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Everything posted by AlamoVampire

  1. once i stage, the prior stage falls either directly below me <if vertical or mid gravity turn> or directly to my rear <doing orbital operations for circularizing and so forth>. never have had any issues with it, besides, once the decoupler fires that fairing is like the boulders from terrain scatter, 100% visual only. at least in my experience. as for things like proc fairings, those either stay with the fairing base <non ejecting> or pitch away as they eject.
  2. Not to try to pick fights, but how does: 1. Having a wealth of information on your vessel. 2. The ability to let a computer babysit long and or tedious or repeated tasks. 3. The ability to set up a docking, let the computer handle it so YOU can do transfer Eva activities (as an example) take away fun? To me this adds to the fun. When I learned that if I control from a port, target a port and tell MJ to dock, I was floored. 1 single minute later I caught myself watching my fuel barge dock by itself in pure awe.
  3. 1. Why on earth would anyone NOT want a fairing on/over the engine as it sits on a ship or in a stack? Hmm guess that's all
  4. /sigh just getting more complicated
  5. why do the ribbons now say ribbon hot linking disabled?? any ideas? anyone? anyone? anyone? bueller?
  6. its useful. honest. BUT, it is also not big enough! I was forced to launch a beast with 5 of them bolted on just to hurl 12 Kerbonauts into orbit. proof you say? why sure, here you go! its on my kerbal orbital science complex:
  7. id recommend MechJeb as one such tool. It will teach you how to dock better than ANY written tutorial or video can. How? simple. Download it, place the mechjeb unit on the uppermost stage <that your NOT going to dump during ascent or at least, not until your about to back down to kerbin> and have it do its thing. Use Ascent Guidance to get into orbit <or do so manually, your call> with the ship<s> you plan to learn to dock with, then, once it circularizes you in orbit, use the rendezvous planner/autopilot to have it set up a rendezvous with your targeted vessel <ascent guidance can launch you into a rendezvous position as well, either into the same exact orbit, or above/below depending on how you set up the target altitude, or it can just launch you into the target vessels plane>. ONCE it has you at say 100m of the target, then, have it commence docking via the docking autopilot, sit back and watch and learn the entire way OH, btw, make sure you are trying to dock 2 ports of the SAME SIZE, clamp-o-tron to clamp-o-tron, sr to sr jr to jr. AND make sure you target said docking port AND are controlling from the port you wish to dock with. ONCE you are comfy with docking <id keep mechjeb anyway, as it can perform docking by itself, once you have it set up for a docking which frees you up for other orbital operations like crew transfers> you can get busy with making your refueling station. For starters, my advice: start small and simple just to get the idea. Like say a pair of RCS tanks and a pair of 1.5m fuel tanks, a few solar panels <extending or not, matters little>, a few batteries and a pair of docking ports. once comfy with that size, progress into larger and have at it
  8. Home, so far away, so fragile, so beautiful. As seen from Saturn
  9. hehe, I just did an updated version of my prior submission. I put this thing into an orbit that took it beyond jool then down near moho and back again. then I thought hey what happens if i just turn on the infinite fuel and see what happens. next thing I know, this lil buggers doin 13000+ m/s and headin for kerbol escape lol. but, enjoy the initial trip to its first orbit before curiosity reared up and said FLY FOR ESCAPE!
  10. as long as the docking autopilot from mechjeb is in control from your docking port, has a docking port locked and was commanded to dock, it will work all by its lonesome freeing you up to do what ever else needs to be done, like, in my case, crew transfer eva I learned this yesterday while docking that same crew transfer/return vehicle <the 5 command pods ship > I think, for those who do youtube video's this may actually help with cinematics.
  11. I transferred kerbals from a crew transfer/return vehicle to my Kerbal Orbital Science Complex while a refueler was DOCKING ON ITS OWN yay mechjeb hehe
  12. sounds like quite the ride! I bet Jeb was smiling the entire time!
  13. you. are. a. MONSTER. Kerbals lives are sacred, I for one try everything possible to NOT kill them.
  14. For me, manned or not mj is always on my ship. Period. I find I prefer the ability to know what my ships stats are plus the ability to have a flight computer that's able to do the grunt work a requirement at all times but that's just me. That and a double function mod saves on mod count and fewer things that can go wrong.
  15. i actually like the idea of random failures. it to me, adds a touch of realism to the game. I think, if its done, in such a way, where a contract says: Hey look, we got this part, and the R&D guys say its faulty, but cannot figure out why or how. We need you to launch it and try it out to get more information on the fault, but be warned, it MAY fail you in unexpected ways, plan your mission accordingly" could actually be FUN. Just sayin
  16. snipped the rest of your post for this. It is called The Missing Man Formation. Here is a video of the USAF Thunderbirds performing this as TAPS sounds out in the background. and yeah, a flag at half staff would be a nice thing to have when a Kerbal dies.
  17. peeks his head in the door, sees absolutely NO comments on user feedback from his station, wanders off to fling bill up at the station
  18. merendel i am willing to be bill there wet himself lol
  19. id say KEEP mechjeb even after master docking. There is no sense in losing a wonderful tool that can show you all your vital stats that can handle the menial work of repetitive mission aspects again and again. No... mechjeb should be a staple part of your game, for that aspect alone
  20. while i agree with you, its also important to try what i listed above your reply as well, both are hand in hand
  21. in all honesty: my solid advice: download and use the current version of mechjeb. Now, before you say you do not want to mod, or mechjeb is cheating or anyone else chimes in with that nonsense, hear me out. I used to have issues with docking. Sure, I could catch the rocket in question, but, I never could quite make a solid docking. I was always coming in way to hot and would over shoot. Sure, I could eventually dock, but I would be sorely low on fuel, if not flat out, so I read every tutorial, watched as many videos as I could, including Scott Manleys videos. I finally broke down and got mechjeb. Boy, what a wondrous move that was. I plugged it onto the same rocket I had just tried to dock with, and used its ascent guidance to throw me into orbit, then, I told its rendezvous planner/autopilot to set me up with a rendezvous, and it took the reigns again. I watched it as it took MY ship, and did everything it had to to get me to an intercept. Then, I told its docking autopilot to take over, and kept watching. It taught me where I was correct in what I was doing, where I was wrong and everything in between. MechJeb is both a wonderful teacher <since it uses YOUR designs to do its thing > and a wonderful tool to see the vital stats that, for what ever reason Squad prefers to leave OUT of the game... in short: vital stats + teaching tool + autopilot = win
  22. 1. ever try just deleting the mod in question which ever it may be? 2. ever try just seeing if there is a .23 compatible version of said mod? 3. i think you have grossly over reacted. 4. this goes with out saying: the game is still a work in progress. even its EULA states that you use this at you OWN risk. 5. take a break, come back when you cool way way way down. 6. till then, we will keep a launch pad warm for you.
  23. id say the instant you can no longer leave or land on a body because of the swarm of satellites is when you have too many. until that point, its: how much can you handle in loading range?
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