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Stone Blue

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Everything posted by Stone Blue

  1. Yeah... me too... It seems to only be when you click any of the four "Browse XXXXXXX" buttons, or when you click an actual "Download" button... Opening specific mods pages seesm to work, as well as the site search feature... vOv
  2. @MOARdV any chance that this article could be related to the upsidedown screens? I admit to knowing very little about Unity under the hood, and certaiinly nothing aboot how RPM worx... vOv https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/SL-PlatformDifferences.html
  3. Theres this, which is updated for 1.4.2 already
  4. Yeah, @damonvv .. dont screw over @Superpenguin160 by removing the BO parts... that would be an unfair advantage... lol
  5. Ya... thats why I was wondering *what* licensing issues... figured maybe it could easily be cleared up if AntiSol was able to be contacted... vOv I know I went ahead and added it to the package I posted, cuz it seemed technically it was OK... IIRC, the fix is only changing hardcoded links for the map hosting site, as the original went down, and its been rehosted elsewhere by other people... vOv and if it IS just a simple thing like that, maybe it might be agood idea to look into *not* hardcoding it, and have it look for a link in a text file?... just in case the hosting site changes again, a simple fix to a text file anyone could do... rather than having to have someone mess with the coding again?... vOv
  6. Thanx for updating this... :thumbs_up: Just a couple requests... Can you please make it an option to add Telemachus automatically to every command pod, and also an option to require the antennas, or not...? Some of us like the realism of having to use a seperate antenna part. Also, as to the mapfix, what licensing issues?... Have you contacted @AntiSol to see if you can integrate his fix?
  7. Yup... i would expect if it was a matter of this method *completely* not working that there would have been TONS of posts about it on many threads... Because many mods use this method... There has to be something specific, on why only some mods are not working with this... I havent investigated this much myself yet... I just know I had a couple of mods with this issue... and incidentally, I also found Orbital Tug to be one of them... It will take someone with more knowledge than me, now, to figure this out... Thats why I tagged Nertea at that point... if anyone can figure it out, its he...
  8. So just to clarify, youve tried with *both* mods installed at the *same* time? No argument here... In KSP modding terms, I would think "deprecated" means the parts have been sidelined, obsoleted, no further work on them will be done... however, instead of being "deleted" and completely removed, and thus breaking everyones craft/save games; deprecated generally means they are still included, for the sake of making *existing* craft still work for people... usually deprecating, means the parts are hidden in the editor, so that they can not be selected to build *new* craft... So yes, your old craft with old SSPX parts are *supposed* to work, with *both* the old and new mod installed together... you just wont see any of the parts from the *old* mod in the editor... If you *do* have both mods installed, correctly, and you are still seeing issues... I guess more info would be needed to help with your issues... my original post, was just to basically say "Hey, it sounds like you may have exiting craft using the old parts, and they wont load because you only have the *new* parts isntalled... Look at the OP of this thread, and it will explain the difference between the old and new versions, and how/what to do with carrying over existing craft (with old parts), to a game withthe *new* mod installed..." No problem... thanx for coming back to say that... i appreciate it Im sorry if my reply seemed snippy... I had *just* started reading the forums, and had only just started my first cup of coffee... With my first post, I (longwindedly), was just trying to say first thing needed to help you both, was to verify exactly which, or both, the old an new versions you had installed... Basically this bit: " I had both (SSPX and SSPXr) installed on 1.3.1 and now have both installed on 1.4.1. " now that that is cleared up, and by the "fix" you found, I would say that yes, the trick of using a placeholder texture, and using the "texture = " in the MODEL node to have the part use a texture in a different folder, no longer seems to be working with 1.4.x... If this *is* true, Im sure other people will end up postig about it... I would expect @Nertea would soon have a fix, or at least a comment, *if* that is the case...
  9. Sweet mod... Good job I was just wondering, and I assume so, but we kno how assuming can end up.. but will this work alongside Telemachus? I like the ability to use some of the touch control button screens of Telemachus...
  10. The point of me replying to *you*, is that you never clarified whether you had *both* mods installed... And the snippet of log you posted, shows you have the old mod installed...Doesnt show anything about whether you have SSP Redux installed... So I was basically suggesting that you make sure you had *BOTH* mods installed side by side... Basically the first sentence of my post: " First thing to do is to check the old thread, and verify which mod you have installed in your new 1.4.1 game. " Did you do that? Did you reply back that you do indeed have both mods installed? I have noticed an issue with another mod, using the old texture replacement/placeholder method, also not loading in 1.4.1... So there may be an issue with older mods setup this way, and the way the new stock texture switching was instituted... vOv
  11. You should re-read what I actually posted...And then maybe read the OP of this thread... I imagine your issue with the MKS drills is a seperate issue. The only thing this mod and MKS have in common, IIRC, is that *this* mod has resource configs that support USI Life Support... ?? vOv
  12. @Nightwindale First thing to do is to check the old thread, and verify which mod you have installed in your new 1.4.1 game. Basically, the old mod is Stockalike Station Parts... the *new*, seperate mod, is Stockalike Station Parts Redux (this thread you posted on). Check the OP on *this* thread, it offers an expalanation of what has transpired, and what to do when you have crafts made from the old mod. Basically, this: " Q: What does this mean for Stockalike Station Parts? A: It is now obsolete and deprecated - no further work will be done. .... It can be installed alongside with no problems " That should take care of your problem. EDIT: @Jebs_SY I guess this applies to you also... by what is shown in your log, it looks like you also have the "old" mod installed... ?? vOv
  13. the hierarchies could stand to be compacted.... many of the similar child objects can be combined... especially if they share materials/textures... there are lots of unecessary draw calls as the hierarchy stands... i didnt dig too much into them, as optimization of the hierarchy would have been my first step
  14. if you do it... *PLEEZE* optimize the models...
  15. Oh, huh... B9 Part Switch has a popup GUI menu thats selectable like that... instead of having to toggle thru every option... vOv
  16. Ahhh... ok... yeah... for some reason, it looks like the texture replacement "trick" of using placeholders and the texture = key isnt working... dont know if it got broke in KSP 1.4.x itself, or something specific to the way *this* mod was working it...
  17. ok... those 1k and 2k textures are supposed to be very small, as they are only placeholder textures.... so that shouldnt be your problem Make sure you have a .dds of the same name, but 1.3+MB, in the /core folder...
  18. I guess nao that 1.4.1 has dropped, I *really* need to get emissive textures done, and handed over to MOARdV Ill try to work on those today
  19. I was hoping for some relatively quick fixes for this mod... But looking into the models, they are extrememely complicated, and could really use some optimization... which is a bit of an undertaking, and I have other projects I want to spend time on... So I may/may not be doing anything with this mod anytime soon. Especially if others might be taking a crack at it.
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