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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. -101 let's push the limit to something new and unexplored yet ... what do you win insteed the right to try again ?
  2. good luck skywalkers and cheers vaporo btw ; )
  3. i give my voice to the next poster again (as none seem to understand the "you get a double vote next turn") so next poster can use +2 or -2 instead of +1 or -1 as i just pass/check right now
  4. nope but kinda the same almost anyone here sal or harv anyway it's the same also ; )
  5. i like this thread so i revided it ... oki oki 1:11 to 1:14 "constitution" i laughed i lose .... jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez
  6. ? mechanique stress and wear and other assessment of default risk even the slightest ... yes there is the road to do, whatever ... ¿
  7. 127 ©: the do a loop then proceed work most of the time ; )
  8. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/45127-Mod-Stock-Craft-ShowRoom-by-WinkAllKerbMight be that ; )
  9. Not even a cheater because history will only remind that travel was a minor details on what's important is what our grand childrens are going to do once arrived.
  10. tons of seeds, various micro-organism, and greenhouse materials once there ... also bring a lot of patience ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photoperiodism ...
  11. ΕÀεξεÃÂγαÃία ÃÆ’Ã…νδέÃμÉν
  12. "Cool, now it's full of tommorrow things thanks to yesteday"
  13. vana vana ... pffftttt xdr just passing by, else i get a ban if i stay to long around this thread ... so let's make it short ... and as diplomatic as possible (oh yeah i usually totally sucks with that ... but nevermind ) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mutation Make it happen slow or fast not important at all but too much control kill control and not enough http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brassage_g%C3%A9n%C3%A9tique (it miss left links but feel free to add some and/or translate) ... cc and disminushing return A G A I N ...
  14. sad you got a mewtwo totally out of any level scale it's a bit weird but friendly most of the time anyway. Easy, i just wish i do not camp the forums games sub forum.
  15. Banned because it's been a long time i not get a ban too ; )
  16. cheater at some point because cheated at some point but where is the cheat at all ?
  17. Just a way to kill time like another until time send your atoms elsewhere ... nothing special at all to be so proud off without generalisation within specialities ... #AsheTag & #NomatterMorematterNowmatter
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