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Stone Blue

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Everything posted by Stone Blue

  1. Thanx for the info And I guess I must have missed the links vOv ... Sorry Well, I hope RL is treating you well... Whatever you decide to do as far as KSP modding, I know what you have done so far is appreciated, and anything you do continuing on, will just be icing on the cake for the rest of us...
  2. Heya @severedsolo I see v1.0.1 was released middle-Feb.... then in middle-April, you stated support was ending, but if there were any outstanding issues on Git, you might clean them up and (I guess) release a final version... Links are gone, so I was just wondering if there was anything after v1.0.1? And absolutely no suggestion to actually do so... I was just wondering if there *was* something already completed/finished after v1.0.1? And I just wanted to say THANX for all your packs/mods... I have only dabbled in career, lightly... but I have always been relieved/happy to know that when I do start getting into career, and since I play heavily modded, there all these great CC packs to do
  3. Oooo... yeah... *someone* should really get on that... Soon™ hopefully... parts like that could be really useful huh.. thats weird... But you say you have 16GB Ram, and using 70% while playing KSP? Obviouslly you must a whole lot moar mods than just OPT & Reconfig installed... Check the very beginning of either the KSP.log, output_log.txt or error_log.txt... one of them should mention if your RAM is maxing out, IIRC... Try removing the largest one or two, of your largest part mods, and while leaving OPT/Reconfig, try restarting... but prolly should start a sandbox game so you dont mess up any important save games you may have
  4. Alright, got a looonnnnggg list here... i havent had time to verify it yet against the actual models... May be awhile. Hope someone finds it useful. BIG Thanx to @shaw for detailing a nice way to get the list. https://drive.google.com/open?id=17Xs9XUS2gnwU2eumZtv-JsqYhA7bX-_t Tagging you for reference @linuxgurugamer
  5. Well... I got it... Its not pretty, tho... lol its... *complicated* (really lonnnggggg)
  6. Yeah... THIS mod (AnimationSuite), was exactly what I was thinking of when I asked about it i am currently booting up KSP to test that right nao
  7. Thank you. However, what is changed? what did you do? I generally dont download something that I have no clue what it is
  8. Most likely still worx... Just make sure you use the latest Kopernicus Seems I was incorrect. See PhineasFreak's reply two posts down
  9. @shaw would it be possible for you to add/update the new Kerbal model hierarchy you linked on Pastebin in the OP? Unless its a lot of work to do? vOv EDIT: or... actually describe how you go about pulling it? I'm interested in the hierarchies for all the non-player Kerbal models, also.
  10. Probably not... for one thing, this functionality was incorporated into stock... in flight scene, hit Esc key, scroll down the UI settings, and there is a slider to shrink/enlarge the navball, as well as one to slide it across the bottom of the screen
  11. Unfortunately, @Mike-NZ did not specify a license in the OP. I checked my copy of the .zip, and it also lacks any mention of a license, which means this mod defaults to ARR, and cannot be shared or redistributed by anyone. Looking thru the files in the .zip, it looks like this mod would need a lot of work, and at least a recompile, if not a complete rewrite for the old BobCat .dll it relies on, to get it working with current versions of KSP. If Mike-NZ doesnt return and choose a permissive license, I'd say this mod is truly ded...
  12. I *had* to... after I recognized several of the names, that I wasnt expecting to, in all that garbble that Mudkip909 posted... I'm happy to see Squad gave them, and others active in the community, kudos...
  13. Yup... that file you found is part of the files that make up the Credits.... which you can (sort of) read, if you click the *Credits* on the Main Menu when starting the game I wish they had slowed down the images, to give you time to, oh, idk.... *actually READ THEM...* also, could have done without the spiraling animation when flipping between them...
  14. Yes, I already have .zips of all those in that thread... I meant which part(s) IN the mod... there are 3 long, 3 short, and 1 ring...
  15. possibly... I've sort of fixed a couple OPT parts...and poked around the ASET Landing Leg. Problem is, I just realised, Baha didnt assign a license to the Heatshield, Hollow Docking Rings/Fairings, or his Mk1-2 Prop thing... Meaning they default to ARR... meaning even if I fix these, I cant redistribute... I could only tell you how to fix them, then you'ld have to edit your own copy... vOv Unless someone knows how to reach Baha himself, and ask for a license change vOv
  16. It most likely has to do do with either an animation or a collider in the model... Supposedly, there is a stock issue, where craft can be spawned 1km altitude, when there is this issue with a part on the craft. There are a couple parts in OPT that do it... also, ASET Landing Leg, among others... Do you know specifically which part in the pack is doing it?
  17. That would be SWEET, if youre up for it... but maybe wait and see if moar people reply with a "Yes. pleeze.." answer, to make it worth your time? vOv
  18. @RealTimeShepherd @MOARdV Idk if you've already looked, MOARdV, but NF Spacecraft didnt ship with MAS IVAs... Only RPM.
  19. Domain is fine... Maps working in latest version. Double check the version of Telemachus you have installed. Sounds like you have a very old one installed. Like... one from a different Telemachus thread; not this one? I'm not sure if it will work on 1.4.2, but DanGSun's Telemachus Reborn seems to be the best working version for 1.4.5-1.6.0 KSP. If one of the versions on SpaceDock doesnt work, he had a version for 1.4.5 that might. @DanGSun tagging for your input on which (if any) version of Reborn might work on 1.4.2
  20. @Nereid First, Thanx for keeping this going. I was just wondering if everything after NanoGauges v1.7.3-3299 (1.3.1) has just been version bumps?.. or were there also changes to code? I'm ass-u-ming the first vOv
  21. QuickExit might be an option... Maybe someday, Squad will integrate these into stock, as they have done with dozens of other mods over the years... (For further descriptions/instructions, check the *original* thread) QuickExit and QuickGoTo are my two most used ones... QuickGoTo cuts your scene changes in half, by allowing to skip going to the Space Center, between every change... I found it helped me play longer back in 1.0.x-1.2.2...(I havent *played* KSP since 1.2.2) Not sure how much difference it makes in 1.6.0, since supposedly major performance improvements have been done. vOv
  22. @Nhawks17 I know you are retired , but would be nice if you, or someone, would do RP for this when it releases
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