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Everything posted by Hodo

  1. So I am experiencing some odd design quarks in the NuFAR... This craft has a tendency to pitch up until it stalls. At first I thought it was the air brake on the back so I removed it. The craft still pitches up. I then moved somethings around and it still pitches up, not as bad though. Then I thought the CoL was ahead of the CoM so I did some minor rework in the wing design and it still pitches up. This is where it is now, and it is FINE at supersonic speeds.
  2. You can, I do it like this. Place weapon group manager part anywhere you like on the aircraft. Then go to "set up action groups." Then set the "Fire" command to what ever action number you want, I usually set it to 3 or 4. Then set "Next weapon" command to another action group, for me that is usually 5 or 6 depending on the craft. To fire the gun while in flight cycle to the next weapon until you see which ever gun it is that you want to use. Then press that action group number. Done gun fires. As seen in this picture.
  3. The question is, is your Jet engine losing power this whole time? The basic jet loses power the higher it goes and the faster it goes. So there is a max speed that engine will go.
  4. I wonder will they work in NuFAR, seeing as it takes the new system and throws it away.
  5. I may have to find that part when I get home later and test it out, way better looking nose than what I am currently using.
  6. Good to know. Now I just need to get some landing gear I like and can work with, then get back to designing new high performance figher SSTOs, and deep space Space plane SSTOs. I am really waiting for Retro Future parts to update so I can get back to those parts, those were some awesome cockpit and fuselage parts and BDs Adjustable landing gear.
  7. I have to ask where did you get that nose from? Ferram4 I love the NuFAR, even though I have only made 2 working aircraft so far. I am excited by the new challenges, now I just need to figure out the new graph system that you have there, I am assuming the yellow line is you CD and the green line is the CL? And you want the yellow line as smooth as possible? I am going to stick to the other readings to figure out how to build a plane again.
  8. I found the problem. It was a user failure, I had failed to download and install the correct version of B9PWings and had the .90 version installed. Oops.
  9. Yeah the F-104 Starfighter design works surprisingly well in NuFAR if you want to see how an aircraft works at high mach speeds. But the 104 is basically a manned missile when it comes to aircraft, and you dont know how thin those wings are until you see them in real life.
  10. Is DRE working for 1.0.2? I know I could read and see but just wondering didnt see anything dating back to the 2nd of May.
  11. Has anyone looked to see if RetroFuture works in 1.0.2 yet?
  12. I will try and get you that information in the next couple of days. May not have time tonight but I will see what I can come up with.
  13. The standard bomb in BDArmory is a WWII bomb, it hasn't changed in about 70 years. BahamutoD, I think there maybe an issue with NuFAR and BDArmory. I was testing somethings last night and they were causing the craft to create additional lift from the missiles. I will test more later this week when I get a chance.
  14. Yeah some kind of error pops up, unable to detect FAR module, or something like that.
  15. I am having the same problem as Kvantovy in 1.0.2 KSP with NuFAR.
  16. No option for FAR. So here is my vote. FAR.
  17. The problem is you were used to a couple of things that SQUAD fixed. 1st was the craptastic souposphere that you could get craft to fly to space without engines at all using the "krakken drive" bug. 2nd, Jets were EXTREMELY overpowered in the previous versions of KSP, this was fixed. 3rd, Intake spam/Airhog in the previous version and fly a 10 ton jet to Eeloo in a single stage. Now that isn't really possible thanks to the intake and jet engine nerfs. Lastly if you were a serious airplane person you would have FAR or NEAR and know how to design a working aircraft so this wouldn't be a shock to you. I know it took me 15min to build a SSTO spaceplane when 1.0 came out, without any mods. It took me longer to get used to the new parts then to figure out how to fly it. Just saying that SQUAD didnt do anything to hate on SPH part of KSP. Just everyone has to learn how to do things differently than the exploit, bug ridden previous versions. Welcome to 1.0!
  18. Same here, waiting on this and Firespitter to update, once those two are updated I think I am going to cut down my mod list a lot this version of KSP. FAR+DRE, Real Chutes, EVA parachutes, Retro Future, Procedural B9 Wings, BDArmory and TAC Life support and fuel balancer.
  19. The problem isn't the missile model, it is the scaling issue. That F-15 is actually smaller than the real F-15. This is the problem. The real F-15 is almost 20m long, so if you were to get a procedural fuel tank and use that as a measuring stick you will see you are actually about half the size of the F-15. Like this craft is a little bit bigger than a Mirage III fighter, but I designed it to be a bit larger because it is an SSTO. But the size is about right.
  20. One problem, your engines are a bit to powerful for the design, should have used the less powerful jet engines. It would still go supersonic. Love the design though.
  21. I am not normally a stock player but I can say that even in 1.01 and 1.0.2 I can still build a SSTO space plane. It took me two tries to figure out the difference from .90 to 1.0 but no more than 15min of trials and I had one working. I imagine a rocket tail sitter SSTO would be easier than a space plane design but hey that is probably true in real life. As others have said, just have to fly differently, now you cant get away with intake spam to get you to space with the uber-efficient jet engines that were so far from reality it wasn't even cartoonishly funny. Now the jets are less efficient, they are far more altitude dependent and they can no longer launch you into space on intake spam and jets alone. So try different things I know I did and was surprised at how well they still worked, and I am a dedicated FAR user, for me to say that it was fun to try the NuStock aero says something.
  22. So the Voxaero is for 1.0KSP.... good I can test that out when I get time, if NuFAR isnt out first.
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