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    Sr. Spacecraft Engineer

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  1. I find it fun and challenging to build aircraft. I'm also using Kerbalism and using props makes sense for some of the tasks it provides. Lastly, it fits with the type of play I am running through-- that of the Cold War. I am currently playing as the USAF. Having a B-29 or other craft available lets me fly the air launch side of things too. I've always thought that this was an awesome time to be a part of and there could have been many ways to get to the Mercury program and beyond. Having the options to use props adds to my experience. I'm not trying to get them added to the basic RP-1 tech tree because I know it's not for everyone.... But I would like to get some help in modifying my own install. Again, I find this era fascinating and I want to add to the experience. Edited for clarity
  2. Hey, I'm looking at adding some engines to the RP-1 tech tree- (Piston engines made during the 1930s-50s) They're currently non-rp-0 parts. How do I go about adding them to the mod and tech tree? I would like to fly early science aircraft using props.... Given that the current state of RP-1 removes all props.... Are there any instructions outside of the Wiki (Wiki doesn't work) outside of it that? ....
  3. Squad doesn't get a free pass for what, exactly? Squad wasn't a games developer when Harvester created the game.... Nearly 13 years ago.
  4. Hey, I'm looking at adding some engines to the RP-1 tech tree- (Piston engines made during the 1930s-40s) They're currently non-rp-0 parts. How do I go about adding them to the mod? Note: I've tried installing the Parts Browser, but the instructions seem to be incorrect - I get nothing but syntax errors when I try to follow them
  5. I don't know where to put this I am beyond liquided off because I think this could have been resolved relatively easily but it seems that things were made harder for no reason and I do not know how to get into contact with you. I forgot my password. That is what it is. Why the hell am I expected to spend an hour or more screwing around with the effing captcha to recover my account? Why is this so stupidly hard? It's harder to recover my account here than it is to recover my banking account. Captcha liquides me off because it makes my life harder for no gain. There is no security benefit... But it liquides the user off. Is that the goal? I get that it's supposed to weed out the bots but does it actually do that? I'm Gen X and if this thinks I'm a bot... Then I can only think what it thinks the following on generations are
  6. Honestly, I am lest concerned with the dV (that is in KSP2) It's more the TWR that I'm concerned with (not sure if I mentioned that in the original question; if not sorry!).... And I've just realized I've been over engineering my rockets to Low Kerbin orbit by giving them 4400dV....
  7. That's what I thought, but I was hoping I was wrong.... On the other hand, back to the early days of KSP1 without Engineer or Mechjeb!
  8. Good day to you all ladies and gents! I am planning a lander for the Mun (Minmus too eventually, although it's the easier of the two.....>.>) but I am having a little issue in changing the departing body from Kerbin to the Mun--Trying to figure out TWR for the lander on that body for returning to orbit. Has anyone figured out how to do this? (While I am unaware of anything requiring an unlock... Does it require an unlock before I can change it?) Thank you for the help in advance!
  9. Firstly, thank you for making this mod! The link for Kerbal Aircraft Expansion (KAX) is broken, here is the new site: KAX-Kerbal Aircraft Expansion
  10. Hey! I just wanted to leave a note saying thank you for all the work you put into these mods! I truly appreciate it and I look forward to seeing these mods! Again , thank you very very much! I hope you are safe and well with best of luck this new year!
  11. I wouldn't get my hopes up to be honest in regards to Kopernicus... I would expect that mod to remain the way it is until KSP overhauls all the planets it comes with the game.
  12. I tried this once back when I first started.... Mostly cause I didn't realize there was an ability to time warp yet. I'd set up a mission to the mun and then go to work and complete it once I got back. However, I found the time controls pretty soon afterwards and that put a quick end to that. Still it was kind of interesting for the short period I tried that.
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