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Everything posted by AlamoVampire

  1. hey sodra, the quicker way, where it does not involve cranking the equations manually: ksp.olex.biz OR use mechjeb
  2. Yes but it was not until voyager found it that the effect was seen. Now what is its name?
  3. okay, I challenge you to name this craft! <came as close as I could with what KSP offers> 1 hint: "We, the people of Earth, greet you in a spirit of peace and humility. As we venture out of our solar system, we hope to earn the trust and friendship of other worlds." edit: sadly, I screwed up on launch, and kinda ran the poor thing out of fuel on its lifter stage, it was 100% sub orbital in that picture lol.
  4. Okay, I have a question. I am not sure if this qualifies as support as its not a bug or a glitch or anything acting up with the game. I have put a station into orbit in my sandbox save file, and it is working wonderfully. I want to put the same station into orbit in my career mode save, but, would prefer to NOT launch this thing a 2nd time, as it causes nearly 100 debris items go flying off in all directions once I cut its supports away with explosive bolts. Is there a way <i am sure there is, but, I am not familiar with editing the save file beyond speeding up jeb, bill and bob's returns from the grave lol> to do take the station in ORBIT and transfer it via like copy/paste to career mode? OH to the lovely moderator staff: if you feel this needs to go to support, feel free to transplant this thanks edit: not sure why it went into italics near the end, there is no [ I][/ I] in the text lol Edit: 130 views and not a peep? I can only conclude i have to copy vab to vab and launch again Edit again.... Come on guys there has to be a way to do this, any help? Pwease pwetty pwetty pwease edit again i was hoping that someone, anyone would know how to do this. this thing, is NOT a fun launch, and really really do not want to launch it again. yes, I am aware I can take it from 1 vab into the other, but, thats not the issue. how do I transfer it between saves with it in ORBIT??
  5. The fueler had 4 gigantor. The station may get more later hehe
  6. This is my refueling or should I say FUELING mission, since it went up with only RCS fuel on the station. This is the Kerbal Orbital Sciences Complex orbiting Kerbin at 300 or so KM at an inclination of 45 degrees. I tested this station in the sandbox mode for use in Career at some point. anyway, this is the fueling mission. in order: initial docking approach. Had too many lights on the fuel ship, washed the entire station out. second picture is a change of sides, to make refueling the 6 RCS tanks on that side a touch easier. next up is the atmospheric entry interface and shock heating. next up is approach into KSC, and finally is touch down near the launch pad.
  7. the Pakleds approach is not the nicest approach, tends to get Geordi La Forge hurt lol as to how I do it? same as you pretty much, at first, then, well, I just go with what looks good, works and blows up the least other than that, I just play it by ear and LEGO it
  8. well, this threads been dormant for a week or so, so, I bump it to see if you fine souls have anything new in the near miss department
  9. As per the planned features wiki, sub heading NOT HAPPENING: conversion to a different game engine.
  10. well, far as i can tell, orbital speed at kerbin is what 2000 m/s give or take, and thats barely 4500 miles per hour give or take, so, would not surprise me if 'mach 1' is a lil lower in KSP, but, what ever it is, all i need to concern myself with is: pointy end goes up, fire goes down, and jebediah decorates KSC with more scrap XD
  11. those tiles are notoriously fragile though. one mistake on orbit and you can punch a hole into the shield.
  12. ya, its gonna take a LONG while to get jeb back, if you just orbit the planet and watch the aerobrake. there are 2 other options that do NOT involve a rendezvous/docking. 1. the non cheaty method: get jebediah OUT of the space craft after pointing it into the retrograde direction <the exact opposite direction you are going> and place jeb on eva on the 'heat shield" and push him into the capsules heat shield <if you faced that into the prograde, or direction you are GOING around kerbin> and shove the capsule to slow it down. be careful that you do not burn you FULL eva pack fuel, you need enough to get back INTO the capsule. repeat this a few times until you slow it down into a more proper descent. it will take a while to do this, but, it IS possible. if each thrust session is at apoapsis 2. the cheaty method: go into your persistent save file, and locate jebediah kerman, look for his STATE, it SHOULD be state 2 < in flight> and reset him to state 0 <in the astronaut complex> the persistent save file is just a regular text document that notepad can easily edit.
  13. pointless speculation is pointless. per the Planned Features wiki Not happening The following features won't be in the official game (although may be found in mods): Steam achievements[citation needed] Autopilot Systems[citation needed] Weapons or military features[citation needed] Alien civilizations[citation needed] Terraforming[citation needed] Realistically sized celestial bodies [13] Conversion to a different game engine.[citation needed]
  14. per the planned features wiki: Physics & Dynamics Wind & turbulence conditions[citation needed] Damage effects[citation needed] New lighting system with better shadows[citation needed] Better aerodynamics[citation needed] Re-entry heat or damage [6] Fixed fuel flow and changing maximum thrust depending on surrounding atmospheric pressure (at the moment the fuel flow is changing and the maximum thrust available is fixed)[7]
  15. sounds like a Kraken strike to me... it happens, as to your docking ports... not sure on that one
  16. look, all of this lame is moot until the devs give us actual numbers for what the speed of sound on KERBIN is. While, this is an invigorating conversation to be sure, we are only speculating on something we cannot know, not because the numbers are not there, but, we do not KNOW where that line is in this game. The ONLY thing we can use as a HINT is watching for the Mach Cone and getting a screen cap the INSTANT it appears with our M/S emblazoned on screen. I am not trying to insult you Ferram or Lame, but, this is how it is, until Felipe says or one of the Devs state what Mach 1 is in the game, we can only draw on hints and supposition. Even if Ferrams math is about as close as we can get right now, it is STILL only a guess until Squad says its fact. Sorry to sound like a mushed up Kerbal, but, I can only go on what Squad says as fact lol
  17. Lamelefty while you are correct, it does not apply to KSP, as Mach is a consistent number no matter temperature, altitude or medium. so, I think its safe to assume it can be considered what mach 1 is at sea level on earth.
  18. im fairly familiar with novapunch parts and that part does not look like one of Tiberions parts in NP...
  19. honestly, I do not think there is a mod for this, but, try this website: http://www.calculateme.com/Speed/MetersperSecond/ToMilesperHour.htm just convert your m/s into MPH on that site and then convert to mach numbers, but, I think 2000 m/s is about 4473mph give or take which is mach 5.877. gotten from: http://calculator-converter.com/converter_mph_to_mach_calculator.php
  20. Or if you are in a hurry go to your persistent save find jebs state switch from 3 to 0 and he will be back in the complex waiting
  21. Granted, but you never sleep again eventually becoming insane. I wish i could invent functional cybernetics
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