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Everything posted by AlamoVampire

  1. Granted, but all dishes vanish and you must use only you lap as a dish. I wish I was a psychic
  2. Granted, but, they are only creative in finding ways to be unkind to their fellow humans. I wish I was a dinosaur.
  3. Oberon, I am going to fly in the faces of anti-mechjeb players and suggest trying mechjeb and use its auto-dock feature. now, i know, the moment a BUNCH of players read my suggestion they furiously started to type rebuttals against my suggestion, but if all of you fine kerbonauts as well as our dear friend Oberon will hear me out. I could not dock efficiently to save my life, no matter how hard I tried, I just could not get it to go smoothly. I read all the step by steps, watched all the videos, then I read a single suggestion. Try MechJeb. I thought to myself: Self, I do not want to use mods, mods are cheating. Then I tried to dock again. That convinced me to give it a whirl. I also saw a video by Scott Manley that showed Romfarers Lazor Docking Camera mod, which gives a NASA style camera from a docking ports point of view with various docking information as well <which I have yet to understand, but the pictures on screen showing my target help. I use Mechjeb for a BUNCH of stuff, but, when I used it the first time to dock, it showed me how to dock. simply watching it dock MY ship to my other ship showed me under game conditions what it was I was doing right <launching at the right moment> and what I was doing wrong. THAT list is too long lol. Suffice it to say, it showed me how to dock, it taught me step by step simply by showing MY craft doing what it was able to do with how I built it. Ever since, it has been a vital part of my ships. TL/DR Try mechjeb. it can teach you a BUNCH.
  4. Vanamonde makes 2 great questions, but I have one of my own. What does you flight log read (F3 default) before chute deploy, after initial deploy (drogue mode, ie chutes out but not fully opened) and after it goes into full deploy both before break off and after? I have a feeling it broke a connection somewhere. Had this happen on a crew return vehicle for my station. Thankfully I F5d before leaving my station. Thing broke during ascent.
  5. It's the hell kraken, and its liable to eat ships as well
  6. Im texan, and well, my weather is schizophrenic to say the least. was near 80 degrees F and in the next day or so, gonna be in the 40's for a HIGH and then drop to below freezing <thurs/friday> with possible icy stuff. holy frack my weathers gonna try to kill me just cuz im texan!
  7. I just put this into orbit, and it created one heck of a debris cloud, of nearly 80 bits of stuff, mostly explosive bolts, but 3 rather large chunks as well:
  8. does not matter if you used mechjeb or not, I personally find it invaluable, with out it, the below would NOT be possible, as it is well, unruly during powered ascent: My newest station the Kerbal Orbital Science Complex. It is a work in progress, so here are its post launch stats: Has 2 science labs 22 docking ports <clamp-o-tron> 4 HH-125-C Insulated Fuel tanks 16 Gigantor XL Solar Arrays 4 OX-4L 1x6 Photovoltaic Panels 12 FL-R25 RCS Fuel Tanks each with 100 units RCS Fuel for 1200 Units RCS Fuel total 4 Communotron 16 Antennas 4 Comms DTS-M1 Antennas On orbit Part Count: 171 Current On Orbit Weight: 41.87 Tons Currently in a 45 Degree Inclination in a 302KMx293KM Orbit 16030 Electrical Charge at full charge 4608 Liquid Fuel at Full 5632 Oxidizer at Full On the Pad During initial Ascent into Orbit Jettison of Explosive Bolt/Strut system, prior to Orbital Operations Motors and tanks being jettisoned Watching the Explosive Bolts/Strut system and Orbital Operations Motors and tanks drift away Medium Range Overview of the Kerbal Orbital Science Complex A Closer Overview of the Kerbal Orbital Science Complex
  9. My newest station the Kerbal Orbital Science Complex. It is a work in progress, so here are its post launch stats: Has 2 science labs 22 docking ports <clamp-o-tron> 4 HH-125-C Insulated Fuel tanks 16 Gigantor XL Solar Arrays 4 OX-4L 1x6 Photovoltaic Panels 12 FL-R25 RCS Fuel Tanks each with 100 units RCS Fuel for 1200 Units RCS Fuel total 4 Communotron 16 Antennas 4 Comms DTS-M1 Antennas On orbit Part Count: 171 Current On Orbit Weight: 41.87 Tons Currently in a 45 Degree Inclination in a 302KMx293KM Orbit 16030 Electrical Charge at full charge 4608 Liquid Fuel at Full 5632 Oxidizer at Full On the Pad During initial Ascent into Orbit Jettison of Explosive Bolt/Strut system, prior to Orbital Operations Motors and tanks being jettisoned Watching the Explosive Bolts/Strut system and Orbital Operations Motors and tanks drift away Medium Range Overview of the Kerbal Orbital Science Complex A Closer Overview of the Kerbal Orbital Science Complex
  10. I just hit the kerbal jackpot! I went to my astronaut complex on a lark to hire more victim...er uh brave explorers and Scott Kerman was an applicant!!
  11. I once was setting up a mission to either Minmus or the Mun, frankly I cannot remember, this was back in the days of .21 when I was new around here. Anyway <sadly I have done this even recently lol> I was on ascent from Kerbin, everything was fine, and I went to stage a spent lower stage. pressed space bar, and the next thing I see is my entire rocket going one way and my command pod lazily drifting along on a sub orbital path. Each time I do this <because of ignorance at first, and well, stupidity on my part now> I just gasp then shake my head as the command pod drifts for home lol.
  12. safari has an option to do this? okay gotta go hunt my phones options now... ugh cant seem to find an option for that on the phone
  13. I both use and LOVE and RELY HEAVILY on mechjeb. it is a valued asset to my game play experience, as it provides valuable information and will babysit long burns for me, OR, if I leave this game alone during the night, will perform any and all maneuver nodes for me while I sleep, so long as that fine beast called the Kraken allows safe passage lol.
  14. I tend to view the forum via my iPhone when I am on the go, and it irritates the heck out of me to have to tell my phone each and every single time to go to the FULL site, is there some option somewhere either on my phone or my account here on the website to keep my phone from constantly showing me the mobile version?
  15. as per the Planned Features Wiki under heading: Not Happening: Not happening The following features won't be in the official game (although may be found in mods): Steam achievements[citation needed] Autopilot Systems[citation needed] Weapons or military features[citation needed] Alien civilizations[citation needed] Terraforming[citation needed] Realistically sized celestial bodies [10] Conversion to a different game engine.[citation needed]
  16. Ah, well either way its not a big deal, just another chance to refine the launch system lol
  17. Ah. I dont use remote tech lol. I am planning on a possibility of Squad making the need of such a system. Glad you like its look
  18. Skyrender: thank you for the confirmation. Oh, side note, do you think the above satellite is over kill for a relay station should one be needed?
  19. I am not sure to be honest, BUT, I think you can say observe the goo in orbit, transmit that data, then <pending you have the lab module on the ship> recycle the goo canister, then observe again and bring back the science. I think this is possible, not 100% sure. EDIT: would seem you CAN transmit a data set and then clean the experiment then gather a new data batch and land it. how much this nets you is unclear as I did a quick up and down flight to space and back over KSC where I have emptied my ability to gain science back in .22 lol. BUT, seems you CAN do this.
  20. Well, these pics are my current station from various angles
  21. @edwardc well, kerbals are green, and well, there was a video, by squad I think, that shows the goo, and the goo is green. things DO go wrong for our poor kerbals, and maybe they just liquefy them and then use them in the goo cans? at least I think that was the going theory
  22. Okay, I will admit to a few things: 1. I have had one severely bad day, so, I may have done this my self. 2. Given item 1, I may have accidentally deleted the craft from the tracking station. 3. Maybe the kraken has found me? Okay now that my odd rambling is out of the way, heres the story. I am placing well, this satellite system into my career mode. Looks a bit like: THIS one, is clearly between Kerbin and the Mun and THIS one is the SECOND one to fly, and its between Kerbin and Duna. Both of these are the early stage of something that may or may not be needed down the road, a communications satellite relay network for future career mode fun. ANYWAY, that first one up there, well, it got kicked out of the Kerbin system into an odd orbital path that matches partly with Kerbins orbit and then swings out. That is fine, it HAD enough fuel to coast into the new AP and circularize there. So, before going to corral the stupid thing into a safer orbit, I decide to purge the others debris. Then I decide to deal with the first ones orbit. BUT, when I went to go do this, the game went all freaky and black screened with only a small portion of the UI showing. Sadly, no picture. Anyway, I close down the game and reboot it because this seems to fix this when it happens <third time since July, so, not real concerned over seeing it go all freaky>. SO, I reload the game, all seems fine. i go to my tracking station in my career mode, and the stupid thing is gone. Now, again, I may have accidentally purged it in the debris clearing, so I can accept that. My question is, am I just crazy and did not notice myself killing a satellite or is this a kraken strike? thoughts?
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