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Everything posted by AlamoVampire

  1. I give this to the world! It is an orbital science complex as the title suggests. Mods used on the station are MechJeb for its flight computer to get this massive beast INTO orbit and NovaPunch. I am unsure if non used mods matter, so, on my computer are also procedural fairings and Romfarers lazor docking cam <again, not sure if it affects it, probably not, but, hey, why not list that just in case right?> Formal Mod Used List: MechJeb NovaPunch All mods are current to KSP .23 Non-used on the station but on the computer: Romfarers Lazor Docking Cam Procedural Fairings Craft File http://www.fileswap.com/dl/zQOEutJuoU <id have it say Kerbal Orbital Science Complex Craft File instead of that link, but cannot figure out how to make a link look like regular words opposed to looking like this lol> Kerbal Orbital Science Complex This is a good station for use in Career mode. Has room for 12 as is, but, as you can see, it has PLENTY of room and Clamp-o-Trons for expansion! On the Pad: and a few of it in Orbit: And a Picture post orbital insertion after cutting the explosive bolts free, demonstrating its Debris cloud prior to jettison of Orbital Insertion Station and Lift Assist engines Okay here are its vital stats, on the PAD, and with the NON RCS tanks empty of fuel, it weighs in at a staggering: 1414.755 TONS. Part Count <on the pad>: 486 Parts. IN ORBIT Mass/Part Count: 93.44 Tons and 171 Parts. Electrical Capacity: 16030 MonoProp: 1200 Liquid Fuel: 4608 Oxidizer: 5632 it DOES have some action groups, as well as 2 booster engines that are DOCKED to the station to aid in its ascent into orbit. Action groups: Custom 1 is TOGGLE all solar arrays Custom 2 through 9 UNUSED Custom 10 (0) is to active all explosive bolts cutting all launch and orbital insertion struts. FYI this causes a HUGE amount of debris, also recommended to disconnect and jettison the stations ascent engines once you make a stable orbit. <may require use of unlimited fuel to run these engines, i forget how efficient this thing is or isnt> I do have some tips, something I just now learned on a relaunch of this station: 1. It has enough DV in the main lifter to get to 300KM and a bit beyond <how far beyond is unknown as 300km was my target> Would advise if so inclined to first quick save when it coasts to its insertion burn, then stage out into its orbital insertion stage, that stage has more than enough to handle the job. 2. IF you have Unbreakable joints on, this is the time to use the 0 action group and cut the explosive bolts, it will allow the debris to re-enter the atmosphere and self clean, if NOT using Unbreakable, disregard this tip. 3. You should have ENOUGH fuel on the orbital insertion/orbital ops package to fuel up the 4 pylon fuel tanks. Once done, stage out one last time, and you are good to go! please, if you use the file, leave your thoughts and feed back, as this is the first craft I have publicly shared do be kind
  2. I got mine on steam this past july and paid i think 15-17$ for it
  3. what did I do in KSP today? I killed a space station that refused to be edited or cooperate with me in any way. this thing survived a DELETION from the save file, persistent AND quicksave, and guess what? it survived a 300KM plunge through atmosphere <3000m/s at interface> THEN impact with the water!!!! only damage i saw it take during re-entry was the loss of solar arrays on both that deorbital stage and the station.... demon and hell spawn that station. works just fine in my sandbox, but once it got moved to career by a save file edit, it turned into a NIGHTMARE.
  4. if r4m0n is on the dev team, then you are right, otherwise, you are mistaken.
  5. Yes but that was not 100% functional and as such i waited for the genuine article
  6. TMS: but, cluttering our ships with parts is the Kerbal way
  7. hey, its all good just gave my reaction, then, gave ya the information I could oh, btw: WELCOME!!
  8. okay... first off: your thread came off <to me at least> as rather pushy and whiny. THAT said, MechJeb is updated for .23 and ready to roll. It was updated and ready with in a week at MOST of when .23 hit. as to the other mods, i do not use them, so, I will not speculate. all of this said, I will say this: most mods that people use, MechJeb, NovaPunch and the like, get updated quickly if any update is needed. Tiberion <maintainer of the Novapunch mod> did not need to update his mod since .22 hit after it was made .22 ready, and still works quite nicely with .23 with a small patch to fix a tiny glitch in the VAB.
  9. just take Novapunch and convert all that into STOCK parts, and good to go honestly. Seems like Tiberion has maintained and updated novapunch really well, I think it should be a no brainer myself.
  10. Curious to see what tiberion does with novapunch if squad adds 3.75 and 5m parts. Novapunch has those sizes. Also to build true saturn v wed need i think up to 10m parts.
  11. Im like Fox. I dont use it because id probably get addicted. I was the same in morrowwind oblivion and skyrim lol Well that and im happy with my 4 mods of mechjeb (autopilot aint cheating) proc fairings, docking cam and novapunch
  12. okay: epic fail that it CATO'd on you, and epic WIN that it landed where it did and did that! THEN epic FAIL when the kraken struck!
  13. my thanks publicly and privately go to Sirine for helping me get my station into not only orbit in my career mode, but into career mode completely!
  14. Tried the demo in late June (.18 demo) joined a day after.21 came.
  15. that station has something like 150+ parts (with OUT the struts/explosive bolts for launch stability) lol. id just rather NOT have to launch it. not saying that I cannot do it, its just, when I kick the struts off via explosive bolts, it creates a hailstorm of debris, of another 80+ parts
  16. okay, so it IS possible, but needs laser precision. gotcha.. now to figure out just how LONG the vessel to vessel tag is lol.
  17. except water is UNCOMPRESSABLE. you hit it at a certain speed, and its going to rip you apart. period. oh, and the test that adam and jamie and the gang did, obliterated the pig they used. or at least thats what the xray showed after a water impact.
  18. okay... gonna bump this at 23 hours and 49 minutes since creation out of pure desperation to know the answer
  19. yowsa talk about a close call! did you miss impacting the ground or... ?
  20. hey sodra, the quicker way, where it does not involve cranking the equations manually: ksp.olex.biz OR use mechjeb
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