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Everything posted by Tyren

  1. hmm, somewhat a big passenger plane provides...not challenging, but substitutes some piloting issues...dunno if this could be done in KSP yet.
  2. I tried your mod...it killed almost my CPU Well, thats not the fault of your mod, but ive got a decent package of em and your huge parts burned almost my cpu (i have a i7 with 4+4 x2,0-2,9 GHz...one core is not really good without his companions ). Dont have a solution to get it work without wipe-ing half my other mods *scratches head*
  3. Thanks for the further Input...the AIES decoupler tubes are just placeholders to have an idea about the shape of that guy...and yes, i can and will build jetpacks on it Something along These lines, well not that pretty though.
  4. Thats quite cool. Id just built a Gundam K (Kundam) I love this mod (u can hav an early Peak on it here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/46180-WIP-Kundam-Kerbadroid ). Ist my test "mecha" to get Infos about durability and steadiness of the hinges. Tonight i hope i can finish it and make it fly. Dunno if it can walk, thats a complex Animation Matrix to set up.
  5. I dont Play with Joystick tipping the qwasde keys quite frequently, abuse the trim and so on. it worked, done the "landing" in about 3 minutes after takeoff...and overshot the helipad a bit cuz i didnt cut the rearengine (Needs to be pulsed quite often to define the heading). The most challenging flight i had in that game.
  6. Well, i succeeded to land it on the helipad yesterday with several tries (proof Picture in the previous page) ... almost ... It's well balanced, even while burning fuel. the difficulty is just to hold it in the direction, you want to fly. As seen in the Video, it's extreme hard to hold back-up and straight to get a clear landing trajectory. I like it anyways Cant await your next Project Edit says: FU german Auto correction System...
  7. This ship is quite cool, if you are a coldblooded Pilot Hitting full throttle for all engines doesnt work....well, except you put on RCS and SAS, then it's a straight to Orbit carrier Good decision to rework it for 0.21., challenging fun ship. :>
  8. I know he is not very beautiful (despite less useful)...i hope i can polish him up this evening Suggestions or visual improvements are appreciated. Sidenote: if anyone has an idea to get that Thing walk, just state it here.
  9. Hello all, ist just an early peak on my "Gundam K". Operating: Turning arms sideways (shoulder) turning ellbows rotating hip unfolding wings (actually working on) Gunzzzz they can be turned upwards planned: flying capabilities moar gunz Walking? Big thanks to all modders who made that thingy possible: Mods i used: MechJeb to Keep the weight low Spherical fuel tanks for shoulders/Balance weight ofc the epicly infernal robotics Kosmos AIES Navigation lights pirated weaponry hope i mentioned all Ill work on it tonight again, maybe you have already done sth. along These lines? Show em Uhm, how do i embed imgur Albums? Album embedded.
  10. Lol Good work, ill put it on my HDD this evening Maybe we can Lure a texture dude to finish the design up (with your permission ofc...) CBBP for example, due to the fact your addon frees up computing ressources (part Count down ) there could be some detailed texturing up it, ...if hes willing to do it.
  11. So ist not a matter of thrust. You run dry way before you are there, right? Well i use 3 stage rockets, first stage in lower atmosphere, second stage before orbital burn (to Keep the space clean ) and the last stage is sufficient to circularize/land on Mun. Trial and error forced me to that design, ist steady, fast (approx 4-5 mins to a 100/100 Orbit) and packs a Punch...and as mentioned before, it has about 2.0 TWR do have an emergency burn spare if needed. runs on about 75% thrust. Another tip to save fuel according to my last line: look up in the wiki about terminal Speed http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Kerbin#Atmosphere to not waste fuel trying to push up the atmosphere
  12. Id really appreciate some Kind of massive hinges. i used the Docking washers for some moving/flapping purposes, but they are just too weak, ist getting wobbly on the move...but if you build a self constructing base on Tylo, there is Need for steady robotics i guess agree? Oh and a sidenote: you guys, are awesome!
  13. Will it be steady enough to hold considerable payloads under gravity stable or are they fore "zero-gravity" purposes only? I see Devos Hand in this models
  14. Hmm somewhat along this line: v.1.x - Initial release? doesnt make sense if theres not a further variant, doesnt it?
  15. Rule of thumb: about 20 kn per ton (thats 2 tons of thrust per metric ton lifted mass)...i am running fine with it.
  16. A stage below the mainsails with aerospikes could do it...well, part Count will raise...quite a alot
  17. Hmm NP provides a 7500 kn bundle engine for the 5m Diameter parts...slap some Boosters in Asparagus on it (2,5m with mainsails) and you have somewhat 12-17kn thrust with enough Punch (intended ) to get into LKO. I just concerning about wobbling between payload and carrierpack
  18. Nicetroubleshooting I dont even want to know how many tries u needed to get that compiled... Ok, how many?
  19. Novapunch provides giant-ish propulsions. If i see that correct, you Need about 4100 kn just for that beast to push it up. I think the 5m Propulsion parts could provide enough for your purposes. Else, have a look in the "heavy lifter" thread, maybe there is what you Need.
  20. I wish i could provide some textures...but i am so non-talented...These are awesome, they simple deserve a beautiful kerbalike texture gotta reinstall it, my part Count should thank me
  21. Use the ggrappling claw, and shoot it to the referring part. Transfer enabled.
  22. Not to Forget about kurtjmac, Macey Dean and several others. I think your help is best done in that way. "Doing anything" is like we want to tell you, how to win the sandbox mode.
  23. Huge...thing? i think i know, but i wont tell... gotta go to my pc asap to get that Eagle up the Roof
  24. Uhm, no. This is the System, that makes ships in star wars hover and land without getting harmed by there mass...and i used the wrong word lol... it is called a REPULSOR Sorry m( Edit choked me to use words in a senseful order... Suspensors are situated in the dune universe, iirc. They help fat People like the well-known Baron Vladimir Harkonnen to move Sorry again
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