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Stone Blue

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Everything posted by Stone Blue

  1. Wait... wot?? ohh... theres a /Squad folder inside */Ven's* folder... nvm wait... no, theres a way to move/seperate models and textures around folders, without having to duplicate... (several ways, actually)
  2. Kerbal Star Systtems got shutdown by the devs themselves... They seemingly chose to remove the links themselves... so theres probably a good reason they dont want it available any moar vOv
  3. Isnt that because Ven's still re-uses/refences some of the stock models, textures, and all the cfgs?
  4. Yup... Curse is my last download choice... I do use it to reference KSP version vs mod version, for pre-SD *** malicious site we no longer use *** mods. Heck, most of any old Curse links in mod threads dont work... you have to use the search feature on Curse Plus I use KSP Mod Analyzer, and unfortunately, it no longer works for Curse mods since they changed their API KSP Mod Analyzer helps find Github-only stuff...
  5. Least I can do... wish I could do moar Incidentally, I use SD a *LOT* ... if you were ever to check logs, I guess you'ld see... lol Other than the last couple months, I think I probably have ~98% of the hosted mods and past versions saved on my HDD ... lol so if you ever lose the database, hit me up... lol SD is my first choice for downloads
  6. Heh.. I was just aboot to post the same, myself
  7. Sorry... I forgot to ping you yesterday, when it dropped
  8. Yes... those... This is what my install folder looks like after a fresh install, and I delete all the "unecessaries"... Unfortunately, when you start KSP for the first time after the delete, it puts the empty folders back but atleast all the broken Launcher garbage is gone
  9. @VITAS Unfortunatly, its "that" time again 1.6.1 now out and as always, THANK YOU
  10. I kno it may be OCD... But all those empty, confusing, useless legacy folders in the main install, too
  11. this one? if so, maybe post there that it worx in whatever KSP version you are using... so others know vOv
  12. Oof... yeah, 342MB for just 17 parts is pretty *large* ... Seems like there should be a way to texture switch the different colors, instead of having to have so many duplicate textures other than the color... vOv Also, what are all the black _MS textures? vOv Parts look GREAT tho EDIT: nvm.. about the _MS textures... I just poked around the TU patches.. found the answer I suspected was the case
  13. I had limited results with Crzyrndm's old mod in, like 1.0.5 to maybe 1.2.2?... I just started KSP 1.6.0 with it installed, and game started OK.. I dont currently have my 2dn mon hooked up, so beyond not crashing the game, idk if it still worx fully in 1.4.0-1.6.0 just remember: *THE MOD IS DED, AND NO LONGER SUPPORTED... SO DONT ASK CRZYRNDM TO UPDATE OR BUGFIX*
  14. Hmmm... I see LGG talking about looking at the code to have PWB and GPO work together moar harmoniously... maybe he'd consider looking into MAS support, while he's in there, if someone asked nicely? maybe it could be done from PWB/GPO side? vOv
  15. yeah... based on the Twin Boar preview posted on previous page, I wouldnt be surprised if rest of the engines are even *better* looking than those on the PJ design sheet... Restock is to PJ, as PJ is to stock ... *miles above* ...
  16. Yes... thats what I'm saying... would be great if someone could write-up MAS cfgs to support them... *and I DONT mean MOARdV... he's busy enuff...* I would, but dayum, after many attempts, and re-reading the MAS documentation *many* times, and reading up on Lua, it is just beyond my intellegence
  17. Well, if you bought the game from Steam, or directly from KSP store, you can redownload 1.3.1 for free... Otherwise, you know what they say... "Hope in one hand; :poo: in the other... and see which one fills up first..." vOv
  18. Those DO have old, *DEFINATELY*, pre-1.4 fairings...
  19. @Gapone You want old parts? HERE YOU GO:
  20. HAHAHAHAHAHA...... Well, I think he's been heavily influenced by some of the heavy hitting part modders... Who all seem to be self-masochistic, and cant stop "revamping" their parts and artstyles... (Looking at you, @CobaltWolf and @Daishi , for two...) So who knows whats to come for TE?... Hopefully, TE will get fully feature complete before @damonvv slides down *that* rabbit hole
  21. Wait...What???... you say ..."even more different to the Porkjet parts" ... Do you mean "more like" the Porkjet Parts? Because they *ARE/WILL BE* more like the Porkjet Parts... I'm pretty sure the team is pretty heavily refering to the Porkjet-styled aircraft/spaceplane parts for inspiration/comparison. Quoted from Restock OP: Create a unity of design and style for all parts: In order to minimize work we'll be targeting the revised aircraft parts, which are the largest consistent block of parts. Now, will they look *exactly* like the PJ-styled parts?... maybe not, but probably pretty close... and for the parts that are NOT part of what PJ designed, I think the Restock parts will be very "Pork-alike" Also, Restock is not "just" about redoing the art style... thats what *users* mainly see and focus on... But there are more improvements to the parts *behind the scenes* that will be done, which most people wont be seeing with their *eyes*... but they will have improved effects on/during gameplay that people might be able to detect... Preserve the general aesthetic of KSP: We will do our best to keep the stylings of the more iconic parts while updating quality and fidelity. Create consistency in detail level: no more 4k textures for minuscule pieces! Minimize performance impact: use atlasing and efficient texturing to limit the need for any kind of better hardware than base KSP.
  22. hmmm... seems those would be perfect candidates for supporting any of the fuel transfer mods... ie TAC Fuel Balancer, GPO Speed Fuel Pump...etc
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