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Everything posted by AlamoVampire

  1. @cfds i wouldnt know about that as I know nothing of linux. I can provide you the same craft I provided to Arsonide and the experimental testers if you wish to test for yourself.
  2. Ok, nerd mode activate: Firstly, this is a T6A Texan 2, not a B. I know this, because this particular aircraft is stationed at United States Air Force Base Randolph in Universal City Texas. It is from the 12 Flying Training Wing. The 12th FTW are a part of the Air Education Training Command or AETC also at USAF Randolph AFB. Sorry to stomp on the thread, but, the chance to fully nerd out like this is rare. I too would LOVE and I MEAN LOVE to see what someone comes up to duplicate this fine aircraft!
  3. @RA3236 When the issue first happened, i was in orbit. Engines were offline, throttle was 0 and SAS was offline. In some of the supplied pictures above you can see where i had tried a manual deploy of the nose gear. If you look at the little window with the wheel options on it, it shows the wheel thinks its blocked, but its not. The wheel is set in only as far as it goes when first attached when you first choose it and go to place it. I was requested by Arsonide to provide a stock parts only craft exhibiting this behavior and I have. I believe he will be passing it out to the experimentals team for further investigation.
  4. I hate bullies. they know who they are. 

  5. I frankly am tired of people trying to goad me. I am flatly sick of it. When people are offended by the presentation of missed facts, I find no hope. I have had enough of people pushing or rather trying to push my buttons. I want to be left in peace to mourn my kitty. I am depressed enough with out people over reacting pointlessly. If you cannot be friendly with me, I have a bit of advice: LEAVE ME ALONE.

  6. @Overland I want to direct your attention to a few things. First: when this issue was encountered it was post launch, while in orbit. The vessel saw normal heating during launch. Second: I conducted further experiments to confirm this is happening right out of the gate. Please see the posts 8 slots up above you and 12 slots above you. I direct your attention to the following key facts: The refusal to deploy is happening moment AFTER LAUNCH. This is NOT a heating issue, nor trigger by accident. This is a genuine issue. I have supplied to arsonide as per his request a stock parts only shuttle that is displaying this same issue. There is something amiss here, and its not user error. I want to also make a point of @kBob using my copy of the vessel with its launcher intact is seeing the SAME THING. Further, while STILL ON PAD, and this is important, while STILL ON PAD ALL gear deploy as expected. Retract them in, launch, let it climb a moment and try to deploy again, the rear sets deploy while the nose refuses to "deploy while stowed".
  7. it may not look THAT big, but, the MOAB is by far and away the largest NON NUCLEAR weapon in the US arsenal. if anything discombobulates, its this bugger.
  8. @kBob I can give it a try. At worst i can come down on chutes still lol
  9. @kBob The nose wheel was put in its starting location because of the raw weight of that shuttle, it had a tendency to rip the flight deck off on landing on prior iterations, MK2 and MK1 to be frank. I have submitted a stock shuttle to one of the developers for dissemination to the experimentals team that is showing the exact same behavior the Goliath is. I hope it helps solve this. Why it works in the clamps and then refuses to in flight is curious.
  10. @kBob If you only did it on the launch pad thats the same behavior i saw on launch pad. It refuses to deploy in flight. Kick it clear of the launch pad and the nose wheel gets cranky.
  11. @kBob i will give that a try shortly, but, i doubt it will fix it, as its seemingly intermittent if my prior tests this evening are any hint. and getting it back in the right spot via delete shouldnt be too much trouble, i deliberately placed it on a line in the first place XD UPDATE::: @kBob this update is for you sir. The first picture is after removing the nose gear entirely and replacing it. On the pad, it all works fine: and after hitting G to pull the gear in, I throttle up, lock on SAS, and well, it refuses to deploy the landing gear again, and total time lapsed between both these shots, less than 60 seconds: as you see, it didnt help. For some reason the gear THINKS its in the cargo bay I think. Ok. I am exceedingly frustrated by this. SO. Here is what I am going to ask: Below you will find a copy of the Goliath Class Shuttle MK3 <the ship that is having issues>. I ask anyone who is interested to help. Please note, this craft is UNALTERED from its original state. I cannot remember if I left the docking adapter in it or not, so that may be the only alteration. SPECIAL NOTE: IF you wish to see what is happening for yourself, you MUST HAVE THE FOLLOWING MODS: Novapunch and MechJeb or you will not be able to load this craft. http://www.filedropper.com/goliathclassshuttlemk3 is Goliath below is a link to NovaPunch to save you the effort of <if you do not already have the mod> hunting it down as it is NOT on curse. and just for speed sake: mechjeb above this line hope you guys see something I am missing.
  12. @Claw more data points sir: 4 runs, 2 of which ended after 2 minutes 18 seconds EACH TIME, <again all times from telling the UAC to proceed>, 1 of which ended abruptly after an alt tab, and 1 lasted 11 minutes while I did some quick testing on a craft for a response to a thread of mine.
  13. Ok first, I shall reply to @Adelaar I think it is a glitch now, i think. Also, stowed is stowed as far as I know, but as to why this is happening, I have no clue and these next 2 pictures are going to muddy the water more. Taken less than 15 minutes prior to this posting. I also want to bring this back to the attention of @Arsonide as this is more data for him. First Picture is Goliath on the launch pad minus its launcher so we have a clear view of its nose wheel and 3 main gear. I hit G on the launch pad to test. They deployed normally, ALL of them. See here midway thru deployment: Second Picture is Goliath launching without its launcher to test the gear. As you see, the 3 mains near the engines are deploying normally, the nose, once again is refusing to deploy, it should be noted that the time interval between this shot and the prior shot is under 60 seconds with no reverts or alterations other than the staging to push the clamps all into the same stage for me to launch and not drop Goliath on its engine bells. As with the first picture in this post, I used G to trigger the deployment of the gear. I tried this a few more times reverting to VAB each time. It does NOT matter where the actual attachment point is for that nose gear. I removed it at the suggestion of @Majorjim and then reattached it above the RCS block and used the move tool and rotation tool to lower the gear back to its "normal" location and it STILL refused to deploy. The real head scratcher is this: On 1 of 5 trials the gear with it installed in its "normal" location functioned as expected. The same held true for 1 of 4 trials with it in its "adjusted" positions. Something is rather wrong here.
  14. @Majorjim The on orbit deploy was with default G. The cargo bay is just behind the mk3 cockpit, but the attachment point for the nose gear is the cockpit. The same EXACT spot its attached while parked on minmus in that first picture. The craft itself is 100% unaltered between minmus in 1.0.4 and as you see it in the 3 other pictures. Only change was a docking port adapter that got left in orbit 2 minutes before checking the gear. @Adelaar The issue isnt engines on this "while stowed" its my nose gear on the goliath. It worked in 1.0.4 but in 1.1.2 its declaring itself as stowed and refuses deployment. Which again is odd as its (payload not withstanding) unchanged from 1.0.4 till now.
  15. @Majorjim The three mains in the rear move perfectly. Its just the nose wheel thats being cranky. If you look at the two or so pics with the window up its saying its blocked but its clearly not being obstructed.
  16. @Majorjim Got out of balance when i tried to adjust course. Began a hard roll i could not stop. Aero forces shredded the wings. But my main concern is the cant deploy while stowed.... Nose wheel refused to deploy... Still no word by anyone on this...worried i am. Makes goliath unfit for duty.
  17. Ok, so, heres the story. I have ordered a new print from Eucl3d, and with a bit of work with the fine folks there, I am getting a print that is being printed in the same EXACT scale as my first print <by this i mean, the new print is going to be in scale to the first print, like in KSP where all ships made with MK3 parts are to the same scale, well, thats whats being done by Eucl3d for me>. First Print: Gantry Class Shuttle: SO, keeping this ship in mind, the current order I have, is to that scale. With that said, THIS is what I did in KSP today, I flew both the Gantry Class shuttle and the Goliath Class Shuttle, the Goliath being on order right now, yay and I took this picture so I had my own reference point of what I should expect when it arrives: Goliath is on our left with Gantry on our right: I know, its not much of a what I did today, but, hey, its something right?
  18. if KW is what I think it is, its an order of magnitude more parts than NovaPunch. From a practicality standpoint NovaPunch is enough parts to get the job done w/out overloading you with way too many options. that is if KW is what I think it is.
  19. 2 man capsules. better space station gear. heck, just make novapunch stock. good range of parts and sizes.
  20. OK. House Keeping: Mods, not sure where this really should be, not a game play question per-se, not a glitch near as I can tell <not a programmer so, not sure to be honest> so I dont think support for either modded OR un-modded is the place to go, if you know a better home than general, place this there House Keeping done. Onto the issue. I could SWEAR the whole "Cannot deploy while stowed" thing was tackled. This will contain 4 pictures. 1 taken on Minmus, sorry for the quality, its a picture from my cellphone, the original image taken via F1 was lost when I slash and burned my install trying to sort out a different issue, so, this was the only image I have, is version 1.0.4 KSP with the landing gear fully deployed on minmus with Jeb looking into the flight deck at Bob. only the payload has changed, a docking adapter set that got left in orbit as a station hub. The remaining 3 pictures are KSP 1.1.3. KSP 1.0.4: Goliath Class Shuttle landed at Minmus. Gear Deployed. ------------ KSP 1.1.2: Goliath Class Shuttle on orbit at Kerbin during landing gear check prior to de-orbit burn and associated message: KSP 1.1.2: Goliath Class Shuttle on parachute descent, showing nose gear doors and associated message: KSP 1.1.2: Goliath Class Shuttle on parachute descent, showing nose gear doors and associated message lateral view: Now, with these 4 images in place, the only thing I changed on the Goliath between KSP versions 1.0.4 and today in 1.1.2 was again as mentioned a docking port adapter set that was later in flight left as a station core. No other things on the Goliath were changed. Why the change in ability to deploy gear? Anyone have any ideas? Mod List: Novapunch - current version is for KSP 1.0.2 - Tiberion has yet to update KSP for 1.1.x only known issue is with a single rocket motor causing lag and it is NOT present on Goliath. MechJeb - Current version is for KSP 1.1.2. Procedural Fairings: Current version for 1.1.2 KIS/KAS: current version for 1.1.2
  21. #bringbackmagicboulder no clue how to unlock it lol
  22. @Claw new data point in my on going "run as admin" experiment: 22 minutes from telling UAC to proceed with starting the game. VAB was the location, was editing a rover that I want to send to Bop. Had just deleted a part off of it and tried to adjust a wheel location. Game decided after deleting that it was done. NTDLL.DLL came up on the post crash dialogue box. hope these data points are helpful to you
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