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Stone Blue

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Everything posted by Stone Blue

  1. [snip] As to the *exact* version of Unity needed, KSP seems to have been upgraded to 2017.1.3p1 ... As stated by an actual Squad developer in a post which I directly linked to in my response on the other thread. the "...p1, .p2, p3, ...etc" suffix is a patch number only... the base version is still 2017.1.3... patch releases offer bug fixes and possibly minor feature additions to the base version. If you dont feel confident in taking someone's word that a minor version update will be sufficient to work with current version of KSP, thats fine... Just use the *exact* version stated by the OP in the PartTools thread. [snip]
  2. Just for those?... but why?... those are all supported on KSP 1.6.1... vOv which means, if those are your only mods, you *should* be running newest MM... unless you are on a really old version of KSP... vOv
  3. O...M...G... Just found it @peteletroll So I checked a bunch of the easy things first, and just before starting to look into moar complicated possibilities, I just found the problem... It was the single *easiest* thing that I missed :roll_eyes: Yes, both issues are in the whitelist file. Current whitelist entries: Squad/Parts/radialAttachmentPoint/ Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTankOscarB/model They need to be *THIS*: Squad/Parts/Utility/radialAttachmentPoint/ Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTankOscarB/ 1st issue was the missing /Utility/ in the URL, 2nd is specifying /model in the URL By specifiying /model, its saying its ok to load the needed .mu, but *dont* load the needed textures... Just using the folder, and not specifying anything *in* the folder, will let *everything* in the folder load Cant believe I missed that right off :face_palm:
  4. 1st issue is the URL for the radialattachmentPoint got buggered in the whitelist it is: Squad/Parts/radialAttachmentPoint/ *should* be: Squad/Parts/Utility/radialAttachmentPoint/
  5. @peteletroll uhh... I *think* I am experiencing an issue with the new update and ReStock support ... Investigating nao... I'll post back Soon™ with definitive findings, and hopefully the (simple) fix... Figured I'd post there *might* be an issue, just to head off others coming to report something
  6. Wow... I wish Squad's definition of Soon™ was the same as yours (11 minutes :O )... or even within a few months of yours lol
  7. I know development of this mod has ceased, but in case @MOARdV wants to add ReStock support for the External Camera part in case there is another maintenance release, I've created an issue on the repo for the quick fix. Sorry, I didnt bother with a PR, since its so simple. In any case, here's the issue I submitted of the fix for people who need the RPM External Camera part, with ReStock installed: RPM External Camera part uses stock model/texture. Fails to load when ReStock is installed, due to ReStock disabling Squad models/textures. ReStock has implemented a simple workaround for mods that depend on stock models/textures. Blowfish wrote a simple plugin that can blacklist/whitelist its disabling of Squad files. For whitelisting (keeping Squad files), a simple text file needs to be created with the extension ".restockwhitelist", simply containing the folder URL for the Squad files that need to be loaded, and *not* disabled by ReStock. The fix is so simple, that I didnt think it was worth a PR...just one line. Sorry. Here is the contents of said file: Squad/Parts/Utility/linearRCS/ Then save it with filename of JSI.restockwhitelist Save in a location with other RPM support patches, and done. That will keep ReStock from disabling loading of that folder which has the model and texture files that the external camera needs. The Kerbal CCTV mod depends on the RPM camera part, as well, so this will fix *that* mod, or any *other* mod that also depends on this RPM part.
  8. While its much better, I still occasionally get the same issue I had... Could very well be something on *my* end tho... wouldnt worry about looking into it again unless moar people report the issue... As ALWAYS, THANK YOU, Vitas
  9. You are... absolutely correct... somehow I crossposted on the wrong thread
  10. DO you have this problem *after* you select and place a command part? Many parts cannot be placed as the first part on a craft, and these parts icons (especially the background), show up "darker", than the parts that *can* be selected as the first part of a craft... vOv Screenshots may help.
  11. Hi welcome to the forums... The best way to do a search on the forum, even better than the built-in forum search box, is to Google the word kerbal, followed by your search term. Also using the Tools-> Any Time function to narrow down recent results (using past month), would net you as the first result, this thread addressing this same exact question from two days ago: I mention the Google instructions, because you will find it very helpful on your next questions: where to begin to find results on how to start learning how to mod for KSP specifically.
  12. I did some work on the K-35 model, and I think i fixed the 1000m spawning issue on it. If someone would like to give it a try, *WITHOUT* World Stabilizer installed, and give some feedback, I would appreciate it. Some parts that I am looking at fixing in OPT do the same thing, so the feedback would help with that also. If my edits seem to fix the issue, and I get at least a couple positive feedback responses, I could submit a PR for @linuxgurugamer to decide if he wants to merge it in a future update. The model file can be found in this post of mine:
  13. Its from what has become several different mods... Originally @Stevie_D's work here: Then Sophia's here: Then @Denko666's here:
  14. @Kartoffelkuchen Kewl... looking forward to seeing anything you update/release ;)
  15. Oh!... huh... well, in the master, the Restock whitelist file is in the JSI folder... vOv And I dont see the file at all in the release package...
  16. I agree... BDB is for people who love those smelly, saliva-dripping, ADHD creatures called canines (colloquially known as *dogs* ...blech...) You really want a mod pack based on high-quality parts, and for those who prefer the more refined and dignified lifestyle of those who prefer the Feline Master Race...
  17. "new" Unity 5..??? wow... it *has* been awhile for you, huh? Unity 2017.1.3p1 is what KSP 1.4.x to 1.6.1 was built on. I've been using 2017.1.3p4... can be found on the Patch releases page: https://unity3d.com/unity/qa/patch-releases Current PartTools can always (hopefully) be found here, as long as they keep publicly releasing new versions: Also, if you use Blender, Taniwha has been motoring thru tons of new features and fixes for his Blender Import/Export MU Tool found here: (just note that the master is for Blender 2.80... for 2.79 you have to select the 2.79 branch) https://github.com/taniwha/io_object_mu
  18. @linuxgurugamer Uhmmm... while the ReStock whitelist/JSI folder is updated in the master, it looks like the JSI folder itself never made it into the release package... neither the one available in Github/releases or the one hosted on SpaceDock <snipped incorrect info about the patch content itself> EDIT: nevermind... your patch is correct... i just saw JSI supplies its own texture
  19. I know this is probably dumb, and I think I know the answer, and I *should* know the correct answer by now... but, I assume KSP/Unity does *not* differentiate two identically named files except for capitalization, specifically textures... ??? ie Texture1 and texture1 ... Just making sure, before I put in a lot of time on something
  20. Hmmm... so just tried a bought of mods, and it seems even loading the mod pages mostly fails on the first attempt now, and requires one or two page refreshes...
  21. Ok.. but again, doing that for *one* mod, seems to enable the overide for all other mods with that version or greater... again, which seems to be duplicating what the KSP version buttons do... Gotcha on the single mod override Hmm.. i hate to add moar stuff and make things moar complicated, but maybe use a different, third, color, to show incompatability, but that it has been chosen on purpose. By going back to yellow, it just throws it into the general list of incompatable mods that may/may not have been addressed/over-ridden by the user... vOv Gotcha... if this still bugs me, and after i add moar mods for moar data points, I'll remember to check that before posting moar on this. Hmmm... would seem moar like an appropriate MIN/max range, to me vOv
  22. Wondering if its just me, or has anyone else been having issues downloading from the site? In firefox, I've been having issues over the past week, where, when clicking any "Download" button, I get an connection error. Refreshing the page takes one or moar times, before it will work, and I'm able to actually have the download popup window open (I have FF set to ask me where to save downloads everytime). It hasnt been bad when only doing occasional downloads, but i am several pages behind on my SD recent versions downloads, so trying to grab moar than just a couple mods at a time, is quite aggravating when I want to download moar than a couple at a time
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