<rubs the back of his head before speaking> If you would like an honest, nothing held back response, then, here ya go:
1. You have 0 viable control surfaces on your wings, they move counter to what you need from valid ailerons. You need up/down motion from them that runs along the trailing edge in parallel of your wings, not the current configuration.
2. You have an extra bit of fuselage at the end of your craft, from what I see, its not needed.
3. You have 0 horizontal controls at the aft (rear) end of your plane. While, YES, a V tail can work, the control surfaces you have on your plane lack the deflection force needed to control horizontal (roll down the central line <tip of nose to tip of tail>, Lateral roll (yaw or left/right side deflection, think turning a car on the road that is yaw-like) or pitch (up/down).
4. Your wings look as if they are not around the Center of Gravity of your plane which will make it highly unstable, not to mention you have a rather extreme dihedral angle (as in, you do not need THAT much angle on the wings) which may cause further instability in the aircraft.
Now, just so people do not think I am being mean, I am speaking from experience as a radio control scale and sport pilot, and from far too many years on flight sims. I am sorry to take your plan to bits like that, but, in truth, it has a number of issues that would affect its ability to fly in a manner you intended. I hope this frank and blunt critique helps. I wish you all the luck in the world.