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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. welcome ; ) who's not nowdays ^^
  2. sum up: wierd or wired plox plow make it short 'sigh' grumpy 99%
  3. they need a boson propelled rocket ; ) have fun with it
  4. hum seem like we can't have serious talk about serious thing !i! but i will do as usual "autistS don't give a damn" (god and the dog same)
  5. even that fail to reach me, but might succeed at some point an attack from a boson
  6. It's a topics about reminding some basics stuff: like https://bpy.wikipedia.org/wiki/মারি_১৬৯৬ https://am.wikipedia.org/wiki/1751_እ.ኤ.አ. https://hy.wikipedia.org/wiki/1781 https://gan.wikipedia.org/wiki/1789年 https://sq.wikipedia.org/wiki/1970_në_film first post: do you remind this ? http://imgur.com/a/xmmwb
  7. http://imgur.com/a/jMgJu were talking about something ot wut ?
  8. i do never annoy an entire f a n base, are you counting in bazillion ?
  9. ranking/whatFor i don't play the ranking game srry
  10. your time perception should more or less be a constant, but the black hole in itself might be sort of a storage for a few thing, might depend if accessing the storage (whatever it store) sound cool, sorting/unpuzzling/extracting the data is an other concern sort of and may be
  11. yup non the less earth is flat but the moon is an E.T. vessel floating in the sky, whatever float anyone boat ^^ doesn't change much to your daily need to refill you body energy ^^ kill plant and other being wisely while doing so ^^
  12. do not home sweet home the magic boulder, oops too late ... crap ...
  13. -oh and wasting time arguing with some people entitled with there certitude some put into their brain when they have no insider xp on the subject ^^ -gauss normal law and the 95% dna lamb ^this two annoy me a lot edit: - born here, born there, been taught this been taught that, speaking this, speaking that, believeing this, believing that etc. of that kind ... - not being able to make the machinery inside my body stop functionning just with my will - being able to kill something to refill the said machinery energy need
  14. - using cells and moon - not using sat network and phone - gettin an ulcer when bad feelin' are in the air or carried per a wave, it's like aspirin and nose+blood encrypted dna somewhere - already having more than 9 nde, and yawning each time it happen expecting this time they re gonna succeed gettin me
  15. - let's spam people brain with a various range of neural stimuli, because well that can only bode well - the king(s)(?) of the heel thread - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Les_Précieuses_ridicules growing slowly but surely here and/or there - farts, 1751, 1781, 1789
  16. another very minor and specific thingy that slighty bug me: https://vimeo.com/1166968 + https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dual-tone_multi-frequency_signaling let's say all objects and body emite some specific field related to there stat, and after all any signal can be carried per another signal (even if only a few bit)
  17. interesting ; ) so "dormant" aspect, training, and brain processing related thingies according to the evolve tree + a few randomness here and there other point zero? the ability to receive a phone call all by your cells and without a phone as no point for suvivability , really this one do not convince at all ; ) might depend how a brain can process and interpret all the signal floating in the air nowdays a more or less accurate and rough accurate way ? no ? middle age / Hz antenna / sat network / i have heard, lost cat less come back when lost, may be part of there localization system is polluted by something after all part of the brain include some oscilloscope alike thingy, there no reason they can't interprete some signals for part or a certain way right ?
  18. in all absolute that could be relative as well. Laurence Kim Peek (November 11, 1951 – December 19, 2009) was an American savant. Known as a "megasavant",[1][2][3] he had an exceptional memory, but he also experienced social difficulties, possibly resulting from a developmental disability related to congenital brain abnormalities. He was the inspiration for the character of Raymond Babbitt, in the movie Rain Man. Unlike Babbitt, who wasautistic, Peek had FG syndrome.[4][5] i personnaly don't necessarly especially appreciate people within the 95%gauss, it all depend the way they are looking at other being. And if they play the feel of power game from asimov. abnormality, difference it all depend how one read a word and if it induce a nice relationship between peops ... what's easy form some may be hard for some others remind, "the fact we are all different is the reason we are all the same"
  19. @ZooNamedGames so you mean that by design your flooded by idea and don't have time to realize them so much your flooded by design by so many ideas your just throwing them hoping someone catch them ? ^^ and that the "fart proudly" profit, investor and exchange market from 1929 and colonialism lecacy era aspect annoy you a little ? ^^ don't be bother let them fart they will be reminded soon enough ^^
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