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Everything posted by Hodo

  1. Here you go. I give you the SVO-3 I haven't taken pictures of it in space yet... but on its 5th test flight it flew to an orbit of 100km X 95km orbit without refueling and returned and landed at KSC. It was a close landing ran out of fuel 10m above the ground. On take off it burns about 15-20% of its fuel load on Kerbin but is designed for lower gravity worlds, and hopefully will be my first Dres and back SSTO/VTOL or SVO as I call them. SVO-Singlestage Vertical Orbiter.
  2. Oh I forgot about my heavy lifter SSTO... Why carry one orange tank when you can move two. I give you the SP-400. And yes it can get both of them to a 90km orbit without using any fuel out of them.
  3. I would love to see, Wright Flyer, the first powered flight aircraft. Lets start from the beginning.
  4. My favorite of the thread, may try and copy the design and see if I can get it to work in FAR. Looks like a Viper from Battlestar Galactica.
  5. I was upset by my recent loss of 3 Kerbals. 2 were returning from a cargo run to my station in orbit around Kerbin, the first run in a new SSTO cargo ship. Flew fine up to the station but had an unrecoverable stall at 8km while landing at KSC. And the third died after a equipment failure on his re-entry pod heatshield after a refueling operation for a Mun mission with a different ship. His heat shield separated with the decoupler instead of staying on.. oversight on my part in the construction. But had a successful rescue of my first Mun landing (on this save) and rescued the Lander crew which was at a much lower Munar Orbit. Left the two craft in orbit around the Mun in case of future emergencies. All my craft have a docking port on them somewhere that is accessible without power, and I have a dedicated rescue vessel parked at my KerSta-1 Kerbin station.
  6. I can't build a working plane in KSP without FAR.
  7. Depends on the SSTO, some of my smaller SSTOs I can climb to 22km at 40-45deg, some of my other heavy lifters I can only climb at 30-35deg to 15km. But I also admit some of my heavy lifters are less efficient than my small crew shuttles.
  8. Thank you doctor useless post. Actually his CoM and CoT are inline, just the angle of the picture. His problem is his CoL is to far behind his CoM and he has that tail wheel that is so far back it acts as a lever keeping the nose down on the runway. He may also suffer from a great deal of fuselage flex which is causing the CoT to shift around the CoM. I have those problems from time to time with some of my bigger SSTOs. More struts will help.
  9. My first VTOLSSTO Did I mention it can find, mine, and refine Kethane.
  10. What I did today... built my first VTOL+SSTO+Kethane Miner + Scanner craft. It handles surprisingly well, and only weighs in around 135 tons on take off.
  11. This is my smallest fastest, and most efficient lightweight SSTO. It handles like a dream and will easily pull 11Gs without flying apart. But it takes a little shifting of the fuel on re-entry like all my craft, I have shift the oxidizer to the forward most tank when I hit atmo.
  12. I just made a VTOL, SSTO using FAR, it took A LOT of work but I managed to pull it off. It is still in the testing phase and I think there are some design improvements on the way.
  13. Thanks I was actually thinking of Manfred, was listening to South Park...
  14. Part of your problem is you don't have enough control surfaces. You are using 1 set of controls to handle pitch and roll. You also may need a larger tail with a rudder.
  15. Here is my first successful off Kerbin Kethane mining design. While mining on the Mun... I unfortunately didn't get any profile pictures of it.
  16. Last night I spent my evening rescuing my Mun+Minimus Space Plane mission. Managed to rescue all the Kerbals but had to abandon the Lander in orbit of the Mun at an altitude of 100km, and the space plane at an altitude of 300km.
  17. Well you know the saying, "Any landing you can walk away from is a good one... But if you can use the aircraft again later it is a GREAT one!" -Launchpad McDuck (Duck Tales)
  18. -currently 0, but averages around 20 before i clean up the debris in orbit. - 3 currently assigned, 20 total. -83
  19. I always put a nuclear generator on all of my manned flights for this very reason. But I have had a ISA Map sat make it to Duna and start mapping when its solar panels were knocked off by the debris of its own rocket.
  20. I have since improved my designs, it works quite well. Here is one of my better designs and it works surprisingly well.
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