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Everything posted by AlamoVampire

  1. as per the PC Gamer interview: Do you have plans to add more solar systems, or even randomly generated solar systems? Falange: That’s something we get a lot, and it’s actually something that I’m not very particularly [interested] about implementing. It’s not that can’tâ€â€we could, theoretically. But I think that KSP being a game where you can build your own spacecraft, play the game in your own way, and have essentially a completely different experience from everyone else… the only thing tying these experiences together is that the universe is the same. So if we were to add procedurally generated planets outside the current solar system, you would end up with places and destinations that don’t exist for anyone else. And then it would fail in terms of you being able to relate to someone else’s experience. You wouldn’t be able to say, “Hey guys, I landed on Duna, this was really cool!†And everyone knows what Duna is and what it stands for. Instead, you’d get, “Hey guys, I found this planet, it looks kinda like this.†And people would be like, “Oh... I’ve got completely different planets on mine.†Holtzman: The game is science fiction, but one of the things that Felipe has really driven is that he wants the science to come first and the fiction to come second. So when you start talking about multiple solar systems, you get further into the realm of fiction. Falange: Right, because you’re talking about interstellar distances, which means time-warp isn't enough anymore, no matter how fast you’re going. Now you need some sort of warp drive, and that falls into the realm of sci-fi. And that then requires us to break the laws of physics, which would in fact make everything much trickier. link: http://www.pcgamer.com/2013/12/23/kerbal-space-program-dev-on-random-solar-systems-the-joy-of-failure-and-the-cult-of-steam/
  2. yeah, actually it does. I just plugged in: Origin: Kerbin Destination: MoHo Parking Orbit: 100 Km and it kicks out: Phase Angle: -251.79 degrees Ejection Angle: 188.73 degrees Ejection Velocity: 3942.16 m/s Ejection Burn DV: 1696.02 m/s Warning: Orbital inclinations differ between your origin and destination. Adjust the inclination mid-transfer by performing a burn in the Normal or Antinormal direction to place your target intercept onto the destination body's orbit.
  3. Frostiken I would wager you know very little about what it actually takes to make a game. If you DO know about coding and the monumental task that it truly is, I hope you are tolling. Even my limited knowledge of coding tells me, that, they will get us a fun, playable product as they can get it out to us and not to some arbitrary schedule YOU seem to be laboring under that they adhere to. Look, this game is awesome, and for all we know .23 could be the LAST installment. They are NOT obligated to take this game ANY further buddy, you agreed to that knowledge when you either paid them directly or Steam and agreed to the TOS. We will get what we get when it is done. period.
  4. what are we seeing? to me, it looks like a graphics kraken at your screen...
  5. go here, it is your best friend ever: ksp.olex.biz oh, no www. on it hehe
  6. its still a massive undertaking in terms of code and not breaking what already works. Guys, we are in ALPHA still, with many many many MANY miles left to go before even BETA, lets just sit back, and see what they cook up for the Kerbin system first huh?
  7. lol! I bet Whackjob could get that thing working in a day, maybe two...well if he is willing to take time away from the monster rover he is building
  8. Look OP this game is very young and has a huge mountain to climb. We are in Alpha. We cannot hope to know what the ultimate final product will be. What the devs say will or will not be in game right now is not final. I cannot be. Why? Simple it may change based on how things progress as we go. Stop being alarmist.
  9. okay where is that kerboglyph at? I gotta drop Jeb ontop of that! Oh, and, I know, others before me have made a Hubble, but, here is my take on the Hubble Space Telescope!
  10. they said they will not add a random universe or procedural planets as it takes away from the unity of the games community. http://www.pcgamer.com/2013/12/23/kerbal-space-program-dev-on-random-solar-systems-the-joy-of-failure-and-the-cult-of-steam/
  11. 1. if we ever get it, it would be nice. 2. would be fun for making our own version of the NASA tv style mission videos 3. would be nice, but, not something that we need right now, but later on down the line? heck yeah!
  12. I think I saw somewhere where Squad said there was not going to be a difficulty slider bar, but for the life of me, I cannot remember where I saw it, if I even really did see it lol.
  13. I find I gotta reply to this particular line in your comment. MechJeb does make things easier a lot of the time, but, the mod is NOT about making things easier, because to be blunt, sometimes MechJeb can make things HARDER than they should be. MechJeb is a wonderful tool for having information you would otherwise NOT have. Your exact Delta V for example. Your rockets total weight. MechJeb is also good for doing tasks that would require an intense amount of baby sitting. 30-40 minute nerva burns? w/out MechJeb you gotta sit there and baby the rocket and keep an eye on it, WITH mechjeb, just set up a maneuver node, hit engage and the tedium is taken care of for you. Going to make your next landing after so many before? MechJeb has you covered usually, when it decides its not gonna screw up and suicide burn into the dirt. The long and short of it is, MechJeb is a tool that is vital if you want a broader knowledge base within your game. Other mods like say NovaPunch add more parts, bigger engines like 3.75 meter or the mighty 5 meter stuff. Other mods open up more things to do like the kethane mod. Never used that one myself, keep considering it, but never used it. Look, it is your copy of the game, and you can play it like you wish
  14. Its not about how long it took its about the fun getting there! I forget how long it took me but i know i had fun gettin there
  15. ive not used SAS yet in .23 as I let mechjeb handle the work on my missions lol
  16. whackjob, that is entirely too impressive. I cannot begin to fathom the beast that will LIFT that.
  17. doesnt matter if they change or stay the same, the fact that they are there on the Sun, is what impressed me
  18. I was checking on my satellite orbiting the sun, and I noticed something peculiar when I turned my camera towards the sun. Did you know that you can see sunspots on the sun in game? check this out, to either side of the solar disk depending on which picture you look at, either right or left edge of the disk. enjoy
  19. Just glad to point out my first Easter egg
  20. it does? now I gotta go look XD EDIT: yup XD S1 04101957 Sputnik 1 April 10, 1957 ALSO note the 0X62656570 in ASCII it spells BEEP lol <had to look that one up lol> wondering now what other fun historic tidbits are hiding on our gear
  21. I know, but still, your designs are jaw dropping and awe inspiring!
  22. Whackjob you scare me more right now because you are planning on taking us over with your creation, we are not ready to bow down that hard XD
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