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Everything posted by AlamoVampire

  1. hey @steve_v can i ask a possible dumb question? can you take "mono" and make it plain english as the only things that popped into my mind: mono sound as in non stereo and monopropellant. hate to sound like a dip but, id like to be on your page also, as a side note, there was/is a huge debate about garbage cleanup and memory leaks somewhere on this forum, wonder if thats tied in?
  2. Just curious good sir, you mentioned you may overhaul Novapunch all together to make it more pretty and the like, will that be the next update to the mod and its compatibility with 1.1.2 or is there an interim patch in the works? Just curious of course :) 

  3. @BoilingCold did you kill all saves, crafts and the like or did you back those up? I may try what you did as my copy is steam as well, but I have some craft I am frankly attached to and do not want to lose them if i can avoid that. side note: steam did verify all files were correct when i ran that function yesterday <uh tuesday at this point i suppose>
  4. @Curveball Anders so you did at that! sorry to be blind on this. between a grading scare in my college classes, final exams, car issues and KSP being rather mean in its crashing, ive gone and melted my brain some, so, naturally being melted and over stressed, i missed your clarification earlier . Well, glad to know that its a must have file, but sad that im still no closer to knowing whats going on Also, did a little more reading on this oddity, others are saying NAM (ForceWare Network Access Manager) is possible as a source of issue. I wonder if all affected are using nVidia? Cuz I am, as is the person who, for them on other programs confirmed NAM (ForceWare Network Access Manager) was his root cause... edit: did a look around on my rig, either its really well hidden, or its not on my machine... so, once again, returning to stumped.
  5. my question is, does ANYONE know what NTDLL.DLL is at all? where to find it? is it important? can it be deleted?
  6. dismissing the idea outright on 1 data point is not good science.
  7. Ok, I just checked something after the umpteenth time of 1.1.X deciding to crash on me. Thanks to @KasperVld and his suggestion about the asteroid day mod not being remotely up to date I pulled it and deleted any craft with the mods camera attached. After that, i still crashed out. I am not programmer at all, but, I saw something peculiar when I looked at the initial thingy that popped up at the crash. it said ntdll.dll was the source of that crash. I googled it, and found something odd, people made mention of microsofts Onedrive being a source of inexplicable CTDs in various programs. This got me wondering, and sure enough on my computer was Microsofts Onedrive. I have YET to test this theory on my own machine, but, my question, and I request any moderator that comes across this, to first, please leave this thread here, and should this bear fruit, please sticky it, as I may have tripped over the cause to our instability, but, back to my question, this applies to ALL AFFECTED PLAYERS: Do YOU have Microsoft Onedrive on YOUR machine? Does removing this program from YOUR machine stabilize KSP? Please, all affected players who are willing to experiment with this theory, I ask you to post your findings here and perhaps we may have collectively found the root cause. The reason I am posting this thread here in KSP Discussion is to get this theory out to as many people as fast as possible. I also bring this up, because in a private conversation with @KasperVld he made mention that there was an indication of another program causing interference with the game based on a crash log of mine, well, given that other people have mentioned elsewhere on the interwebs that Onedrive was causing problems for them, it is a theory that should be tested here, and folks, I say we test the bejeebers out of this! SO, with that, if you are willing to experiment, post your results below. I will post my results either in a few minutes, hours or this weekend based on if I crash out now that Onedrive is removed from my machine. Happy experimenting! EDIT/UPDATE: Well... Still stumped as yet another crash has just hit me. same fault module ntdll.dll... guess I was wrong? I still ask that we look into this, as something peculiar is going on for sure. Other Worth Note Items: I run from steam, but via a shortcut, also, steam validated ALL files as correct. Secondly, I just ran a checkdisk and IT verified all files as not being corrupt or otherwise in error, same with all the other things it checked. So, at the least, if my understanding is valid, my machine is operating as expected...
  8. @IgorZ ill give that a whirl and update thanks for pointing out there is a version less than 24 hours old
  9. once windows gained 64 bit support and i figured out that i needed to place the 64 bit shortcut out, ive only run that. but, yes, the 32 bit crashed on me as well, but that log is lost to time. as for other programs running, none are active openly that i am aware of at least. sometimes malware bytes crops up yelling at me to update its database, but, that USUALLY happens right after turning the machine on prior to game launch. Oh and @KasperVld i have exactly 5 minutes of coding education when my ex gf who has her bachelors in programming thought it would be cute to try teach me to code, so, that log file may well be written in sandscrit as it makes exactly as much sense to me as english does to a gerbil. All i DO know of coding is this: code is a touchy thing, one change to a single character can have major effects. thats my extent
  10. I am TRYING to make a mun base. simple enough right? Well... seems like the update to KIS/KAS broke something. Like I do with ALL mod updates, I pull the entire old folder out of game data and replace it with the updated version. WELL, this time, something seems to have gone way wrong, as in the VAB the ground pylons are missing, but, yet they are still in the storage bay of a vessel launched a few days back to the mun. I grab one from inventory and place it into bills backpack. I go to place it, yet it says I cannot, need to bring more kerbal... yet, when i tested this on the launch pad ON KERBIN <before the mod update mind you> I was able to place both versions of the ground pylons on the pad, which, again, seem to have vanished. what am i missing? what have I done wrong? please help! UPDATE: Well, I finally can attach the large ground pylon to the ground, BUT, it only has one bloody place I can put pipe links? WTF? Before I updated, I could put the ports anywhere on that pylon I pleased, now, I cannot. This means, I cannot run pipe, which means I cannot build my base. WTF is going on? scratch the rest of that update, turns out, im a dope. never mind. but, in the interest of WTF why was it being peculiar about placing the large pylon? New UPDATE: Getting a little tired of it telling me Bill cant pick anything up on the bloody mun. Gonna TRY a fix I saw a few lines up. Sideline UPDATE: changed the config setting on the grabmaxmass or w/e its called in KIS to 10. have yet to try it out. will update when i do.
  11. 21m11.20s thats how long i got to play this time. KAS/KIS updated. MechJeb current, Proc Fairings? Current as well. Novapunch? Tiberion is still working on the mod for its update, but has been relatively stable since KSP 1.0.2. What was I doing? Why working in the VAB of course! Attaching sepratrons to a lifter in fact. Repeatable steps? heck if I know, this crashing bs is beyond random. Sometimes I get 5 minutes of game time while others more than 2 hours, but the consistent constant? Its updated to 1.1.X KSP. Sorry, not stable. Nearly Unplayable. Impressed? Why yes! By the HUGE downturn in stability. Output log? Sure! Right here: http://www.filedropper.com/outputlog_10 If this was not so bloody ridiculous id be laughing. This time? 6m32.74s!!!! That my friends, is not time in game, that is time from double click the short cut to crash. Ignore the above link, as this replaces it: http://www.filedropper.com/outputlog_11 And I was trying to recover the lost work from the prior crash... Here goes again!
  12. When the majority of players are seeing instability with crashes terms like everyone will be used. Yes there are some, most likely 5% MAYBE 10% like you not getting hit by what ever kraken is hitting us. You are lucky. We are not.
  13. @heliobyte you are one of the rare, one of the lucky. I have played each version from when .21 came out thru today. from .21 thru 1.0.5 i experienced maybe 3 crashes total if that many. 1.1 one drops and the crashes started piling up. While, yes, the game <when its bloody working> is wonderful and all is right with the world. THEN with 0 warning the game stops and a little message pops up: KSP has stopped working. I have had this happen 13-14 times now since 1.1. While I agree they need a break, Squad borked up bad with rushing triple ace and 1.1.2 into existence while trying to fix things that while irritating for those who experienced it, the games major instability needed priority and frankly seems like it did not get it. now they are on vacation and we are left with an unstable product that has no warning before it fails on us, is completely RANDOM when and HOW it does it. This is a kraken to use the old terminology, and its not leaving much if any forensic evidence on how its feeding off of us. The kraken is striking unmodded versions and modded versions alike. It is also not attacking all of us. some people are being left alone such as yourself, while the rest of us are being plagued by this kraken as badly as the great hall in beowulf was by grendel. Enjoy your luck good sir, the rest of us wish we were as lucky.
  14. 1 hour 5 minutes 37.68 seconds. That is how long I was able to play KSP before it gave up the ghost again. Better than the other days 7 minutes for sure, BUT, during this past hour and change, I spent the majority of it building a rocket that was or is <some day I suppose> to carry a 3000 ore capacity tank to the Mun for a base I am making in a test save while I wait for a core mod I use to catch up to 1.1.what ever we are at when this game STOPS being so bloody UNSTABLE. Modded and unmodded alike are seeing these random crashes, and while being able to say do this then that then this then that and bam failure would be nice, it is so random that, the only reliable thing I can say is: play 1.1.2 and watch it crash at SOME POINT. Anyway, I hope my work was "saved" when I told it to save in the vab about 90 seconds prior to that crash. if it didnt, thats about 45 minutes work LOST because this game is so unreliable now. Anyway, output log below for what ever its worth. http://www.filedropper.com/outputlog_9
  15. Hi there @Pistashio! First welcome to the forums! Sadly its not you or your fault. Not sure how long you have had the game, so just in case, ksp recently saw an upgrade in engine to unity 5. The engine itself has issues with wheels, squad put out a temporary duct tape "fix" for wheels while they attempt to address it.
  16. @NathanKell any word on when these random crashes that are hitting everyone going to be addressed? being able to play for 5-6 minutes then CTD is not stable nor playable. modded or not, its hitting everyone... please tell me some fix is coming and coming soon? because honestly, I am floored a patch comes out addressing the non critical things when such a huge and frankly seemingly well documented and reported issue is keeping a good portion of us on footing that would make a mountain goat nervous... look, i LOVE KSP, have had it since .21 and between that version and 1.0.5 i had seen maybe 3 crashes TOTAL, since 1.1 ive seen a dozen or more, thats an avg of 4 PER patch 1.1, trip 1 and 1.1.2, and thats sad panda territory there i tell you what.
  17. i was running trip ace until about 4am central yes. when i powered the game (read: 7 minutes or so before the crash in that output log i tossed up) steam had pushed it to 1.1.2. like i said before, these crashes are hitting everyone modded or not. what a time for a vacation..when the game is the most unstable with major issues that need to be addressed...
  18. the issue isnt any of the mods. these crashes are happening to everyone, modded or not. seeing as my mods were functioning last night (mechjeb, novapunch <with the exception of the one engine that has induced vab lag since 1.0.5>, proc fairings and KIS/KAS) and KIS/KAS was FUNCTIONING as expected right up until the crash, its not the mods. its something IN the game. I have a little CPU/RAM monitor built into my keyboard, and since 1.1 KSP has been at 73-90% CPU usage, with ram hovering around 60-70%.
  19. i was just toying around with 1.1.2 and it took the game less than 10 minutes to crash. i was testing out KAS/KIS as I am still getting used to it. I was ON THE LAUNCH PAD at KSC with a MK3 Capsule, the smaller 2.5 meter KAS container, a ladder ON the command pod and in the container: 9 connector ports, 4 large ground pylons, 4 smaller pylons and in bills inventory? the wrench and driver. I was setting up a test pipeline that was circling the capsule. my MET clock read only 4 MINUTES of mission time. I was in the VAB for all of 2 minutes MAX loading the test rig up. This game is unplayable now, and with the devs taking a break for what 2-3 weeks? come on, way to go. treat the minor problems and ignore the major ones? output log: http://www.filedropper.com/outputlog_8 i love KSP but, this is unplayable. @Kaa253 you are LUCKY. I envy you.
  20. the hitchhiker can is a brick with the aerodynamics of well a brick encased in an even more unstable brick. and like @mikegarrison said, the MK1 capsule aka mercury style, is about as weak a capsule <in terms of torque> as you can get. works FINE when its got only itself to handle, but add anything bigger than a heat shield and say a parachute or two, and all bets are off. Bigger pod or a ton more reaction control systems are needed to make that set up work. ONE thing i can suggest, tho, ive not tried this personally yet, is use the inflatable heatshield. from what ive read, that thing starts hitchhiker sized and swells up to 10m or so. may be what you need
  21. They fixed lesser issues and ignored major problems?!??! Now they will be gone 2-3 weeks while we have a product that is an unholy unstable mess that has rendered it all but unplayable! What in the name of jeb is going on? They failed to correctly triage the problems. The major issues needed priority not the minor ones!
  22. I did not even intend this as an acronym yet some how it worked out. M.O.R.E.L. or Munar Orbital Resource Explorer and Lander. It was literally a fluke it got named after a mushroom lol.
  23. yet another VAB CTD. output log here: http://www.filedropper.com/outputlog_7 Mods again are: MechJeb, KIS/KAS, Proc Fairings, Novapunch. getting sick of losing an hours work in the VAB to this unholy instability. please tell me they have this fixed in that 1.1.2 update thats coming soon (tm)?
  24. Ok first thanks to all who looked into my particular gripe! My mist recent crash came half a second after a base core slammed into the mun last night. Ive not run ksp since. Ill get the log if needed when im at my pc later. As to mm i dont use it because i cant code. I know just enough to know not too lol. Ok, just in case for anyone who has the skill set, here is the output log from the crash that hit me like half a second after my mission impacted the mun, mods: MechJeb, Proc Fairings, KIS/KAS, Novapunch http://www.filedropper.com/outputlog_6
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