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Stone Blue

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Everything posted by Stone Blue

  1. Hrrmmm... if "someone" else can have a space discoteque module, with disco ball and jukebox, in "their" deep space parts mod... i wouldnt think purple lighting would be too much too ask...
  2. So no Kopernicus/Scatterer/EVE/SVE/SVT dependencies?? So an actual kewl planet pack for those of us stuck with potato computers?? AWESOMESAUCE!!!!
  3. yes... thinking of mainly the airliner parts... though a couple of the cockpits dont seem to be scaled realistically, either... Thanx...will take a good look at them... no, i didnt mess with the colliders... I was going to give the parts a texture pass, but the models actually could use quite a bit of work themselves, and I dont really want to put that much time into messing with them, right now... I have several other projjects I'd like to get to first... But I will take a look at this issue, since its a pretty big one, if you cant use the cargo bay *AS* a cargo bay... EDIT: well, the cargo parts are a mess... Mesh colliders were used... The cargo ramp part wont even fully import into Blender, meaning i would have to remodel the upper door... between that, the collider issue, and needing a retexture, the whole thing really needs to be redone from scratch. I think for now, I'm going to deprecate the cargo ramp/tail part... I suggest using one from another mod... I should be able to fix the collider issue with the cargo fusealge pretty quick, tho... I'll do that later tonite, and throw an updated .zip up, with the cargo ramp depreccated, also...
  4. well, they may not have user "switchable" textures...i dont recall... but you can do a texture "swap/replacement" on parts in stock... dont need a switcher plugin for that... I belive thats how Ven's basically works...
  5. yes... thinking of mainly the airliner parts... though a couple of the cockpits dont seem to be scaled realistically, either... Thanx...will take a good look at them... no, i didnt mess with the colliders... I was going to give the parts a texture pass, but the models actually could use quite a bit of work themselves, and I dont really want to put that much time into messing with them, right now... I have several other projjects I'd like to get to first... But I will take a look at this issue, since its a pretty big one, if you cant use the cargo bay *AS* a cargo bay... Oh, i also wanted to ask, if anyone has found a wing (stock OR from a mod), that actually fits the wingroot on the high-wing fuselage part... I cant seem to get anything to fit... except prolly Procedural Wings... but i stay away from that mod right now... I "might" make a seperate, attachable wing root part, that could be used on ANY fuselage part, that could be hi/low/mid mounted I've never liked that many wings cant be mid or high mounted very well on many things hard part will really be trying to get the length and maybe thickness on them right to match wings... i guess i would start with stock wings, but Ill take suggestions on popular mod wings to try to match them to... vOv So post up your favorite airplane wings...
  6. no... thats the beauty of texture switching... (at least when its working, and used properly)
  7. ya, not working for me either... seems to have a harcoded gamedata location in a file, as well as one of the files in the .mu importer itself.... i tried changing those, and it got past those, gave even MORE errors, but did load "some" of the parts of a craft file...but not complete craft... plus the parts were duplicated, but in different locations/orientations... I tried using selfish_meme's patch, too... vOv
  8. lol... yes... YUGE update, with MUCH new stuff... to see eamples of a lot of it, see the SSPr release thread: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/170211-131-stockalike-station-parts-redux-january-28th/
  9. Just wondering if anyone has any objections to me moving the size of the parts all up to 2.5m? Right now, many are 2m, which fit between the popular (and soon to be stock, 1.875m size), and the mk2 2.5m size... Making them a standard stock size would help integration/use with stock, and many other mods... Also, I have NOT dealt with localization before... so if anyone would like to make a localization file, I would be more than happy to include it, and to give proper credit. Same with FAR, or any additional mod support patches you would like to see with FantomWorks.
  10. Soon™ https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/169891-wip-omega482s-dev-thread-stockalike-buildings-and-spacex-style-landing-pad/
  11. With @FreddyPhantom 's permission, I've finally finished a little cleanup of, and updated KAX+. I've incorporated @Mecripp 's patch. Thanxx MeCripp! Ive converted the textures to DDS. I've rearranged the folder structure and renamed all the parts. I've included the old version of the mod in the included /FantomWorks_deprecated folder. So hopefully adding the updated version wont break saves and craft files. I dont play career, so I'm not 100% sure this *wont* break saves or crafts, so try this on a not-so-important save game first if you have existing crafts. If you DO NOT have an old version of this mod installed, or have NO pre-existing crafts using these parts in your game, you can safely delete JUST the /FantomWorks_deprecated folder, after install. Feel free to post up feedback. Any suggestions for game balancing, or any requests for additional mods support would be appreciated. I may put this up on SpaceDock soon, but for now, get it off my GoogleDrive: FantomWorks KAX Plus v0.3.4 (1.3.1, 1.0.5)
  12. Thanx for the response @sebi.zzr , unfotunately, tho... that still doesnt exclude the parts from showing in any of the editor filters... Anyone have any other ideas? vOv
  13. So a search didnt really turn up much on the subect... Anyway, i'm wondering what are the best methods to deprecate parts in a mod, without breaking people's pre-existing saves and craft files... And I would prefer to have the part icons *completely* removed from the editor. I've set category to 99, so the parts dont initially show in editor... however they still show in some of the editor filters... Any suggestions would be appreciated... Oh, and I know WildBlue Ind. mods do it with custom code... trying to avoid a coding solution, and hoping for a cfg or patch way to do it... or... ??
  14. Meh... this idea has already been done a bunch of times... three discoballs ("Starshine") were sent up...two on Shuttle missions... The French and JAXA have sent up a couple, that are still operational and trackable online... User @Well informed me about the French "STARLETTE" , and I came across JAXA's "Ajisai" sat... at least those two actually have practical purpose, as well as "kewl factor" They, and Humanity Star, can be tracked on www.n2yo.com
  15. idk... I think its pretty much text copy/pasta... so you could probably do a "static" type of list... prolly wont have any of the "live" Excel functions, tho... so you'ld maybe have to do that all in Excel, for specific missions, external to KSP, then import the "table" into KSP using the Notes mod... ?? vOv or maybe take a screenshot of finished table, and use this mod of his: I use that one for displaying various DeltaV maps in game, instead of having to switch to an external image viewer... I use it to view pdfs converted to images... I'm on a potato comp, so anything I can keep from opening external programs while playing is a big plus oops... the Image Viewer has been continued by LGG:
  16. maybe see if you could do something with this: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/50884-13-in-game-notes-notepad-checklist-v0141-20170526/
  17. @MOARdV so, just wondering, is it safe to say that Flight Systems Redux, (or at least the props), has/have since been integrated into MAS (MOARdV's Avionics System)?
  18. Im almost positive the props are sorted alphabetically by the name of the /GameData/<this folder> folder... So, I guess if you *had* to... you could maybe fudge the folder names while working in Unity to resort the props... but that would play heck when/if you want to start KSP just to check them ingame and yeah... I have spawned the incorrect prop sooooo many dang times cuz its hard to tell how the buttons/names are lined up >:( :roll_eyes: Also doesnt help, that Squad seems to have duplicates of stock props for some reason... vOv But anyway, this thread, altho really about SSPXr at this point, the NF Props are well named, (with a mod prefix) and luckily grouped together... (actually ASET, JSI(RPM), and IIRC your TD Ind. Props are too... so that helps ) Oh! another annoying thing, is Unity doesnt open .dds files (Nertea told me its a licensing thing, that has been going on since 2010, so i dont expect unity to change *that* any time soon ) So if you arent familiar with the props (unless you dev'd them ), it can make it a bit more difficult to tell the difference between similar props, or even which way they are facing when you try to place them, because there are no textures... For NF Props, i ended up converting all the textures to png, saving a copy of the NF Props folder containing the converted textures, outside the gamdata folder... I then delete ALL the files EXCEPT the pngs, keeping the proper folder structure. Then install NF Props as normal, and then overwrite the Gamedata/NFProps folder with a copy of my png folder... (mainly cause I have been working with the dev version of the mod, and it updates quite frequently...) Sorry for diverting your thread more toward NF Props, Nertea So i suggest any further discussion be taken to the NF Props mod, or similar... maybe your TD Props thread, Tik...
  19. Actually, while large IVAs may need a higher number of props, depending on IVA design itself, I've generally found large, open IVA spaces much easier and less tedious to populate, than small cramped spaces... yeah... and you have to have the prop selection window soooo wide to see the name and the spawn button... would be much better to be able to just click the name itself... also, props seem to be listed alphabetically, by folder name, rather than by propname... not sure i like that either
  20. give dis one a try, mebbe? https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/123029-spacex-autonomous-spaceport-drone-ship-asds-12x/
  21. dont know if it might help, but i had the same question... it depends on yours, and the user viewing the image, screen res... so no real hard definition... tho i came up with a ratio that seemed to work for me over a couple different screen resolutions: (few posts after mine are relevant) https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/159581-spacedockinfo-mod-hosting-site/&do=findComment&comment=3141460
  22. @Ari While I'm sure your enthusiasm for the mod is MUCH appreciated, its usually bad forum etiquette to copy/include whole posts, or non-relevant sections of posts, and images, unless those sections of said posts, or images, are directly relevant to *your* post... Easy edit is just to delete the quote... you can always tag a specific person, if you want to direct your post to them... ie @Galileo would probably have worked in this case, instead of quoting/copying the *whole* OP Also, might want to watch the language... theres forum rules inplace for that, as there are many teenage minors on the forum... ie as young as 13yrs old.
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