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Everything posted by Sido

  1. Some news of the next update which (normally) will come tomorrow : - Hermes doesn't exist anymore, i replace it by Erato - Hestia, Ares and Rhea have been completely revamped (Atmosphere height change, gravity and best design and more realistic ground) - Hyperion is now more large and more far away than before - Some people feedback problem with the craters of Fragum and Crios, so i revamped them the best as i can - a lot of little changes in the clouds
  2. A landing on Themis with urania, Ares, hyperion and Hecate through the dust storm ...
  3. Thanks for your feedback ! I take a look and made adjustements in a futur update.
  4. Two recent i made for me : and
  5. Yeah, it's difficult for me to make an update for all the mod... i don't have enough time cause i'm on a other professional project wich take me more time, but i keep an eye on my planet pack of course ^^
  6. As you can run Urania with Sentar i think you can run my pack without problem with veriveldi. I already check it so it work. But Veriveldi is very more ram hunger with heavy planet texture than mine, so take care with your installation. Also, it seems that it use the same PQS range than me (700 -900) so it will break you FAR mod.
  7. thank you so much, don't forget to support me if you can it's really important for me I test my pack with FAR cause lot of people ask for it, normally there will be no problems at all. But made the test for us and tell us if everything is ok have a good trip !
  8. yep, for the landing, as we say in french "fluffy french bunnies" Great mission with a lot of pleasure anyway.
  9. Report mission of my SSTO Heavy Shuttle : Here's the video :
  10. I add some sciences definition. Atmosphere, crew report and goo science. Maybe it work with this mod, try and tell us
  11. I have a lot of SSTO, small one, large one, X37-B style etc... But i never do a huge large cargo SSTO shuttle, so here it is : KSS Enterprise SSTO :
  12. Be sure to use the normal compressor texture mod of boulderco, and have at less 2X antialiasing enable.
  13. I don't know what interstellar is. But if it use the same map as ScanMap, it would be ok
  14. A mission made for testing the oxygen of Ares with an SSTO...
  15. It replace only the file to ADD the Urania's science definition. That's all. You keep all the stock science definition of course
  16. V 0.6 - MAJOR UPDATE (08/02/2014) - Sciences add to all planets and moons (Crew report, atmosphere and Goo report... for the moment) - Major revamped design of Vulcania (Map and texture completely revamped and a huge volcano was added) - Revamped design of Rhea (A mountain range was added) - A new moon add to Rhea (Lemoni) - A new moon add to Hermes (Eos, beautiful ice moon with a gigantic glacier and a snow storm swirling around it) - A ring add to Urania (very alpha) - Ice storm add to Hecate - Dust storm add to Themis - Minor adjustements in SOI (Erato and hyperion) - Add oxygen to Ares and Hestia (Send your aircraft <3) Hope you enjoy my job and don't forget to support this pack !
  17. It's on the way. Please be patient, that will be a really major update...
  18. You can do an infinity of meshes with that :
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