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Everything posted by Sido

  1. yes, by changing the refering body by editing the cfg file look at the serious system... Look at the video on the first page, it explain how to create a new system very well... 1/ i pretty sure that the planet of the sentar system is hard coded in the plugin so i think you can't remove them (yet) 2/ Are you serious ? what do you want add with your heightmap on a gaz planet ? mountains ? gaz planet have a blank heightmap, but you can made and export a bumpmap for the line of the wind for example. not sur you can do it with the jool template anyway.
  2. Read the Firs tpage, test the "INSTALLATION ADVICES" and tell me if it correct your problem Si tu as lu la première page oui, sinon je ne sais pas. Tout les problème des crash ont étés résolus.
  3. No it's the good way to go. For me, i'm going touch by touch, smooth a certain point, with the mapdecal, test différent heightMapDeformity strenght in PQSMod_VertexHeightMap, retest etc... it's important to have your myplanet_height.png more or less smooth of course.
  4. Ask the question to the PlanetFactory mod thread : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65401-WIP-PlanetFactory-CE
  5. UPDATE : >>> v0.5: - 31/01/2014 - Revamped design of Phobos, Deimos, Hephaïstos and Crios. Minor adjustements in SOI
  6. As we already say on the planetfactory thread, actually you can't change the color atmopshere, also you can't change the ocean color, and it's the same for the color orbit. Read the FP, i say it's on my plan when the mod will allow it.
  7. if you want to change the orbit of urania, you can change this line in the Urania.cfg in the Orbit variable : semiMajorAxis = 46000000000 Grow the number, save and reload. Urania will be at the specified orbit.
  8. Teaser time and WIP : I'm Actually working on revamped versions of the little moons of the system (the moons around Vulcania and Ares especially) As some people wanted a realistic moon, here a preview screenshot of Deimos (or Phobos i'm not really sure at this time) It's a "potatoe's shape" moon, very realistic and so much fun to conquer ! And here the new héphaistos, hit by an asteroid and lost the half of this shape (less realistic of course but not less fun to play !) hope you like it !
  9. Incredible. So beautiful, the view on themis is so ... whouahhh
  10. I try to resolve the problem of each. Did you test the texture reduction mod of boulderCo ? I use it, maybe it can help you in this case. Try and tell us if it resolve your problem.
  11. Exactly, it's Vulcania actually For the capsule, i must say that that's she really really cool. Maybe a little heavy for his size.
  12. KSP is coded in 32 bits and used only 3.8 Gb of memory maximum. I run my pack with a lot of mods without problem on a 4 years old computer with 8 Go of ram : Look at my install, i got 32 mods installed and my ksp.exe take 2.4 Go of ram for the process...
  13. I'm a great fan of capsule and command pod, this one is really cute, simple et well thinking. Good job !
  14. I reduce the hypérion SOI, and warp around her at different altitude and different speed without encounter any problems :/ I promise to take a scpecific look at this for the next release, it's really hard to equilibrate correctly cause it's take a lot of time and test
  15. My system is as realist as the green skin of our proud astronaut For a different placement of the bodies, maybe after the insertion of the biomes.
  16. Yes i see that, but kethane works normally when you're on the ground. I use basic version. So it only dépend on the number of the other mod
  17. V 0.4 Release : - SOI rebalance for all the planets and moons, new moon for hestia and a little easter egg somewhere in the system. Enjoy !
  18. I often have this question and I strongly advise you to install the mod BoulderCo "textureCompressor". I've got myself many mod installed with many many parts (KW, B9, ISTA etc ...) and it's ok for me. It's a long loading (a got an 4 years old computer), but once load all is ok, even in high resolution. Sometimes having graphics settings on high prevents the game to load properly, but the switch to "middle" or "low" the texture résolution and the antialiasing only to have the game starts resolve this problem. Once the game is loading, you can put it in high resolution without problems (almost ) I take this answer to give news of my progress: I'm going to release V 0.4 now fully SOI rebalance, I tested each body one by one and there will be an extra moon, but the complete pack will be lighter. Even a little easter egg in bonus
  19. I send you a PM but normally there's no problem with science archive :/ Perhaps someone on the mod thread encounter a similar problem, but for now, i don't. have a nice day too (tain j'préfère la causette en bon frenchy quand même ^^)
  20. Oups sorry, my bad, i think we can't. And yes the argument "atmosphereContainsOxygen=True" work
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