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Everything posted by OrianCEV

  1. My warp drive isn't working..Every time I try to activate it it flames out, even with a reactor running full power....
  2. Mine has to be Star Wars Battlefront II.
  3. That is a good point. I think we need some correctly scaled IVA's.
  4. THIS was out there when I was struggling to get the darn landing gear right!!? THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU....THA-[ended for the reader's convenience]
  5. Could some one get to working on the ability to open a hatch on the stock KSP pods and then have your kerbal climb out of it?Like the FASA LEM works with it's door?
  6. Good point, but being able to float out the hatch would be neat.
  7. I was wondering if there was anyone out there who could get a mod that would allow you to move your kerbal around in the IVA, via WASD or the arrow keys, and then be able to be seen from the window outside, or maybe be able to open a hatch and automatically go EVA?
  8. KSS Modules: Fuel Module Observation Module Science Module Core Module Solar Truss 1 Solar Truss 2 Two transport crafts Centerfuige Module Pictures: Launcher: DOWNLOAD:N/A[For now?]
  9. I installed this just before I realized that I needed to make my KSP lower res.. It's now Permanently broken my KSP..because I can't find the files I need to uninstall!
  10. Request:Could you possibly script the engines to use "cool rockets" smoke effects?
  11. crashed my KSP permanently..Got to re-download it for the fifth time.. version:0.24 resolution:64 bit mods:FASA,Mechjeb,coolrockets cryo effects
  12. Dang thing broke my KSP permanently..I've got to reinstall it..again..
  13. Me encanta esto! Hace jugando KSP mucho más fácil!
  14. I've confirmed that it works on my machine.I'm using the default resolution and .24, Everything works fine for me. EDIT:I use 64 bit.
  15. Note:They're not LRB's, they're LFB's-Liquid Fueled Booster-.
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