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Everything posted by Hodo

  1. I have mine running in .90. Are you running ATM? If so it will hang and crash there, just restart each time it will eventually drive through it.
  2. Tried the master file there on Github and still getting a string of nullref errors still.
  3. How do you apply those changes? Where do I put it and how?
  4. I have leveled it down, I think it is something with the updated Procedural Wings 9.2 and FAR. It is giving the same Nullref errors as the NEAR Pwing errors.
  5. Sounds like a CoM v CoL issue. Not sure how the non-FAR model works so can't give you an answer there.
  6. If you could make the variable geometry wings with IR that would be great, I am tired of making them with IR and Pwings myself...lol
  7. I run FAR with PW, and it is giving me pretty much the same problem.
  8. Here is my output.log from lastnight with Pwings. Output
  9. This right here made me laugh.... thank you for making my day better.
  10. I think either Firespitter or BD made something like those, I don't remember. I do remember having them for a while but never found a use for them in anything I had.
  11. Yep getting the same fault as Drelam. I have posted my full output.log in the FAR thread, when I get home in 7 hours I will post it here if needed.
  12. I love AJE, it made life so much harder with jets and so much more realistic. But in the stock sized Kerbin it didn't make much sense. So I only run them in my RO install.. which I should get around to reinstalling sooner or later. But first I need to track down what is throwing those Nullref errors in my game.
  13. I have been having Nullrefs pop up at an alarming rate, not sure what it is now.... Output.log
  14. Again check your output.log. See if there is a string of NULLREF errors.
  15. There is somekind of error being thrown hit ALT+F2 and see if there is a spam of red text saying NULLREF. If so you are getting an error from something check your output.log and post it here so that it can be seen if it is a PWings fault or something else. EDIT-I found that KER was having a conflict with something and throwing most of my errors, I removed it and it fixed the problem... So I strongly suggest you check your Output.log
  16. Turn off the snap feature in the SPH and this will fix this issue.
  17. Yes and no. It is always being worked on but it is pretty stable last time I ran it.
  18. There is also a NES controller there in that picture.
  19. It isn't mine it is from the Realism Overhaul and it is the work of NathanKell I think.
  20. That is because the craft is officially a lawn dart at that point. You may want to deploy a drogue chute to slow down once your below 15km. This way you can get down below supersonic speeds before you try and deploy your main chutes.
  21. I honestly have two... FAR and Procedural Wings. If either of those were added to stock it would save so much headaches.
  22. Yeah FAR doesn't add any models, it however lets you set the functions for control surfaces already in the game and any that are added. Like in this very old picture from my Realism Overhaul save back last winter.
  23. No but you can use spoilers, it is a setting for the control surfaces in FAR. You can set them to act as spoilers on action group activation. I use them on some craft and they will reduce the amount of lift that wing creates at some speeds.
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