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Everything posted by AlamoVampire

  1. I don't think life support should EVER be stock. Same with multiplayer. KSP just is NOT SUITED for either as anything but mods IMHO. grid fins, are a part. Would be easy enough I reckon for them thar fins at be made stock. Yessir I reckon that indeed.
  2. .21 had just released and just hit steam. I saw it, thought it looked neat and it was off to the races
  3. this station was the first I ever built, Kerbal Internation Space Station I think its name was: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This station below is my most recent station, and its called Doxie Station (with some fuel arriving on scene) :
  4. when i first built the Goliath back in version 1.0.4 <and keep in mind, the actual lay out of the ship is identical to back then, since well, same craft file only change was a docking port set up in the bay to link its smaller cousin to it for a size comparison> and in 1.0.4 the nose wheel worked just fine. only now does it have an issue. which, is why im for removing the bad mechanic anyway. here is why: 1. Its a bad mechanic, its having unintended consequences that are harming not only myself and my ships, but others and their vessels. 2. Its placing a "helping" hand that is not help but robbing you of valuable learning experiences. How are you going to learn to not fire a rocket off inside a fairing or in a cargo bay if the game refuses to let you? 3. Old argument, but still valid: Soyuz HOT STAGES its first core stage from its 2nd core stage while the first core is STILL BURNING. This check has been known to stop us from replicating this in game. Rumored to be toned down to allow it, but, I require others to confirm or deny that as I lack proper soyuz parts to properly test it myself.
  5. Well, I spent the last 3 days and a combined 5 hours trying to set up my Titan Class Interplanetary Transport. It was one heck of a fight. Between crashes <game> and odd fuel flow behaviors and uh staging errors, it took some time to nail down. BUT, I think I got it! 3 pictures: First is on launch, and yes, thats essentially 4 Saturn IVB's shoving it into orbit. Next is on orbit checking out its lateral cargo bays and shielded docking ports with the Mun making a cameo rise. Final is on orbit buttoned up. Mun and Minmus looking down at it. Crew Capacity: 40. 2 pilots, 1 engineer 1 scientist.
  6. @G'th While I admire the acuity of your eyes good sir, the parts are NOT clipped in the slightest, nor repositioned using any tool. the depth at which they sit is as designed by the devs. The problem is the check the game is doing. the fact the part in question is rooted to the CARGO BAY is causing the issue.
  7. My deepest sympathies to his family, friends and his cast and crew of Star Trek Beyond. He will be missed.
  8. @Spaceception Just its webpage and an app afaik
  9. Fun station to listen to! I enjoy it when NASA shows meteor showers with it playing as backdrop over the years.
  10. there is a "cheaty" way to remove all debris at once: turn max persistent debris to 0 in settings, load the save and anything marked as DEBRIS goes POOF. careful tho, make sure only what you want to go poof is marked as debris. once cleared, reset to what ever number is your happy number for debris. Or, if you want, you can just RP that everything shot into space has enough explosives to make it vaporize itself <ala terminate button XD> after each launch hehe
  11. @Red Iron Crown Prior to this poor mechanic harming my ship it was able to land quite nicely. It made a water landing because i lost my wings and deployed the chutes. The wheels attach point is on the bay, the OUTSIDE of the bay. On the nose it could break off. This mechanic just needs to go or completely get reworked.
  12. @DuoDex I shouldnt need to work around a bad mechanic by say opening my cargo bay while trying to land just to deploy a wheel so i dont crash. Its an unwanted extra complication. As to unplanned rapid disassemblies? Whats more kerbal than that? Having a game deliberately prevent you from making such a mistake, especially in a game where thats half the fun is ridiculous. It also robs you of an educational experience.
  13. @Red Iron Crown Could you provide some examples of how its sometimes good? All I can see is how its needlessly hampering things.
  14. In my KSP I rp that anything that goes into space has explosives on it. Once an object has fulfilled its duty life if it cannot reenter or is stranded in space or on a body it gets the command to destruct. So no debris is left behind anywhere
  15. My favorite velocity was the initial expansion speed of our universe in the first 1 seconds worth of plank time (there are more units of plank time in 1 SECOND, than there have been SECONDS since our universe exploded into existance) where the expansion was faster than light speed. This does NOT violate physics as our universe was literal nothing during this time and only literal nothing can exceed C. Quantum Physics- aint it a head breaker? Also just to back my point up Dr. Michio Kaku and Dr. Tyson both spoke on this.
  16. @Red Iron Crown But why is an algorithm to prevent things from doing things in cargo bays hampering things clearly not in cargo bays. I think its time to just remove the check completely.
  17. @FirstSecondThird First off KSP 1.1.0, 1.1.1, 1.1.2 are the most unstable versions KSP has had since before I got here in .21. There are literally THOUSANDS of posts on the instability. Claw has even put out a temporary fix to buy us players some stability until 1.1.3 lands. Further more, there are issues with Unity and landing gear that Squad cannot address in a proper manner because the fault AFAIR is in UNITY itself. The instability we are seeing is also most likely a UNITY issue with MONO and other internal Unity assets. So why the push for 1.2.X to see a Unity upgrade? Id say fixing all of the aforementioned covers it.
  18. I give you the Leo Deep Space Com Array: It is 100% modular.
  19. <shudders at the thought of win 10> <throws salt over both shoulders> As to "Loading Asset Bundles" Im on win 7 x64 home premium yadda yadda and it holds there at "Loading Asset Bundles" for me too. Stands still for 10-15 seconds sometimes less sometimes more and then moves on. I run as admin too, so, you may still see it hold there.
  20. If you dont get out and push, then are you really playing KSP? But seriously tho, yup.
  21. @WildLynx I gotta ask what mod or if not mod how do you get blueprint pictures like those? Also, i looked at the pics on my phone so i may not be able to see it but, i didnt see the orange error message of it refusing to deploy and to which part. But if i had to guess, its the umbrella-ish antenna giving fits?
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