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Everything posted by LostElement

  1. I always strut the frack outta my rockets, even when they don't really need it! But I always pancake the mainsails!
  2. I am attempting to build a 3 asparagus staged rockets. Like 3 rockets in one. So far, stock is doing no good. I can't run KW rocketry because it isnt update for 2.1. This 1000+ ton beast simply cant be put up with 7 mainsails. Why am I building this? I am fooling around with launch stages and i decided to work on this project. Unfortunatly i am on IoS and i dont have a pic of it. But i will try. I am using the novapunch "god struts" as i call them to minimize the amount of parts i use. Help would be appreciated! Thanks! If you need more details, just say so.
  3. I know how to fight it, just put other tanks under it that isnt a jumbo. But why does it happen? Is it a bug? Or is it just part of the game? Thanks
  4. I decided to spruce up the asparagus staging the picture above (I hope I pasted it right) It shows something im testing. Im testing to see of ALL stages work properly before I move on. So I launch the rocket about 6 times, needed more struts. The 7th time It was stable, fuel lines going nice. I drop the first stage, and I notice that one of the rocket tanks is depleting much faster than the other one across from it. That rocket runs out of fuel, and Im spinning out of control. I've went so far to rebuild the entire rocket and I still get the same effect. First time trying to post a pic. I'm open to all suggestions. And yes, I am using some mods but it's 90% Stock.
  5. I suggest taking the short tanks to fit under those orange tanks. That will help with overheating. I rarely use asparagus staging, it never stops spinning :/
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