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Everything posted by Hodo

  1. One more thing... make note of the speed you actually leave the runway at. You know the speed you actually take off. Because about 5-10m/s slower than that is your landing speed.
  2. Landing is the hardest thing to do with real planes. The trick is finding a good glide slope so you stall out just before you touch the ground. In KSP make sure your rate of decent is less than 10m/s which would be ideal. I try and touch down around 5m/s just to make sure I dont knock parts off.
  3. Space planes are simple when you get the hang of them... but that first dozen or hundred attempts will be rough. The post that Prime Flux posted is great for building planes that work in KSP and in FAR. I highly suggest if you don't have it get FAR, it will help with aircraft acting like aircraft in atmosphere. As far as space planes go start small, there are dozens of designs in this thread http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/33312-Showcase-SSTO-s!-Post-your-pictures-here look at some of the designs, most of them are plane types but a few are not but still helpful. I personally am against airhogging (having more intakes than possible), I run a 3:1 intake to engine ratio. I can get to around 20-28km depending on the SSTO before I switch to rockets.
  4. So has there been an update to B9? Because I don't see a change on the first page or on the spaceport.
  5. Thanks, thats good to hear. As soon as thats fixed I may start a new save, install Ioncross, and KIDS... if only the Comm Tech plugin worked perfectly too.
  6. I haven't run into this issue yet, and I put a base on the Mun last night in my sandbox mode. The Hab unit is about the same size as yours, except it has 2 crew modules, but I have 6 legs on it.
  7. And this is why they are called GAS GIANTS. Not really big planets with thick atmospheres.
  8. Part of your control issues is that SRBs don't have thrust vectoring, which makes them near impossible to control without some form of added torque. The same goes for the LV-45s. And I don't know if nose cones actually work in stock KSP because I use FAR and DRE so they are a must for me, but I suggest you add them to your boosters that are tacked to the side of your rocket. If you don't have access to them use parachutes.
  9. Maybe its early, maybe I didn't get enough sleep but I am trying to make sense of your artwork. So the left rendering is a stock KSP rocket, the far right is the FAR aerodynamic rocket, the middle is what you want? All of my rockets already look like the one on the right.
  10. Is the thrust corrector working with the B9 SABRE engines? That is the ONLY reason why I quit using the Arcturas version was because of the issues with the SABREs making them near useless for the rocket ability.
  11. Can't say I have experienced this. But my first rockets were with FAR+DRE+Thrust Corrector. Now that I don't have the Thrust Corrector I still build many of my space planes (SSTOs) and rockets the same way. My HV-1 rocket which is what I consider a heavy lift rocket that can move 60-90 tons into orbit has 5 orange tanks, 1 X-8 as a heat sink for the Mainsail, and 4 of the 650 thrust engines. It is assisted off the pad by 4 SRBs which burn out at about 3km or so. Is it perfect, no, but I have only recently got into the building rockets, as the past 400 hours of game time I built space planes. Of which I have several that can get to space hauling 70+ ton cargo loads without any of the problems Tiron listed. I personally can't stand those monster 12+ orange tank monsters that spread out across the launch pad like a badly made flan. I also don't have some automagical autopilot program do all my work for me. The FAR drag model currently isn't perfect, but it IS far better that the stock KSP model, which there isn't one. If people are having problems controlling their rockets when performing gravity turns, well then they should perhaps what a NASA rocket launch, or even a Russian rocket launch. Both of them throttle back the boosters before performing the turn, they do it slow and deliberate. When the turn is complete they throttle the booster back up and then let it go the rest of the way. If I get over zealous and I punch the turn to hard, and turn faster than 5-10deg more than my direction of flight indicator, I will flip the rocket around and possibly blow it apart. I begin my turn around 8km and often finish it around 11km. If someone doesn't have the patience for that then perhaps they should avoid FAR.
  12. I voted "Okay", only because its a good patch, but not one that I am utilizing much of. I have played around in Career mode, and I feel it needs to be tweaked a bit more. But I do like it, it just needs tweaking, it makes no since that I would build a rocket that can go to the Mun, but not a plane?
  13. Thats great.. that beats my ran out of fuel on the burn back from the Mun... and ended up skipping through the atmosphere from a pe of 45km to an ap of 1500000m till I managed to slow down enough to properly re-enter the atmosphere and parachute to safety. Lost half of my experiments, and one of my two science labs because I needed the heat shielding on the multiple (read 30) burn cycles. I kept the engine and fuel tanks on for this just to burn them off on re-entry. DRE makes life so much harder sometimes.
  14. I am confused as to why one would build a mun rocket before a plane? If I recall the Rocket came before the plane, but the plane lead the way to space with the Bell X-1 and going past the speed of sound. That sounds like a good start... -build a plane -break the sound barrier -build a rocket -Put a satellite into orbit -Put a Kerbal into orbit -Perform an EVA -Perform an in space docking -Go to the Mun -Land on the Mun -Go to Minimus -Land on Minimus and so on. Not... Build a rocket, go to the Mun, and Minimus then build a plane.
  15. I am happy with it... took some adjusting but nothing to bad.
  16. Wow real hardcore mode... "Here Jeb you have a fuel tank... make it fly!"
  17. Of the things in the game I like, I can say that career mode while cool is not for me... but the new additions is awesome!
  18. Ok the things I would do to change up the design. I would add some control surfaces on the wings, you really need ailerons on the wings and some form of elevator towards the back of the craft. Perhaps on the wings. If you can get away with a delta wing setup or a move the wings more forward so you can set up a tail section with a proper elevator to control pitch. I personally am a fan of over engineering most of my craft. As for the tail, just use one of the larger tail sections from the B9 pack, that size craft you wont need huge, but a good sized one that has an integrated control surface to act as a rudder and control yaw movement.
  19. Yeah that works. I see your problem right off the bat. You don't have a real way to control the crafts pitch or roll. While canards are good, they are not that good, they stall out at higher angles of attack and speeds a lot easier. You also do not have a large enough vertical stabilizer for yaw control, in simple language, your tail fin is to small and you don't have a rudder.
  20. Oh you mean unfinished people. Farram4, I had Arcturas Thrust corrector for a while, it is great, but has one minor problem. The SABRE engines don't calculate properly when switched over from air breathing to rocket, they lose more than 66% of their power no matter the altitude. My first few SSTO/Space planes were designed with Thrust Corrector, FAR and DRE. It made getting to space a REAL challenge, let alone go to the Mun or Duna.
  21. The bare necessities of a rover are, wheels, battery, and body. Past that everything else is a luxury.
  22. Do you have any pictures of it in the VAB with the Center of Lift, Center of Mass, and Center of Thrust icons on? It sounds like to me your center of thrust for your rockets is below our center of mass thus pushing your nose up when you are using them.
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