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Everything posted by AlamoVampire

  1. Pizza oven made perrarion sentient mutations with mushroom brains and peanuts caramelized 101604212024
  2. Escargot bans you with butter 232804202024
  3. This video by Steve Mould is fascinating. Frankly his stuff in general is fascinating. 170804202024
  4. Nagara or Nagarahara (goes by both in historical records) 155104202024 155204202024
  5. Vanilla, a ban so bland it carries only the name vanilla. Vanilla 143504202024
  6. Pizza oven made pepperoni sentient mutations with mushroom brains 123104202024
  7. Pizza oven made pepperoni sentient mutations with 0149042024
  8. Floor 4745: a neon sign saying: Welcome to Floor 4745 on the page of new numbered 187. 231004192024
  9. Daniel Clement Dennett III (March 28, 1942 – April 19, 2024) was an American philosopher, writer, and cognitive scientist whose research centered on the philosophy of mind, philosophy of science, and philosophy of biology, particularly as those fields relate to evolutionary biology and cognitive science. 230704192024
  10. banned to cheese and beyond 224404192024
  11. Banned for being contrary 031004192024
  12. @BA-Forums tripped back over this and it got me curious to know what you ended up drawing and if youd be willing to show us? 010804192024
  13. Calling 911 because you want to know if your phone can make glimmer glitter 003604192024
  14. Forrest Richard Betts (December 12, 1943 – April 18, 2024) was an American guitarist, singer, songwriter and composer best known as a founding member of the Allman Brothers Band. 234804182024
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