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Everything posted by Deathsoul097

  1. @ fleetmaster (in reply to earlier post - I dont know how to do the qoutey thingy) Yeah, that's pretty much why I built it. I will post some screenshots when I get home, but I am at school right now. Also, this is also the reason it is VTOL, to provide a steady firing platform.
  2. @Camulus Thanks, I haven't tried launching them legitimately myself, simply because they are around about 160 parts, and I get 10 FPS on that as it is on my laptop. Oddly though, if I hyperedit a Burai and an Icaruaga into the same place in orbit, my FPS doesn't get any worse. The Idea was for the Escorts to be able to "Escort" a ship anywhere other than Moho, and possibly Eeloo. With Vall as my home base, they shouldn't need much fuel to get anywhere around Jool, though. After all, they both have Approx 4000ms-1 of Delta V. EDIT: Do we fight with airplanes on this thread, like bombing runs and stuff? Because I am working on an attack VTOL, and it is going quite well.
  3. So, Camulus777, have you tried out my ships? I hope they are decent enough for use. EDIT: Wow, that's a lot of pop. (English name for soda)
  4. Jeezus, who are you!? That is freaking amazing! IM CALLING YOU OUT HARVESTR! IMPLEMENT THIS NOW!!!!!! Seriously though, you must have spent a long time on that, GavinZac. I'm impressed.
  5. This is looking quite good Patupi. Also, I think Kosmos may be causing the problems, It did with me a little while back as well.
  6. Whenever I read your name, daemonCaptrix, I cant help but think about the slaneshii, from Warhammer 40K.
  7. I am thinking of Joining this, but only as a craft supplier. Basically, I am the CEO of the Black Knights. We are a "mercenary" group, based on Vall (if that's okay), and we hire out support to other companies. Simply, you can "buy" and use our services in a battle. Currently we offer two ships: The Icaruga (Heavy(ish) Escort), and the Burai (Medium Escort). Flag: http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs40/f/2009/019/b/6/code_geass_HD_wallpaper_by_Dark_Madoka.jpg Icaruga : http://i.imgur.com/kaaTob7.png Craft file: http://www./download/ofd952a7wdb2lxl/Icaruga_-_Heavy_Escort.craft Burai : http://i.imgur.com/eyivaPM.png Craft File: http://www./download/3ott9tukuv5m4h6/Burai_-_Med_Escort.craft (Ignore the mods in the editor, these are all stock) The Icaruga is pretty tough, but nowhere near indestructible. She carries 12 SMS missiles (Totally not ripped off of Macey Dean), and 8 of them can be reloaded en-masse, through the frontal docking port, and an additional 8 can be mounted on the underside through the same method. She features multiple control cores, and due to having 5 engines, she should be able to hold up to multiple hits. SHOULD. The Burai is also pretty tough for his size, and has some damn powerful missiles. Carrying 8 LMG missiles (dumb-fire, Insanely powerful missiles made of a grand total of 3 parts each), and 6 SMS missiles (same as above), this one can put up a fight. The lander-can is useful for more accurate aiming, but the ship can be flown without a pilot, using the same dummy probe system as the Icaruga. The LMG's are literally just a small decoupler and two seperatrons. They manage about 700ms-1 in about 2.5Km, so they should pack quite a punch. Both clock in at around 4000ms-1 Delta V, around 50 Tonnes, around 160 parts, so they are actually insanely small by the accounts of everyone else here, lol. Edit: thank you, DaemonCaptrix, for telling me how to post the files.
  8. Oh, no my friend who showed me the vid said that, And to be honest, looking at that behemoth of a behemoth, I'd say that sounds about right. It says the same to me too... Maybe the thread was deleted... -v()v- (shrug)
  9. Just going to say this: Look up the Vanguard's final docking on youtube, and prepare to be dumbfounded, amazed, and just downright gob-smacked. I think it ended up at over 4000 parts, and I am guessing it massed about that many Tonnes, too. Just going to say, The Vanguard could probably have had the Delta V to get to and return from every single celestial body and return, looking at the amount of fuel and Nerva's on it. Sorry Zekes, but I think Christopher Woertz has you beat. EDIT: (link to video mentioned in post)EDIT2: The biggest plane I have ever seen (Again, on youtube) was around about 3000 parts, and I think it was called the Titan MK 4 Link:
  10. Quoted from a post by NovaSilisko: "Some general concepts for changes and addition that are drifting around my head (not to say this is the way they'll be though, we've all gotta generally agree what to implement and this is just my take! Plus discovery mechanics and hence the rest of the system won't happen for many updates) Jool: Actually the second-smallest gas giant, with unusually large moons. All other gas giants would have objects smaller than or comparable to Moho. - Laythe: Very volcanic because of its proximity and the tidal forces from the other moons. Still oceans of water, but now with actual active volcanos with lava lakes (that destroy things) - Vall: Never liked the design of vall too much. I'd like to make it a bit more like eeloo, with large cracks in the ice and a more chaotic surface. - Tylo: Never liked this either, also needs to be redone. Perhaps turned into a highly-contrasting body like Iapetus. - More tiny moons: Just a bunch of small moonlets, at least 20. Probably would be nameable by the player or given designations (ex. J-17 for the 17th moon of Jool discovered) Gas planet 2: ~50% larger than Jool, with rings. Early version shown on a stream a while ago. - Eeloo: Relocated to orbit GP2, now with large geysers that can knock your ship around (prototyped several weeks ago, they function quite well) - Daphy: Unusually smooth and round ball of fluff. An asteroid which has accumulated material from the rings, practically no gravity. - Potatus: Small moon with relatively high inclination relative to GP2's equator. Composed of ices surrounding a highly dense core. Very rapid rotation (21 minutes) causes it to be stretched into an oblate spheroid (prototyped a while ago, the physics actually work and are really cool) - Fonso: Largest moon, ~300 km radius. Very mountainous, with a thick atmosphere that only extends partway up the mountains (as in, the mountain peaks are in vacuum, while the proper surface is at two atmospheres) - Tiny moons: Same case as Jool Gas planet 3: Perhaps not an actual gas planet, could be a 2000km rocky planet with a thick atmosphere (have fun landing under 6g and 30 atmospheres of pressure) - Moon with rings? Would have to be diffuse rings as well as recent, fully-formed rings wouldn't last long in that position. Gas planet 4: Who knows. Beyond: Who knows x2"
  11. Actually, NovaSillisko has already stated that there are plans for another Gas Giant to be implemented, With Eeloo as a Cryo-Volcanically active moon, rings, and twice the size of Jool. Whether or not this is actually confirmed by Squad or not, I'm not sure though.
  12. Looking really good there, Patupi, you should add the planes, I will count them as rovers if you want (but you will only get one bonus of +30pts), and they just might manage to get you the +100 for being over 1000 tonnes.
  13. Hmm, I might put that in, but I'm not sure how it works or how to score it appropriately, having never used it myself.
  14. Ok, So now we have one contestant with a score of: 390pts, Congrats Death Engineering, for being the only person to complete the challenge.
  15. Looking good Death Engineering, I am really quite surprised that you are the only person to attempt this challenge. How much fuel does that ascent stage have, because if you are using a LV-909, then you should be able to manage it, but not having power could be a problem. If you do run out of power, and you have made it to space, you might be able to get out and push the ship onto the correct heading, and stop it through time warp, then execute the node. After that point, it should just be a case of rendezvousing the CM to the lander, instead of the other way around. DAMN! NINJAD!
  16. Ok, so now I bet you're all wondering why I gathered you here today... I am having a dilemma. I have quite a decent save in 0.22, and I am most of the way down the tech tree. I now want to install some mods, like KW, and SDHI, which have both been updated to fit into the tree. However, I don't know whether or not I will be able to access parts that are in nodes that I have already unlocked before instalment. Is anyone able to enlighten me in this situation?
  17. Just wondering, what happened to the original creator? It has been a long time since I have checked on Hooligan Labs, so I cant remember his username.
  18. Dude, Kashua, stop being so pedantic, he never said anything about launch clamps, so it could go either way. Just leave that kind of thing to the OP, ok?
  19. That's alright, like I said, you can use a single resupply ship when you are at Duna, and you could probably have sent it in the same window as a contingency system.
  20. Man, that SatV looks pretty impressive. But TBH I like the Ares V design better, And if you had done it on a Falcon Heavy or Falcon X I would have been even more impressed. Especially since this mission profile is pretty much the reason behind the design of the Falcon Heavy.
  21. Looking good, Death Engineering. I think I will allow you to claim that as a "True Apollo" mission, so +100pts to Gryffindor! No, but seriously, that is probably the best Apollo style mission I have ever seen. You really are good at these challenges too, your doing pretty well on the Constellation Program too, from what I can see. Thank you.
  22. So are the SRBs extra stages, or are they part of the first and second stage to orbit? That is looking awesome however, and I cant wait to see how you do on the final mission report. Funnily enough, that looks pretty damn similar to my Apollo recreation Munlanders.
  23. Sorry, no, that wont classify for a "True Apollo". If im not understanding this correctly though, post some screenshots, and I will take a look to see what you mean.
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