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Everything posted by AlamoVampire

  1. In Memory of all those Brave Kerbal Astronauts who have given their lives in the name of Kerbin and furthering her scientific and exploration endeavors: The Parting Glass <Traditional Irish Folk Song>
  2. I just nearly lept from my chair! I was worried sick Id need a new save for asteroids to show up in my stuff, but praise JEBEDIAH they are in existing saves!!
  3. Hey guys? I just had the most curious of thoughts while doing something kerbal (seeing how many SRB's it would take to send a satellite into a kerbin sized orbit) and when I went to the tracking station to clean the pad and destruct the debris in orbit, something caught my eye. The RECOVER VESSEL button next to the TERMINATE and FLY buttons. In ARM that button becomes TRACK. SO. My thought, question or concern <how ever you wish to look at it> is this: how do we clean up the pad if TRACK is now our third button as oppose to RECOVER VESSEL. Because lets face it: launch clamps have no button on the altitude gauge for it like command pods and probes <assuming probes have that, never looked lol>. SO. thoughts?
  4. dude, CHILL. I hate to backseat moderate as that upsets the Vanamonde <hides from Vanamonde> but, the fact of the matter is, this game is NOT near its final released state, as in there is a TON of features NOT HERE that STILL need to be developed. Unity is the engine they are working with <either by choice or for fiscal reasons, what the reason is, if not either those, is SQUADS business, not ours> and the UNITY devs are working hard to make a windows stable 64 bit supported Unity, as soon as its available, Squad will switch to it. They said so themselves. NOW, with that said: This is SQUADS FIRST FREAKING GAME EVER. They are NOT a game studio by trade, from what I read, they are actually an advertising support company <set ups, and so forth> it was Squads desire to KEEP Felipe that they let him run with KSP, KSP is NOT Squads PRIMARY FREAKING PROJECT.
  5. wow, just wow! I am completely blown away! My issue cropped up last night when I decided to just screw around see what could be done, and it presented me this rotational issue. I came here, thought I would get 1 or 2 replies, but to see the effort each of you guys went through to help make a flight of fancy fly, well, I am humbled. I want to thank each of you! I present you fine fine FINE folks a fruits of your help, I have only 2 pictures, but, they say more than I can! The first here, is the craft on ascent, HUD is shown 2 2.5m reaction wheels on each end + an ASAS unit as well on each end. the two central engines are gimbal locked and turned 180 degrees from the outer two. The 2nd is just a close up glamour shot of the craft a few seconds later! @scottydoesknow I am not sure whats going on either, but, I know the nav ball with this thing cannot be trusted. I aimed at the prograde and wound up changing inclination, aimed retro and added altitude and yet ANOTHER inclination change. All in all, this is one odd craft, but, still, was fun to try and fun to see all yalls help should be noted, the central portion <tank/engines> was as I think MKI suggested maded in SPH and saved as a subassembly
  6. Mki the devs said somewhile ago they intend us to have better reentry effects and affects. When they get there they said nothing. But it is coming. Which means atmospheric drag which means we will need fairings. Logic says if they want to do this they must stockify fairings either proc fairings or something.
  7. The stupid thing did the rotation even as 1 single tank. Ill try the sph idea later today but for now, i need sleep lol
  8. MKI: Like I said: WHEN APPLICABLE. Look, I KNOW it is unfinished. BUT, if SQUAD said: Welp Guys, with the addition of the parts in the ARM pack and <IF IF IF IF IF, I forget if .24 has them, so, lets assume they do for this> .24 are the LAST parts you are EVER going to get, EVER. That would do heavy heavy heavy damage to this game. yes, there are mods for parts, I use NOVAPUNCH for parts and proc fairings as well, but, like I said. At SOME POINT it would be lovely to have them STOCK. I think iirc they plan on at SOME POINT adding in atmospheric affects <as in reentry heat/damage <<the two really do go hand in hand, see DE as an example>> and atmospheric DRAG> fairings will become an absolute NECESSITY, at which point, either we ALL get something like Proc Fairings or SQUAD folds that mod INTO the game. Look, there is a LOT left to do, I know it, but, to follow Sandworm's philosophy leads to a dry game with no real future in it. that is why I said: They SHOULD focus on parts WHEN APPLICABLE. And not all modders are willing or ABLE to take on the mods of others by either lack of skill in that area OR licensing set up by prior modders.
  9. Okay, here is the thing. I wanted to see if I could take a NovaPunch 2.5m fuel tank, strap some 1.5m motors on the side and launch it on its side. Simple in theory, but in practice? Well, its rotating uncontrollably. I have the engines spaced as evenly as I can, I have it set to unbroken joints and unlimited fuel. I tried this with fuel consumption and same effect... What I cannot figure out is: I have them placed directly on the side, down the middle so to speak <snap angle ON> and have a probe body on each end. Yet it rotates as soon as the docking clamps let go. Here it is: As you can see, the fuel does not change, so no CoM is changing.
  10. I think they should always focus on, when applicable, the addition of new parts to this game. I love NovaPunch, but, its a memory hog, I love procedural fairings as well, but, would LOVE to see those sorts of things become stock. Why? Because then, I can focus on other mods to use. If they stop adding new parts themselves, this game WILL dry up. Our lovely modding community is NOT always going to be here, and some mods go by way of the dodo. Like the ISA MAP SAT, iirc the developer of that mod just stopped working on it, and another similar to it had to be added. No, they should always be able to add new parts. IF not for the new parts of ARM, it would NOT be possible.
  11. Huh? You sure? I dont see any mention on the webpage
  12. anyone else have fun and interesting encounters?
  13. ravensoul6 yarg man, just yarg. anyone else have some fun, interesting or utterly chaotic near misses and or strikes?
  14. right now, I have 2 saves that I am renaming: Test Box and Career Test Box, funny thing is, on that first one, I did NOT intend it to become my main <well, former main> sand box lol, it will be missed. I am HOPING that once the sandbox is operational with the asteroids I can do a mass copy/paste of the other save files persistent and quick saves to bring all my missions over, otherwise, its re-launch madness :S
  15. i use it for pretty much everything that i do. be it just for information, or for the tedious tasks or because i am being lazy. the fact that the devs intend us to repeatedly doing the tedious stuff is sketchy regex. i for one prefer to let autopilot handle the long burns or the tedium of repeated dockings. the fact I can set mechjeb to DOCK onto a specific port lets me do other things like swapping crew around while it docks. efficiency at its finest.
  16. any time biohazard, just for reference, if you want to do those albums yourself, heres how [ imgur ] jfMEv [ /imgur ] with out the spaces. each album will be different of course, as far as that tag in the center, but, thats the general idea
  17. Kashua from what I have seen on the streams they hit water and make an absurdly small splash, but they hit at like 100+m/s not sure if they would float if you managed to get them down slow enough.... should be a fun thing to try
  18. im going to do a test shortly based on what Kashua said <yea, gonna back up persistent and quicksave just incase> and try a save file rename to make sure its okay, otherwise, I will take the other suggestion here and do a full out copy before 23.5 hits will report my findings :) UPDATE: Save File Renamed, no apparent damage. Again, Thank you all.
  19. My KSP is via steam and it autoupdates. Good to know a file name change wont break anything thanks Kashua
  20. why are we even debating this? To me, having to cart up 2 kerbals + a lab + a probe with assorted experiments is not exactly the model of efficiency to me. it means I am burning MORE fuel than I would to just send a spam bot up or several spam bots for that matter. I honestly think, we wont see eye to eye on this. yes, in the TRUE spirit of efficiency, I am probably taking the longest and bumpiest path, but for me, and speaking ONLY for me, when I think of grinding, I cant stop from thinking of FFXI <those of you who played it know exactly what I mean when I say its a grind fest> and the tedium of grinding xp out. I want my xp as fast as I can get it in as short a time frame as possible, so for me: spam in a can is my path to ease the pain.
  21. wouldnt know on that. I gathered as much science as I could from a single capsule, Jebediah and a run around KSC lol. technically, given kerbals can hurl these things into space, it would be conceivable that there is a camera in the materials bay and the goo canister to observe, so, again, my point stands. lets look at my probe again shall we? at the top is a sensor package for atmospherics. thats 1. below that are 3 or so goo cans if memory serves, 1 materials bay, 6 gravioli, 6 thermometers, 6 seismic, 6 barometers. SO, on that 1 probe I had a TOTAL of 29 sensors on the thing. I would have to actually load KSP and go to where the thing is currently sitting in space, I think I left it on Bop... to get a more accurate count of its sensors, but, it was not a 1 or even 4 trick pony. I also ran an experiment about 30 min ago <as of this post> to see just how much science is actually needed to unlock the tree with the mods I use, and its about 17k and change. I am open to suggestions on a 3-4 mission or so slam run to fill that tree in otherwise its save file editing
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