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Stone Blue

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Everything posted by Stone Blue

  1. At this point? Bugfixes... LOTS and LOTS of bugfixes oh, and Unity upgrade would be nice, too Disclaimer: I have mods for content/features/art revamps
  2. Yip.. you only get all of them at game start, when you play sandbox mode.
  3. Also highly recommend NotePad++ And also highly recommend the NP++ KSP language that @genericeventhandler started, I added to, and now @JadeOfMaar has taken over, available here: https://github.com/JadeOfMaar/NPP_KSPlang
  4. Im hoping one of the devs will comment, but I know the new KAS has changed the way KAS works and broke many mods that supported the older version. US 2 may not have been updated to reflect the new changes yet... vOv
  5. Understandandable... RL should always take precedence
  6. I will need to check that. Stage dV does not care about engine throttle. It looks for active engines on the current stage, and it determines how much fuel is available to the current stage. The only time it should read zero is if there is no fuel, or the engines are shut off, or you just undocked (because KSP changes the active stage). When I've got time, I'll investigate and see if I can reproduce.  Correct. They both look at ModuleEngines and ModuleEnginesFX. Trying to compute deltaV accounting for RCS would be very complex, and it is a lot of code I don't want to write (and I don't want to support - I've seen the complaints about both MechJeb and KER delta V computations over the years, and I don't want to spend that much time handling strange configurations).  In regards to the above, and incase you havent seen this yet, @MOARdV, might be ideal to wait till this drops to put any real time into looking into staging and deltaV... vOv
  7. So, I have this mod installed on 1.5.1... seems to work... except when i assign an emissive texture... when I do that, the non-emissive texture goes back to displaying the stock navball texture, with the "custom" emissive overlaid... vOv Also, with the emissive, is it *always* on?... I thought the emissive was triggered by time of day/nite, or whether cockpit lights were on or not? vOv
  8. @VITAS i have a request... as always, tho, no pressure I ust noticed that looking at the downloads per day, per version graph, that the popup detail window seems limited to ust showing 13 versions of the mod. Unfortunately, tho, it seems its the *FIRST, oldest* 13 versions... and not the *LAST, most recent* 13 versions... This example shows version 0.0.0 at the top of the list... and only goes to vers. 1.3.9 at the bottom... Maybe switch that around, so it shows the most recent version at the top, and goes backward as it goes down the list... and/or, maybe make that widow wrap/wider to show *ALL* versions? Anyway, ust an idea, for if you ever get a time when you are poking around the code again... As Always, THANK YOU for providing SD
  9. I think I may have fixed this.. I found an issue with a couple mesh obects in the model. If you, or anybody, could test out this revised model, I would appreciate it. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1MhDiSYgbRGGqmsc_XcHEqfCdsekBt-_p Rename the original .mu first, then place this new .mu in the folder. Also, if you have World Stabilizer installed, UNINSTALL it... (or move its folder out of the /GameData folder... you can cut/paste it somewhere, then cut/paste it back, to "reinstall" it) Tagging you @linuxgurugamer ... ust so you're aware... i kno you are busy with LOTS of mod threads to keep up on... If this model fix is good, World Stabilizer wont be "needed" for this mod... I'm poking around the mod to see what else can be fixed/optimized. Trying a replacement mod for the FS/BD dependencies, also.
  10. Well, ust wondering why you would want two sets of the same part?... Mostly, ust with different textures... even as variants? vOv I mean, do people mix stock and Ven's? vOv
  11. Try it and let us know. Thanx
  12. RPM does not include any IVA for the MK3-1 pod, IIRC. I dont know if anyone has made a modded IVA for that pod yet, since its relatively new (introduced in 1.4.0). RPM does not automatically get added to *every* IVA... RPM is ust a set of props and controls, by itself... MOARdV doesnt make the IVAs himself, other than the few he uses for testing and devving RPM... Its up to other modders to create custom IVAs using RPM. Also, RPM relies heavily on a couple of the ASET packs... as stated in the RPM OP. So basically, you need to search for an IVA made by someone else, for the Mk3-1, that uses RPM...(or MAS) Also, there are *MANY* moar IVAs made by other modders, than the few that are listed in the RPM OP... you ust have to search the forum to find these other IVAs
  13. While not really "historically accurate", and other than the connecting struts, that could probably be duplicated with a mix of BDB, Near Future Construction, Stockalike Station Parts Redux, and Kerbalow Aerospace or KA-330 Inflatable Space Hotel
  14. Yeah, this outta get knocked out of the park, with such a great team of mod dev's putting it out.
  15. Yes!! One question tho: will this be one "set" of parts style, or will there be variant styles included, as well?
  16. maybe you havent unlocked it/upgraded ksc for iit yet? vOv
  17. ahhh... ya... having the map texture name hardcoded makes it tough to dynamicllly switch the texture depending on what body is being orbited... you would have to most likely add code to detect which body, in order to tell the prop which body texture to switch *to*... vOv
  18. That should be part of the prop model, not the cockpit model... also, I could be wrong in this case, but you could change the navball textures in the RPM props... even the digital navball on the MFDs... hopefully thats carried over to MAS, but MOARdV would be the one to answer that.
  19. yeah... I meant you might be able to do similar to Pilgrim with DSEV... i dont remember if DSEV had the folding centifuge thing... and at one, point, IIRC, Angel was considering splitting Nautilus off to its own seperate mod from DSEV
  20. You can basically do this (Pilgim) with NearFuture stuff: http://www.citizensinspace.org/2012/03/deep-space-from-pilgrim-to-nautilus/ Angel's DSEV may also do similar... i know you can do Nautilus with DSEV
  21. yeah, the Houston interface is great, but it could use some "finishing"... would be nice if the seperate screen elements were resizable/moveable, like the MkON interface... or at least be able to be optimized for different screen sizes. And yeah, currently the orbital map is almost not worth using.
  22. The problem is, Unity did not support multi-monitor support, until Unity 2017, IIRC. KSP has updated to 2017, however they havent incorporated mult-monitor support into KSP yet. Since the update to Unity 2017 only happened recently, (KSP 1.4.0), I guess no modder has released any working attempts to make a mod that supports multi-monitor in KSP yet. So it is what it is... all we have so far are pretty much the mods that were listed above.
  23. Recheck your install... You should have a /GameData/OPT/ folder if you have OPT Main installed, and/or a /GameData/OPT_Legacy/ folder if you have Legacy installed... Also, OPT Reconfig should be /GameData/OPT_Reconfig/
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