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Everything posted by AlamoVampire

  1. I can grab more pics for you later Red Iron Crown. The LV-909 motors are descent engines for landing in Low Gravity environs such as Mun or Minmus. Those fuel lines are set up more for visual appeal than anything else, but are set in a way that they feed from that top most tank out to the 4 others. Red Iron Crown, IF your interested in the craft, it contains stock parts, Novapunch and Mechjeb. Id not advise atmospheric re-entry and limit its use to vacuum environments. It will survive a launch through Kerbins atmosphere w/out a fairing, but, I am uncertain if it would survive re-entry speeds being as big as it is.
  2. where is that on kerbin? id love to go exploring what was pre .21 XD
  3. Okay, I know, I know, its just a game. BUT, heres whats bugging me. I was using as you can see in the image below parts from ARM which were helped in design by REAL NASA stuff that is actually going to fly in space to do epic things. Okay, question. What is missing in the picture center of picture, in that engine bell I get that its a game, but, where is the exhaust port opening in the in game engine? I mean, it was approved by NASA i think so why does it lack what is in that 2nd image? for comparison, the F1 engine bell:
  4. So, I decided I wanted to send a complex lab of sorts to the Mun in sandbox <which is where I dry run and design anything and everything for Career mode> and got the basic frame of the lander built and wanted to test it. SO, I needed a test stand of some sort to try out my landers landing legs. THIS is what was built. Its simple, and rather effective!! sidenote: when it was decoupled <decoupler and up is all test stand, below that decoupler is the lander> and struck the pad, it was shockingly solid for such a large lander! the real trick once its fully built, is ya know, launching it! Well, I launched and flew that beast above. It had 2 problems. 1. those rapier engines seemed to make it spin wildly when decelerating for landing on the Mun, which caused catastrophic failure, so, i tweaked it a little. The final product with a pretty view of home in the sky!
  5. threads sat quietly for a while now, so, anything new to report in the near miss files folks?
  6. see heres the thing. when you gave them your money, you agreed to play the game as it stands, in an AS IS condition. Squad is under NO obligation to deliver a 'finished product' and that each and every update COULD BE THE LAST. This game is in its ALPHA state, and lacks considerable features. Chill.
  7. it is no fallacy. Computer tech would not have had the need to shrink down if it was not for the need to try to reduce its size to launch it into orbit. Like it or not xcorps the majority of our tech today is a direct result of 1 mans challenge to see us on the moon by the end of a decade. HAD Kennedy NOT basically forced us into a space race, and had man kind as a WHOLE not been curious about what lays beyond our sky, the speed of technological advancement would NOT be where it is. Space based science is our future. To ignore it or to say its all a fallacy is to condemn yourself into willful and shameful ignorance. I lay now unto you this challenge. PROVE, 100% PROVE that technology in ALL its forms would STILL be here as we know them TODAY w/out space based research, and PROVE 100% PROVE that space based science is not needed. The ball is in YOUR court. I want PROOF, UNDENIABLE, UNDER OATH IN COURT PROOF that we do not need space based science and our lives are unaffected by it at all. /gauntlet THROWN DOWN.
  8. Banned for failing to provide a reason for banning the user above them.
  9. id love personally to see some things like better re-entry effects, heat damage, persistent trails of plasma <dont have to be very long <<like the smoke plumes we see during ascent>> > from re-entry <most, if not all this has been suggested already> and ya, weather. Yea, I know theres a mod for it, at least visually, but, id like it stock XD
  10. I think all of yall are making good points, but, I would LOVE for a Dev to chime in on this as well. Just some food for thought: to increase the number of symmetry options in STOCK w/out the use of a mod, would, I think only require 2 things: adding in more degrees/steps to each circle AND adding in the number of symmetry options to sync up with the new steps. BUT, honestly, please, Id love a Dev to step in here and bandy out their thoughts. :)
  11. With respect xcorps you could not be more wrong. here is why: Actually it did. You said the ISS is a waste. W/out it space exploration becomes limited. We tie a hand behind our back, limit the knowledge we gain. Sure we can study other bodies in space, but, to be blunt, we need to see more about what makes OUR bodies tick, and for that, releasing from the bonds of gravity can teach us. They are right NOW working on an Osteoporosis experiment. Guess what? Astronauts lose bone mass in a manner nearly identical to that of a person suffering from Osteoporosis all be it at a highly increased rate, which makes experiments done on the ISS INVALUABLE to learning more about BONE HEALTH. The shuttle missions may have given us the power to cure DIABETES. They are doing experiments on bacteria that is antibiotic resistant. Hmm seems like the knowledge gained from that, would, oh i dont know PROVE INVALUABLE IN CURING DISEASE HERE. WE NEED THE ISS and any station we send up after it. SO, my statement stands.
  12. <glares> Allow me to be extremely blunt. We need to explore. Not for the sake of glory, but for knowledge. It is arrogant beyond reason to think we know enough, that it is unimportant we do not invest in the knowledge to be gained by the science done not only here on Earth but in space. We as a species cannot extend ourselves beyond what we are TODAY if we do not learn, if we do not challenge ourselves to find out what it is we do not know and then strive to learn. Carl Sagan once said: We live in a society absolutely dependent on science and technology and yet have cleverly arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. That's a clear prescription for disaster." It is the narrow minded and extremely foolish who stand up and say: We must cut more funding to NASA because the risk is just too high, we know enough. YOU live and breath today not because you were born, but because your ANCESTORS and MY ANCESTORS stood up and said: I want to learn more, I want to BE more. We live in a wondrous world that is rife with knowledge to be learned. We need to spend more on exploration, more missions not only to LEO but beyond to the Moon, to Mars to other solar systems. We are condemned to die with the Earth when the Sun consumes us in a few billion years if we do not learn. Hell we will be LUCKY to survive another 50 YEARS if we do not learn from our mistakes and learn to LEARN. Rarely is an opinion so exceedingly WRONG. Manned Space Exploration will bring us innovations in biomedical science, technology and any number of things. Hell, you probably have a smart phone. Id be willing to bet you use it for frivolous things like angry birds or any number of other inane games. Well, guess what, that phone has MORE horse power in terms of raw computing power than ALL of NASA AND its ROCKETS had when we put Neil Armstrong on the MOON. Explore or DIE. That is our choice. Not as Americans or Mexicans or British or Brazilian, but as HUMANS. Explore or DIE. Learn or PERISH.
  13. okay.... Mods: Please feel free to move this question elsewhere if this is the wrong spot. I was screwing around playing with a hidden symmetry mode thanks to this thread here and made a 5X symmetry satellite that I parked in orbit at Eve, because why not? And I had a question pop into my head. I asked it in a diff thread, but decided a full thread is warranted. Okay, here it is: We all know about the traditional symmetries this game offers, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8 times symmetry. My question is this: IF you can glitch the game into 5X and <someone else did 7X> why are these not STANDARD symmetry modes? I mean, they are stable and will fly, which, to my limited knowledge of coding tells me, its in the game somewhere, why not make this spectacular stuff default options? Devs?
  14. This is what happens when you learn of a bug that says you can go into 5 times symmetry <why cant we do this by default? HECK why not have 7? I mean, 1x, 2x, 3x 4x, 6x and 8x but no 5x and 7x by default?> anyway, this is the next logical progression: and I was just fartin around XD
  15. because of THIS thread i went from just toying with the bug to something horrifying! What happens when you put this game into 8X Symmetry and add in 18 stacks of parachutes? Well, take a look. First pic is of the 5x symmetry that is yes, stable, but check the struts. anyway, now, check out the parachutes, and then the last picture, just under 3m/s decent rate!! (2.6m/s) YES that IS 144 parachutes! ...next step:
  16. In accord with original mission specs with the real LADEE mission, I had my own LADEE at the Mun <launched the same day as the genuine article> and placed into a similar retrograde orbit around Mun. While my mission clock says my mission was 11 years in length <not in keeping with the real deal since I had other missions going and used time warp so game clocks skewed>, Real time, my LADEE mission went 1 month or so <i think> longer than the real mission. Here are some highlights from arrival at the Mun, to final experiment shut down and deorbit command issuance. First is arrival and orientation at the Mun. Second is antenna extension as final Mission commands arrive. Third is shortly after all experiments are shut down and Engine activated for de orbit burn into the Mun. Fourth is a second or so prior to impact, with antenna retracted and engine in shut down mode. <sorry its soo dark, wasnt intending to hit the dark side of the Mun>
  17. ive forgotten how to build and fly rockets
  18. im not a planetary scientist by any stretch, but from what I know of how OUR moon formed, it COULD have been possible to have our moon in a 'polar' orbit had the impact with our near twin so many eons ago struck us a little higher in terms of latitude and pulled a Neptune on us. It would have kicked us to our side, but, the moon would have probably continued onto its current orbit. I speculate of course, as well, I can only guess here XD
  19. I wont use Curse for personal reasons, which is why I asked. Like I said in my opening, my mind is kinda burned down atm so hehe I went with what looked like a good place to ask lol
  20. why does it make sense to FORCE players to emulate earth? when: 1. The Kerbal Space Program tends to launch more kerbals into space than un'manned' craft. 2. We are launching from a world that is something like HALF the size of Earth 3. Has 2 moons, and while yes, ONE is Luna like, it is orbiting at a distance that is more akin to what T-Rex would have seen in his day. 4. We are launching little green dudes, not humans. SO, again, why does it make sense that this fun little game beforced to EMULATE NASA or any OTHER Earth based space program?
  21. managed to forget how to fly a rocket, let alone how to transfer to anything. I found that going to .23.5 somehow broke ME as a player. I cant seem to build a rocket now to save my life, let alone how to build a refueling rocket to fuel the rocket that is meant to catch an asteroid. I feel so ashamed right now.
  22. okay, i know this has probably been answered, but with the BS going on with my origin account, my minds too burned up to forum fu this, so, I will be blunt. Is there a site that is NOT STEAM OR CURSE that will or IS housing Mechjeb <the real mechjeb by r4m0n>, Lazor Docking Cam, Procedural Fairings, Novapunch and any other mods?
  23. ive been whacked by the Kraken a few times. Sometimes the Hell Kraken, sometimes the "I think the ship needs to go in 5 directions at once kraken" and then one Kraken that refused to let a space station DIE or be Edited Kraken. All told, it can be fun to waltz with the Kraken and his family!
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