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Everything posted by FanaticalFighter

  1. Found something crazier. I did some Google-Fu and found this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/50242-Jool-accent-the-imposible-chalenge Essentially, this guy managed to not only land on Jool, but TAKE OFF INTO ORBIT. And I thought Eve was scary.
  2. When in a flight the captain announces you're at 11 km and the only things you can think are, "That sunset looks exactly like it does in KSP" and "Late for gravity turn."
  3. I use math when the ship designs get too complicated for KER. As in, when I plan a mission where the staging is very weird, or a mission like Appolo were the lander meets the mothership, KER tends to get delta v's wrong, so I use the math to get the delta v there.
  4. Latus rectum is a fancy word for a simple line that joins the focii of any ellipse (or any conic section, really) to the curve, and is also parallel to another line called the directrix of the curve (which is another fancy word for another very simple line. Mathematicians love their fancy words) Surprisingly enough, semilatus rectum is the half of the length of this line
  5. Here's a tentative plan to rendezvous with an asteroid coming in at a near equatorial hyperbolic trajectory with a Kerbin Pe in the range of 70 km - 300 km. Overall Design Principles: It may well be impossible to set up a ship that can both capture an asteroid around Kerbin and the put it into Munar Orbit, as the delta-v requirements may well be too high for a single launch to accomodate. Assuming the hyperbolic trajectory to be a few hundred meters per second excess from a Kerbin Escape Velocity at Pe, the DV requirement to capture said asteroid would be around 1000-1500 m/s, and this is when an asteroid is attatched to the front of the craft, increasing the mass significantly. Therefore, I advocate a multiple launch mission profile, with the first lauch capturing the asteroid and a later launch refueling the spacecraft to provide the Delta V for departing for the Mun. Of course, this could be significantly reduced using aerobraking, but that would be too dangerous to do. Capture Mission Profile: Heliocentric Orbit Rendezvous represents an interesting choice, but as something like this has never been tried, at least by me, I don't think this is the way to go. High Kerbin Orbit Rendezvous is an interesting idea. As the asteroid comes in at an hyperbolic trajectory, the intercepts would be quite hard to get far away from Kerbin, and even when done correctly, the relative velocities may well be quite high as we're going in a circular orbit and the asteroid is coming in at a different angle at an hyperbolic trajectory. This method would be necessary for when the asteroid's Pe is inside Kerbin atmosphere and it is necessary to rendezvous with the asteroid as quickly as possible to divert it away from Kerbin. Low Kerbin Orbit Rendezvous, I think, is the way to go. It allows us to achieve rendezvous in a way that has been done a lot of times, by creating an intercept at Pe and changing the orbital time period to meet the asteroid after a number of orbits. This may well reduce the rendezvous burn delta v to a very low number, and if the launch was timed well, to almost zero. Therefore, this is the way to go. An unmanned spacecraft meeting with the asteroid would be the way to go. Manned missions can follow later. Asteroid to the Mun Mission Profile After rendezvous and and capture has been achieved, a refueling ship refuels the spacecraft propelling the asteroid. This option is preferable to an entirely new spacecraft with its heavy engines rendezvousing with the asteroid, while also wasting the spacecraft already there. After refueling, it would be a simple matter to burn towards the Moon and to get into orbit around the Moon. Manned Missions Missions to study the asteroid would come next. A simple mission get a 3 man pod to an asteroid mission would be followed by more extensive missions, maybe even a construction of a mini space-station around the asteroid. After studies have been concluded, the asteroid may be impacted into the Mun, or left in orbit.
  6. There's a mod that does this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55625 I use this to plan out my missions and create flight plans (using the KSP Trajectory Optimizer) Really handy!
  7. Happy Pi day! I find it facinating that it comes up everywhere. I mean, this is a number that comes up in the description uncertainty of a particle, and the forces between charges, and a bunch of other stuff, and not just a circle. There's actually multiple Pi days. 3-17 works in some systems of writing the date, 22-7 works in others. Here in India, its celebrated as 22-7, because we write the day first, and then the month.
  8. XBOX 360. Controllers on the XBOXs are a lot better, IMO. Would you rather go to Saturn or Jupiter?
  9. I think they mean it as in if you came in at an interplanetary trajectory, and you didn't hit the right angle, you won't lose enough speed to be able to capture into an orbit.
  10. Because... Kraken attack. Why am I posting stuff here when I should be studying for an exam?
  11. Banned for seriously awesome avatar.
  12. Granted, you get 1 million dislikes on each video. I wish NASA actually did something awesome with manned spaceflight again.
  13. This is interesting... Jebediah: Crazy little green man Kerbol: Hot ball with fire Mun: Deathstar look-alike in sky Fuel: Thing to burn go fast Tylo: Grey enemy in space Eve: Purple killer in space Kraken: Weird everywhere
  14. Yes, there is an anthem. MOAR BOOSTERS! MOAR STRUTS!
  15. "The allied provinces of Cerima" "Southwest Ceriman Federation" "Union of south Ceriman Islanders" "Northwest southwest Cerima" "Northeast southwest Cerima" "Autocratic people's monarchy of southwestern southwest Cerima" "Beaurocratic people's technocracy of southeastern southwest Cerima" ermahgerd Awesome map, though xD. I see a story there behind the crazy Ceriman countries. Care to share?
  16. Rainbow Six: Raven Shield - That game is and will be one of the best tactical shooters ever. SWAT 4 - Another one of the classic old tactical shooters. I'm so sad this genre died out, there have been no games recently with this level of awesomeness.
  17. Kittens. Would you rather ride a Soyuz, or a Space Shuttle?
  18. Granted, you are a spy from a human eating alien civilization. I wish I had a better CPU.
  19. I'm gonna try this out ASAP. This looks epic. BTW, how large is the atmosphere considered to be? Is the atmosphere 70km high, or do we get an exosphere as well? EDIT: Nevermind, you ninja'd me with the answer
  20. Going to Alpha centauri via a Hohmann transfer would be like going rendezvous with a ship 100 m away from you via a Hohmann transfer. What you do is point yourself at the star, burn your rockets until you reach a certain max velocity, then turn around, and burn the other way, and do this such that by the time you finally stop, you are in orbit around Alpha Centauri.
  21. Whackjob... kraken drive.... *Imagines computer exploding*
  22. I'd say the dozenal system is better. With binary, numbers go hard to write really soon.
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