas after addings some leadingedge extension, but, it makes it look too quick, I want something, that looks more slow and strong...
  16. Yeah, but when the root part is destroyed struted parts will fall apart anyway... they only make existing joints stronger, but don't really create new, so when I make kind of ring station and hit the middle part others will float away from each other no matter if they are strutted or not.
  17. I've got a question, when you right click on your control surface under pitch, yaw and roll there's AoA, does it make my my surface move as AoA rises or what?
  18. But you're not the only one here, I'm pretty sure that someone has some experience. Btw would you like to see some more armor pieces ans shapes for structural plates?
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