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Everything posted by Hodo

  1. FAR does an extremely good job of it, it isn't perfect but it is way better than stock.
  2. Actually I didn't see it till after I posted lol.
  3. For FAR you can run the diagnostic tool in FAR in the SPH. Set in the first tab, your desired test speeds in mach, I like to run up to mach 6 and leave it 0-50 test points. This will give you your important information. The most important line to pay attention to is the green line on that graph. As long as your L/D is above your C/D line you should be good. Ideally you want your c/D line to stay as low as possible this is the amount of drag your craft is generating as it goes faster. The L/D is lift vs drag. the higher this number the higher lift you are creating vs the amount of drag you are experience. Most of my craft have a L/D ratio of about 3:1 or better.
  4. If you look closely you will see my nav ball is set to knots not m/s. So that is 192kts. Which is 94m/s.
  5. I meant to say more but was side tracked by work...lol. But yes, as Ferram said in the FAR thread biplanes are just not that great at supersonic speeds. They create more drag then lift at that point. You would be surprised at how much better the craft would fly with a bit more actual wing to the craft, you shouldn't have any problem with getting higher. I have a much larger SSTO that can reach Geosync orbit from the ground it has a bit to much in the way of wing area and actually was able to land at just above 60m/s with a rate of decent of less than -2m/s. I know it isn't the new Mk3 parts but I have only JUST updated to .90 because most of my mods are finally updated.
  6. Do you have any pictures of the craft? But without pictures it sounds like a lift issue. What speed does your craft take off at? How heavy is your craft, what is your wing calculated surface area? Here is a picture of one of my craft landing, granted I use drogue chutes on landing to shorten the landing distance so ignore that. Here is one of one of my other craft taking off, note its speed is about 95m/s at this point and this was taken a couple of seconds after it went wheels up. The biggest thing is on landing you want a craft that has decent lift at low speeds. If you are using a delta wing design with your wings towards the back of the aircraft then you really don't want to use flaps as they will pitch your nose down on landing and wont provide a lot of additional lift while going slow. But if you are using a traditional wing design you should use flaps to provide the additional lift for landing. Like this aircraft here, it has flaps for take off and landing. But they are pretty much near the CoM on the craft.
  7. @Ferram4 is it possible under your new water model will submersibles be possible? And on the flight subject. I have designed a few swing wing designs, that use variable geometry swing wings with IR and Procedural wings. I never noticed a change in the display readouts for when the wings are in their straight possition and when they are in their max sweep possition. If anything the CoL shifts back and makes the nose heavier, as expected but had not noticeble effect on the L/D.
  8. All I ask for is you make an adapter to match up the stock Mk2 parts to the B9 Mark2 parts because there is not looking like there will be a fix from them anytime soon for that.
  9. Outstanding. Learning something new today. So I have noticed the nasty affect of some of my delta wing designs having a yaw stability issue at .35mach at sea level, and it gets progressively worse up to mach 1.5, then it drops off and becomes amazingly stable, I am talking -9+ around mach 2 and higher up at 20km. Like this craft from .25 had that problem up till around mach 1.2 then it dropped off and became quite a joy to fly. And my Mig-21 knock off SSTO works about the same except it is stable at all speeds. Why is it that true delta wing designs have this issue more than the wing designs of the second craft?
  10. What plugins does it use besides firespitter? Just wondering.
  11. Farrem4, Got a serrious question for you about FAR. So I was reading about a few things on aircraft, trying to answer a question I had about the MiG-31 and why it had these fin like things on the middle of the wings. And I had seen them before on other aircraft that were nowhere near as fast. So when I found my answer I discovered information about the "Wave Drag" affect. So I am still trying to figure out how all that works and I was wondering is that modeled in FAR? If so I have something else I can learn and design into new designs to make them FASTER!!!!!!
  12. For the most part, AJE is meant to be used in the Realism Overhaul. Not in the stock KSP. And if you think they are overpowered or to high... try getting an aircraft to break mach 3 in RO with one.
  13. And 10 post before that. And 10 before that. If everyone who asked the question just looked to see if it was asked in this thread, or used the advanced search function there wouldn't be an additional 10 pages on this thread. Just saying.
  14. It was part of the inspiration behind it, that and the F-8 Crusader.
  15. Yes it is possible if you go straight up. Granted the G Forces and the TWR on that craft will cause the dynamic Q at the front of the rocket to be so high it may flip over and explode.
  16. When I start a new save game after a new patch, I always add enough science to pick up where I left off tech level wise. And I add about 10mil in funds to get my tech and equipment back to where I want it.
  17. So with the new fluid dynamic model that you are starting, are you considering starting a water dynamic mod?
  18. I meant the only ones for me. I can get by without a few of the others. But Pwings is one I cannot do without.
  19. Honestly is it sad that I delete most of the cfgs for almost every wing part out there except Pwings and a few smaller bits.
  20. I would love to see procedural wings become a stock thing. They are far more handy and less parts then the current system of lego wings.
  21. Not really, a plane can fly with a MUCH lower TWR then a rocket.
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