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Everything posted by PlasmaDynamics

  1. You should make a set of SRB's with a small gimbal, also the X0 would make a great looking OMS if it did not have the gimbal bulit into the model.
  2. How do you switch fuels in the nuclear reactor? I can't find a way to do it.
  3. I want to take over the project because the author left it for dead but I cant find contact info.
  4. I think there might be an issue because I now get memory crashes on start up from trying to load B9 with other mods. Crashes did not happen until I updated.
  5. It does I just checked it. I don't know how to animate the antenna during transmission however.
  6. I updated the science lab to work with 0.22. Currently it costs 1000 science and is in the experimental science catagory. Copy the cfg in this link and it will work. http://pastebin.com/kAK91bfz
  7. You should totally do a sci fi 1m command pod!
  8. How did you add the triangle pattern on your light?
  9. The purple triangles are me experimenting with the texturing.
  10. UPDATE: Updated the textures to passable, pictures to follow. Starting balancing, perhaps increasing the xenon consumption but decreasing the power requirement? I am still looking for a texturing person who will receive credit on the release. Your thoughts and ideas are welcome!
  11. I am really bad at this, so I want as much advice as I can get. I have Photoshop CS6 as my art program if that helps.
  12. Plasma Dynamics is a part park of electrically driven forms of propulsion suchs as MPD's and VASIMR engines. I have one part near completion, the 1 metre Magneto Plasma Dynamic engine. The texture is just for testing and I will need someone to help me texture this first part. http://imgur.com/a/Z8Pvf/#0 At the moment the MPD has not been balanced, However at the moment the stats are, ISP 5000, Thrust: 30, Mass: 1.5T, FX is from the nuclear engine [TEMP] Also need to figure out a balance of power consumption. Goals: 2M VASMIR Engine + Code Release First Engine on completion of testing and textures Figure out how to implement a purple plasma fx for the MPD JIMO style reactor More To Be Announced
  13. I dont know if the code is right but it should stop when no throttle is being applied. Also can you change the color of the fx from the stock options? Code: fx_exhaustFlame_blue = 0.0, -0.4, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, active fx_exhaustLight_blue = 0.0, -0.4 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, active
  14. You have to add a resource to the resource cfg file in the ksp folder I believe.
  15. I have questions about making a gimbaling engine? 1. Does the nozzle and body have to be separate parts? 2. How do I set these in unity? 3. How do you make your own engine fx?
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